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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Thanks! I stole the inside of the wall style from SK. His looked so good that I decided to just copy it! I'm glad you like the mason. I decided to include him after seeing the shield piece used in the new Agents set. It reminded me of the board mason's use to hold the cement as they work. Thanks! The inn does have an interior! It can be seen here. Thanks! I'm glad you like the trees! I tried to improve on the style I used on my House Phase III build.
  2. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death Part 16.1: The Council Meeting Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.5: Traveling Partners Part 16.6: Mitgardian Throne Room (made by Glorfindel) Part 17: The Cemetery Part 18: Home Part 19: Crowded Market Mayhem Part 20: Shooting Straight Part 21: Returning Part 22: Keeping Out or Keeping In After going home to see Valanice, Wyndor ventured out to see Pjeter. He was told that Pjeter was waiting for him at the One Winged Angel a local pub. Wyndor walked in and sat down at the table. “Welcome home Wyndor” Pjeter said. “I trust your journey with Glorfindel was fruitful.” “It was,” Wyndor started, “I was able to get a feel for how the rest of Mitgardia is reacting to the current unrest in Historica. Things are not looking good for Mitgardia my friend. There is a lack of trust that is present across all of Mitgardia. The clansmen don’t trust the townsfolk. The townsfolk don’t trust the current leaders to make the right choices to keep them safe. The dwarves don’t trust the elves. And no one trusts anyone from another guild.” “Well, what do you recommend to help Dalig Ulv stay free from this cloud of mistrust?” Pjeter asked. “To begin with, we must find out who is behind all these attacks in our city. The people here will not be able to trust each other if they are always looking for a hidden dagger in their neighbors hand. We also need to foster more trust amongst the council members and city leaders” Wyndor said. “I see you’ve changed your tunic color,” Pjeter said. “Hopefully that will help Lief mistrust you less!” “Yes, Lief is a troublesome one right now. I fear that he does not share our same concerns for the city” answered Wyndor. “But more troublesome is this attack in the market I heard about.” “I trust Valanice has already given you a full account of the attack?” asked Pjeter. “Yes, and of the mysterious defendants” Wyndor answered. “I’ve since learned more about them” replied Pjeter. “It is confirmed that they were all members of the Blue Wolves. They continue to be present at every attack of the dwarves. But this time, either they arrived too late to kill the dwarf themselves, or they were after something different.” “Natolyth also told me that Edea was present” said Wyndor. “If she is here, then nothing is as simple as it seems.” Just then a messenger came up to Pjeter. “Sir, we’ve captured one of the Blue Wolves!” he said. Wyndor and Pjeter exchanged glances. “We might be about to get the answers we desire” said Pjeter. “Please, lead us to him.” OoC: And with that I finish all of the Phase II builds!
  3. You can check out the discussion on Pointblank's entry to see what's been said so far. I would say that as long as your story fits within what's already been established you'll be okay. I mean, that's what we are doing with SoNE anyway. Fitting it between Episodes 5 and 6 using the story line that already exists as a guideline
  4. I know Pointblank already pointed out that his vibroblade is not the lightsaber known as Darksaber. But I'd also like to say that if players claim ownership of a canon or non-canon item it might be because they don't know the stories behind it. Someone could have watched 1 episode of the Clone Wars and found out about the Darksaber, but not seen the episode where Darth Maul takes it. And who's to say that the player didn't take it from Darth Maul? Anyway, I really just want to say that it's good to give people here the benefit of the doubt. It's a fictional universe we are building in anyway and there is room for some forgiveness if the story gets a little mangled As for the build. I love all the Mandalorian references. I'm a huge fan of the Mandalorian race and their history and all your references are candy! Your builds use a lot of dark colors which are incredibly hard to photograph. I think you've done a good job with what you have, but because of the darker tones the pictures won't look as sharp as maybe some other entries. I really like all the though you've put into these two builds like the hidden compartment in the bed, the brick-built skull, and the PoP cloth piece used as a banner Great work overall and keep up the SoNE builds!
  5. Lots to like here and I know there will be lots of positive comments so I'll just say that I love that war hammer you made for the dwarf! I will be stealing that idea for sure!
  6. Well, we'll see how nice the Empire is in my next freebuild I left the troopers helmets on as a poke at the fact that we never see Stormies with their helmets off in the movies. So yes, it does make you scratch your head at how their are supposed to eat the food they're holding As for the dinner, the feeling I wanted was that it was frequented almost exclusively by the Empire. So I guess I got that feeling across!
  7. Thanks guys! It took me a lot longer to complete than I had planned because I kept making it taller Glad you got the reference! I've got another FF7 reference coming in my CMF entry.
  8. Thanks for the feedback Since Fondor is an industrial city, I wanted the colors to be a little bland. I envision Fondor as being very industrial and full of light bley as far as the eye can see
  9. Thanks! I've actually been hitched for a little over 3 years now. Marriage is great. I highly recommend it. Though, sometimes it is hard to explain to her why I need to keep ordering off Bricklink
  10. What I want for Christmas is some cheese! (Seriously, I love all kinds of cheese)
  11. See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Welcome to Fondor Fondor City Nightlife Many Bothans Died... Well At Least One Fixing to Clear the Mind I kept thinking about my choice as I walked down the streets of Fondor towards the Imperial recruitment office. Was I really making the right decision? Was this really the best option open to me? I was so tired of seeing others get hurt. I passed by a dinner called The Home of the Thermal Detonator Pot-Pie and watched as some stormtroopers helped an old lady to cross the street. "I could do this. I can help people this way" I kept thinking. "Just look at the kind of good I can do if I work from within the system instead of trying to destroy it!" Inside the dinner I saw a bunch of troops laughing and enjoying each other's company. What was so bad about that? Sure, there weren't any non-humans there, but maybe that's something I could work on changing. Rumor had it that the Emperor had appointed a Chiss admiral, so getting rid of the anti-alien prejudiced that dominated the Empire couldn't be impossible, right? Yes, I had decided. I was going to go through with my plan. C&C welcome!
