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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Wow. The most amazing part is how you managed to keep this all within one build! All those different ships look fantastic, though my favorite is probably the Theed Speeder. Very reminiscent of Naboo. But good job all around. You are definitely the king of prototype Star Wars ships!
  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing those how-to pictures. They make your builds that much more impressive!
  3. You've done a fantastic job with this!
  4. You have some great story writing skills. A little gruesome perhaps, but compelling. As Barqa is currently a very reputable city with it's own active builder I'm not quite sure where these ruffians are coming from. I might suggest coming up with your own city that is near Barqa to prevent stepping on any toes. You build has some great minifig combos. I like epaulette and armor combo especially. Your ground is a little sparse, but you're certainly captured that in-the-middle-of-the-desert feel. Also, you've mentioned in the past that your photography skills are slowing you down but I'm not seeing there here. Yes, there is room for improvement. But I've seen far worse from other beginners.
  5. Beautiful! This is an amazing representation of Felucia in Lego! I like your consistancy in color for the different patches of plants. You have variety without having chaos. Great job, but then we'd expect nothing less from you!
  6. I like your short little story and your barbed wire a lot! However, I think you could do with some more SW style junk laying around the build. It's doesn't look very cluttered, just hazardous to walk around. Also, can we get a view from the top showing more of the details? I think that would help your overall presentation too.
  7. Oh why do I keep coming back to this thread!? It just makes me depressed everytime! After seeing the new Hobbit set pictures I have to agree that LOTR is most likely over. Maaaaybe one more DTC set. But that's a huge maybe. CMF will never work because Lego doesn't have the licence for action figures and that's how LOTR CMR would be viewed. Remember the magnet problem? It's too bad really. I'll be back next time I want to ruin the rest of my day.
  8. Looking forward to my first public display with the ChiLUG!

  9. To answer both of your previous questions, the max XP each player will be allowed to gain for themselves will be 20. Sorry for that typo, it's fixed now. And as for whether your character needs to be present the answer is yes. It states in the core rules that your sigfig must be present for the entry to count. However, if you want to be creative about how to make that happen, such as being in the build via holo-channel transmission, that would be acceptable.
  10. Thank you to everyone who likes me table and torch holders! I spent awhile working on those details and I'm glad I was successful It was an honor to have you visit my fair city! Well this one is Pjeter: And the guy on the left is Lief: You can read the beginnings of their rivalry here.
  11. At Behemoth: I'm sorry I seemed to come across as a jerk, that was not my intention. The downside of only ever communicating via typed words is you can never communicate with body language or tone of voice. This can often lead to misunderstanding because we are prone to read into someone's comments our own assumptions which may not be correct. I find it's best to always give someone the benefit of the doubt when you can't see them in person as they communicate. I guarentee you will go farther in life if you do. It's good you're asking for advice here. I hope the input you are getting helps. My input would be to try to post fewer posts per day. If you really want more input, go back and read from the beginning of each guild's forum. You will learn the answers to many of your questions that way. You can also go back to Book 1 and read what happened there. That will give you some foundation for the world of GoH that already exists and will help you know how your characters and story will fit best.
