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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death Part 16.1: The Council Meeting Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel) Part 17: The Cemetery Home With Wyndor out of town for several weeks, Valanice invited her sisters to come visit her from Avalonia. She had spent the past few years with her Uncle Richard learning what he had to teach her, but her sisters had remained with her parents. With the plague and the Drow dealt with for now, the road between Avalonia and Mitgardia was thought to be safe. Wyndor had built a large house for he and Valanice soon after they had moved to Dalig Ulv. Valanice enjoyed showing her sisters around and having their help in keeping house while Wyndor was away. Without figs: Comments are welcome! This is one of, if not the largest single building I've attempted to date. I'm happy with some parts, not so happy with others. Like the tower. I really don't like it. So if you have negative feedback on it, I'll probably agree with you. I was running out of bricks, and it was already fully integrated with the rest of the building so I couldn't take it out. So there you have it. Let me know what you think.
  2. I say 2A, Nocturnus meeting someone who needs help. Great idea!
  3. I'm looking forward to see more! I really like how unique your story and sigfig are.
  4. Whatever you say Behemoth
  5. Thank you all for being patient with us as we judge. It is naturally taking awhile since there are so many. In the mean time, let me entertain you with some stats. There were 8 players who caused the number of troops on a planet to shift in their team's favor. They were Behemoth, KevFett2011, LucasLaughing, VK-318, Bob De Quatre, Jacob Nion, LegoFjotten, and Manx. Their perfectly timed builds gave their teams extra points. Both KevFett2011 and LucasLaughing performed this feat twice. Way to go guys! Also of interest is the fact that 3 builds from each team churned out all 5 planets. Way to go BEAVeR, goatman461, markus1984, Donnie Bricko, LegoFjotten, and NinjaNin!
  6. This is a beautiful quarry!
  7. I would love to be surprised, but it really will be a surprise if it happens. It seems pretty clear that Lego is done with LotR.
  8. Great cheese slope roof! I also like your choice of sand-green for the building. What dress is that that the lady with the red Ninjago shoulder pad is wearing?
  9. [As no one interrupted Natolyth's last drink at the bar he stood and left for Dalig Ulv.]
  10. No, it's not up yet. They usually take a few days to get that set up. Just hold on with posting your builds in the freebuild log until they put up the new one would be my suggestion.
  11. Well, almost due East of Nordheim and a little south, where that fork is on the current map, is where Dalig Ulv is, my city. I'm fleshing out the history of Treacleheim, an abandoned dwarf city that is just a few miles east of Dalig Ulv. That's not quite the western mountains, but it's the only dwarf city I know of west of Omurtag. The Orcish Marshes and the mountains south of them have not been developed by any builders to my knowledge. I know I've heard a couple people say they are interested in building there, but I can't recall any that have actually done so. If you start a dwarf city, or any city there, you will have the support of the people of Dalig Ulv. That's funny, I bought 5 of them and all 5 have snug helmets. Could be you got a bad one.
  12. As I've looked at it more I think it has to do with the flap in the front. If it was a round hole I think that flap would stick straight out. With the longer cut it looses the tension that would cause it to stick out and allows it to fall flat instead. As for the official fig debate, I'm with those that say the Viking is better. The Hun's shield is perfect, but the rest of him doesn't quite fit. He has dark red instead of green for one thing, and his face is more Asian looking than Norse.
  13. I also have a question about category C. Does it have to be from The Hobbit only or are you including the trilogy books as well?
  14. So, I just picked up some of the Hun Warrior CMFs and am wondering if anyone else has thought of a reason why their cloaks have a wider slit for the head than any other Lego cape? It's not a round hole, it's a longer, almost oval cut in the cloth. It looks pretty good regardless and will certainly fit with Mitgardian wear. I'm looking forward to using it in a build soon.
  15. Keep these great builds coming!
  16. Ah! So cool! But where will I find the time to build!?!
  17. Exciting to see new developments with Vladivus! I love your build, especially that large mushroom with the little mushrooms around it. That, more than anything else, makes it feel like it's underground.
  18. I love your build, but I really love your story! I'm looking forward to reading more!
  19. Great start!
  20. Great work with your landscaping!
  21. Thank you, BEAVeR for the poster! That's quite the project!
  22. +1 for Ludzik. Amazing minifigures!
  23. Yes! 91 total entries with 43 entries by the Imperials and 48 by the Rebels. We will appreciate your patience while we judge
  24. I love this study! The gold pieces along the wall are a great touch! I also really like your story.
  25. Got mine today, thank you!
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