  12. Next AoM build up, Wall Phase III
  13. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death Part 16.1: The Council Meeting Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.5: Traveling Partners Part 16.6: Mitgardian Throne Room (made by Glorfindel) Part 17: The Cemetery Part 18: Home Part 19: Crowded Market Mayhem Part 20: Shooting Straight Part 21: Returning After going home to see Valanice, Wyndor ventured out to see Pjeter. He was told that Pjeter was waiting for him at the One Winged Angel a local pub. He walked past part of Dalig Ulv’s outer wall to get to the pub. Part of the wall that has seen some weathering was being repaired by one of the masons of the city. It wouldn't do for loose bricks to be falling on the heads of those entering or leaving the city by this back gate. I wanted a really big wall to finish off this category. I think I succeeded. C&C Welcome!
  14. Oh my goodness this is amazing! I love how many clones you can fit and the tail slide is icing on the cake!
  15. Oh this is going to be so fun! I get to figbarf and enter it into a contest? Oh yeah!
  16. Oh No! It's all over! No other guild has a chance!
  17. Thanks! I'm glad you like the story, it's been fun to write! Well, as they always say, "When live gives you lousy cookies, just buy some icecream to put on top of them to make it better." Thanks for the feedback! Well, it looks like they changed their mind...
  18. I'm finishing up two AoM builds and brainstorming for my Challenge 3 builds.
  19. Thanks Jakorin! I guess you'll just have to wait and see! I already have the next part of my story built, I just have to write the dialogue and take the pictures so I should have it up in about a week. If you look at the 3rd larger picture you can see the stool my character was sitting on showing up in the right side of the picture. I'm sorry that was confusing. I wanted something that didn't look like a Lego chair or a 2x2 plate for him to sit on so I made up something that looked like it would fit in a warehouse setting. I like your suggestions with the hoses. Maybe I should have done that Will they be chocolate chip? Or does the Dark Side have choices?
  20. And after taking a break to run Ep6, the story continues!
  21. OoC: See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Welcome to Fondor Fondor City Nightlife Many Bothans Died... Well At Least One Kale took me to a warehouse and we hunkered down for a few days. Soon the Imperial patrols stopped being so frequent and returned to their normal schedule. Kale would leave each afternoon and return sometime before daylight. Sometimes he came back drunk, other times he came back with food or supplies. He left me alone most of the time as I tried to piece together the shattered pieces of my life. I ate just enough to stay alive and slept a lot. When I wasn’t sleeping I was stewing in the black thoughts that swirled through my mind. Why am I here? I thought. Am I really doing the right thing by helping the Rebellion? Maybe my brother had a point. How do I know they won’t become as bad as the Imperials once they overthrow them? Could I do just as much good within the Imperial system? Maybe I should go back to Corellia and run for Diktat. But I’m no politician; I’m just a man with a gun. My thoughts kept running in circles, getting nowhere. A week after my brother died at the hands of the Mandalorian, Kale came into the warehouse with a speeder being towed behind him. “I won this in a Sabac game last night” he said. “The repulsers are shot but it’s nothing a little work won’t fix.” I looked at the speeder with only the smallest amount of interest. “Look,” he said, “Josh, I know you’ve been through a rough time. But sometimes what a man needs most is to keep moving. There’s nothing I know that can help better than to fix something.” He handed me a spanner which I accepted. We worked in silence for the next few hours. Kale was right, fixing this speeder did help to clear my mind. It also brought back memories of all the time my brother and I had spent in our father’s garage back on Corellia. When we were done with the repairs Kale flipped the starter toggle and the speeder purred to life. “You’re awfully handy with these tools” Kale said to me. “I could use a man like you on my smuggling runs. I’ve got a contract that will take me away from Fondor in 2 weeks. What do you say? Want to come with me?” “I can’t” I replied. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me Kale. But there is something I have to do.” “Hey man,” Kale started, “I didn’t do anything any civilized being would have done. You needed some time to yourself. I just gave you a corner to use while you recovered. And I know you have that Rebellion to get back to. That kind of thing’s just not for me. I’m not interested in risking my neck for the galaxy, only the being next to me” he finished with a grin. “You’re a good guy Kale, but I’m not going back to the Rebellion” I replied. “I’m going to the Imperial recruitment office. I’m going to sign up to be a Stormtrooper.”
  22. Welcome to SoNE! This is a great first build. All of your older pieces make my mouth drool. I agree that the base might benefit from being smaller so that you can condense your folliage. I would also suggest trying to smooth out some of the lines of your speeder. It can look ugly and less blocky at the same time. But nevertheless, this build is a great start and I hope you keep up the work!
  23. Unless Bob states otherwise later, there won't be any height restrictions. Height is usually not restricted in these contests and I think it'll be pretty specifically stated if there is one.
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