  12. We do care. Please post more MOCs than you do chatting posts. This is an adult Lego forum, not a chat room.
  13. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death “I demand that this conspirator be removed from this meeting!” shouted Lief. “You’ve been demanding that for the past hour every time he says something you don’t like” replied Pjeter. “And still you have not heeded me!” was Lief’s response. “For the past months that Wyndor has lived amongst us, has he ever done anything to arouse suspicions that he has anything but good intentions in his service to our city?” asked Pjeter. “He continues to blatantly support the Blue Wolves in the armor he wears!” Lief continued. “We’ve been over this before” answered Wyndor. “My armor has been with me across all 4 guilds. I am not about to give it up simply because some band of ruffians happens to share my taste in armament style!” “Is it not true that your very wife, Valanice, saw one of the Blue Wolves wearing the exact same armor just this morning and that she had to be reassured it wasn’t you attacking the villagers?” asked Lief. “You are twisting the details, but yes. There was an unfortunate attack this morning that left my wife shaken,” replied Wyndor. “Shouldn’t that tell you that I have no sympathy for these rebels?” “And yet you still insist on showing support for them!” said Lief. “This is getting out of hand Lief” said Pjeter. “You were asked to join the council today at the request of Grimbar because of your financing of their new quarry. But your good standing with the dwarves of Dalig Ulv does not give you limitless rights here today. As I have reminded you before, you are not a full member of this council.” “It’s alright Pjeter, I think I have a compromise” responded Wyndor. He then turned towards Lief. “If I change the color of the jerkin I wear under my armor to be something other than blue, that will allow me to keep my armor and for you to keep your insults of treason to yourself.” “Listen Wyndor” started Lief, “Pjeter may have asked you to move here and become part of the council, but the city of Dalig Ulv did not. You are not wanted here. We can keep our own council without the help of some foreigner who has spent more time outside his homeland than in it!” “It certainly does seem as though you are keeping your own council” interrupted Pjeter. “Is it common practice to bring an armed guard with you to meetings amongst fellow Mitgardians?” “These are dangerous times in Mitgardia. Not all of our fellow men can be trusted, as I can see I am not trusted here!” exclaimed Lief. At that moment a squire came up to Pjeter and whispered in his ear. “What?” inquired Pjeter. “Oh, yes, please show him in.” He then turned back to those at the table. “We will have to postpone the rest of this… fruitful meeting until later today. It seems we have a very important visitor.” As the stranger walked in he was announced by the squire as, “Sir Glorfindel of Daydelon and architect regent of Mitgardia!” “I’m sorry to burst in on your meeting like this” said Sir Glorfindel. “But I bear news from Valholl. As you know there has been much unrest in Historica recently. Mitgardia has not been immune from the squabbles that have torn Nocturnus apart and divided Avalonia. I am bringing this message to as many cities of Mitgardia as I can in the hopes that if conflict should arise, we will be able to stand united!” “Thank you Sir Glorfindel,” said Pjeter, and eyeing Lief he responded, “I hope we all take this to heart.” “Now,” said Glorfindel, “If I may have a few moments alone with you Pjeter?” “Of course,” answered Pjeter, “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse us.” As the two leaders left Lief stood up to go as well. “Do not think that this changes anything Wyndor” he spat. “You are still not wanted here.” “I would hope my actions would speak my worth for me” replied Wyndor. “What say you we let time tell that tale?” Lief just sneered and walked out.
  14. My mistake! Thanks for the clarifcation!
  15. Wow. I wish they made that helmet in white for real! NPU! And I am a HUGE fan of your story! You've really struck a chord talking about how everyone loves Boba Fett. It's true that he has more fans than many of the heroes of the SW universe have. And for what? Being mysterious and cool? Way to dig into that!
  16. For a 2nd entry I think you could have included more detail, but I do like the junk that you have included. It's also nice that you've tied yours and Behemoth's builds together. Good team work on that one!
  17. AoM Stables Phase II | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia AoM Barracks Phase II | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia AoM Archery Phase II | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia GNAR The Half-Brother | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | GNAR Advice In the Study | MKJoshA | Mitgardia A New Home | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | HSS Blunted Edges | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia / HSS Cramped Spaces | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia / HSS Enthusiastic Worker | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia / HSS The Cellar | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Strawberry Garden | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Jumping the Fence | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Stone Hut | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Tree Outpost | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Mysterious Death | MKJoshA | Mitgardia Dark Meetings | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Warm Yourself | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Sisterly Visit | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Proud Farmer | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia Mitgardian Household | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia The Council Meeting | MKJoshA | Mitgardia Ice Mole | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Mount Up Feud Teridyan | MKJoshA | Mitgardia The Cemetery | MKJoshA | Mitgardia | Age of Mitgardia
  18. A few more builds: Farm Phase II: House Phase II: Another Mysterious Death:
  19. Farm Phase II: House Phase II:
  20. I like how mysterious all of your AoM builds have been these past couple days. All of the main figures in the builds have their face obscured from view. I'm guess it's not on purpose, but it adds a nice continuity to all your builds.
  21. I like all the details here, but the stand feels very lonely. I think the terrain also looks more suited for Kaliphlin, and I think that's because there is absolutely nothing growing anywhere in the build
  22. I really like the stakes in this build. A small detail that shows how much thought you put into these!
  23. Those are some impressive horns! Reminds me of Lord of the Rings Online and the Ram mount they have. Great job!
  24. Thanks! This was my first attempt at tudor style so I know there is much room for improvement. Thanks for the positive feedback! Thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to establish dk-bley as a foundational color for Mitgardian buildings so I don't think I'll switch that. I'll just have to do a better job of making it that much more sensational! Thanks SK! Your comments have given me some good ideas for next time! Well, I hope I can become as good as SK is right now! I shall have to continue my tutelage under SK... or at least by learning from his builds
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