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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Wow. This is probably your best build yet! The border is great, the pipe is great, the ground texturing is great, the tower is great... need I go on!? I agree that the transition between light and dark bley on the tower is abrupt, but other than that I see nothing I would say needs improvement. I also really like your minifig combos.
  2. Beautiful. Writing and the build. You are going to give Locke a run for his money. And if we aren't careful we are going to get labeled as a political/philosophical forum instead of a Lego forum! All kidding aside, this is a great piece of writing. It causes the reader to think and I find that quality lacking in many aspects of online life so I'm glad you're including it here. Your build is stunning as well. Great part usage all around and I love seeing this side of Fondor.
  3. Yes, this is the right place for this. Great job writing a story to fit them all together!
  4. I really like your moisture evaporator on the side of the building and the angled light/cam. Great freebuild!
  5. Some very clever parts usage! I really like the handle being sideways for the troopers. Adds a nice feel to the boat! I also really like your Mon Calamari fig combo. The LOTRO torso works so well here. I'm curious, where are these new Stormtrooper helmets from? Are they from the new Rebels set?
  6. Felucia is probably going to have my favorite builds of this contest because it's allowing everyone to get away from that Bley world most people first think of when they think of SW. I really like the different combos you have of trans parts. I'm looking forward to the stories behind all your builds!
  7. Very nice! Your ground texturing is perfect and your hut looks very ramshackle. Nicely done!
  8. Fondorians! You've got the perfect look for them! I love all the details you have here, definitely looks like an industrial planet! And I'm noticing some familiar architecture... Was that on purpose? If it was I feel honored. If it wasn't, than I feel foolish for mentioning it All in all, this is a fantastic build!
  9. Way to fit your sig-fig in! And with such amazing photo work on that too. I wish I had that kind of talent. The entire build is amazing and I know others will comment on the different parts of it, but I want to be the first to say that your base is a very clever use of that turn-table piece! But the whole build is beautiful all around!
  10. Yes, your pictures are down. Thankfully I was able to look at this earlier today before they went down! I really like your microscale ship. It's very clearly your style of ship in micro form. Good job. You've also captured the look of the planet in a way that is clearly your own, but also true to visualization of Bothawui that I had. Well done. I'm also going to add that the idea for this contest was to show planetary detail on a mini-fig scale rather than a micro scale. It wasn't stated in the rules and you haven't broken them. I'm just using your build as an example, since a few others have focused on the micro-scale as well, to remind people that there are good ways to show details on a 16x16 vignette without have to force the perspective at all. Again, nothing personal against you Manx, your build just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
  11. A very nice forced perspective build. The reflection of the planet and A-Wing off the black pieces is unfortunate, but very cool nevertheless! I also like your story, though I think you could improve it a little to explain better how it fits in with the contest goals.
  12. Great WIP picture and story! You are dangerously close to abusing the rule about major changes to a WIP after submitting it since this contest is based in part on timing, but we'll let it slide this time. As for the overhang, it is a little much. If it were just the glass it might be ok, but the fact that you have the Mon Calamari, a ledge, and the action of a window breaking all over the 16x16 limit, I think I will have to say that it should be modified. Now, on to the build itself! I really like your undersea plants! The colors look a little blocky as it changes from one shade of blue to the next, but your choice of plants is great! I also like how you've managed to show so much action with the trans-clear bricks. My suggestion for that would be to take your pictures carefully to still try to hide as much of them as possible. The window breaking is beautifully done, though with your improvements I suspect it will only get better. Keep up the good work!
  13. You've done an excellent job combining these two builds into 1 vignette! The main idea behind a vignette is to show a lot of detail in a small space, while doing a micro-scale can achieve this, I feel that the to-minifig-scale show more talent. That being said, I'm really glad you have your first shot in here! I really like the open slope pieces you've SNOT'd on the walls. Excellent detail! I also really like your Firespray. It's not Boba's colors, but it has good detail. I feel that some of your terrain looks a little hurried. Maybe you meant for the gaps between some of the bricks to act as texture, but I think it just gives it an incomplete feel. But, overall, good job!
  14. I love the little hen house you have! I may have to borrow that idea.
  15. As long as the Rebels don't stop Boba Fett from leaving the planet he is on you can show conflict between them. The idea behind that rule was to prevent SW canon from being ignored. Obviously Boba has to continue on to Tatooine or we wouldn't have Return of the Jedi.
  16. I really like the angle of your tree. Good phase I !
  17. That is exaclty what will go through their minds!
  18. When I get home from work today I can take that picture for you. Give me a few hours.
  19. That is an amazing base and hill. Great detailing!
  20. Oh yeah! Look out Mitgardia, SK and MK are on their way!
  21. That roof! That chimny! That house! It's all so amazing
  22. Your base is simple, but it has texture that makes it look great. I think you should consider adding a layer of bricks under it to give it height as well. It would take your base just that much further down the road of eye-catching. Your story is good as well. I find the name initials a little hard to follow, but maybe that's just a sign of a short attention span I personally would like to see something more that shows this build is on Bothawui. It doesn't fit the description of any of the other planets in this contest, but it could look like a dozen other SW worlds otherwise. All that said though, your builds are improving and it's great to have you entering for the Rebels!
  23. Nice! It's great to have you join the Rebels! I really like your forest. I think the use of ice-cream pieces for plants is a first for me, NPU! While the forest is not very Felucian, it still has Felucian elements. I can understand that if you don't have a lot of trans-clear parts that can be challenging so I'll assuming the best and say that this is a great entry!
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