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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. When I remember right it plays in Spain in the year 1944.
  2. As I only have sets from the 3rd movie I cannot really tell much of the 1st and 2nd movie-sets. I just love those sets. But there are so many you cannot get anymore and which are just too expensive... :-( -Aredhel
  3. Apo and I just returned from "Pan's Labyrinth"- ... what to say: Good movie, few parts VERY brutal and bloody and the fantasy part well made and really nice. All in all a good movie! -Aredhel
  4. Thats just BRILLIANT!!!! *wub* :'-)
  5. My project is going on step by step ;-) See the thread! -Aredhel
  6. Happy birthday!!! Hope your wishes all come true... Enjoy your day! -Aredhel
  7. Yes... (these are all figs and bricks from Apo)
  8. Oh...yes, as you say it.. Did not see that before... it was not planned as a face. It's just a lookout tower... but as you mention it now... maybe I change some little detail... :-$ What an honor :-$ Hehe... I did not have enough of the "real" Islander torsos....so I just used one which was ok for that... When you watch at the following picture you can see the fig behind the palmtree... -Aredhel
  9. Yes, this is a MB compass :-$ ... But the people recognized it as the one Jack wears in the movie :-P He just tried to look angry :-P :-P -Aredhel
  10. My plan is to build 3 little houses for the islanders with a campfire or something, AND I want to build maybe a little pirate ship which arrives from the see... We'll see how it goes on...;-) -Aredhel
  11. Hey again!!! Just wanted to show you my on-going WIP! The last time I had a little time to go on building. Here a few photos. First an overall view of the project... (its not a very good photo quality; I am sorry for that :-$ ) I built a temple for the chief of the Islanders. He sits there on his throne with his wife and guards. The next photo shows one thing which should be the end of a scene I am going to make: The pirates captain is tought up by one of the guards, and a part of the crew hangs at the backside of the temple, dead of course.... :-D Hope you like it!!! -Aredhel
  12. Thats me, yesterday!!! At the beginning of carnival in Germany... -Aredhel
  13. Hello all!!! Yesterday here in Germany the carnival starts again. Apo and I decided to dress as pirates this year... I now want to share the first (there will maybe follow more and better) pics from our costumes... Thats me and Apo: The barrel he carries, is a barrel of "Bitburger", one of the favourite beer here in Germany. He "dressed" it as a rum-barrel...: Hope you enjoy!!! And our motto for the next days: Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!!! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!!! -Aredhel
  14. Welcome to EB!!! -Aredhel
  15. Welcome to EB. I think you will enjoy your time here. -Aredhel
  16. I discovered EB because of Apo. When we got a couple I decided to join... -Aredhel
  17. Welcome to EB! Enjoy your time here! -Aredhel
  18. Thats amazing *wub* ... I just do not know where to start.... Great find!!! -Aredhel
  19. Daniel and I saw "the Fountain" yesterday evening. The movie was really good With Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz! Its a movie you do not really understand until the end... Well, after the end you will still not understand it...;-) Its more than just crazy... -Aredhel
  20. Aredhel

    snow day

    This morning we had snow, too, but at noon the sun came out and everything was gone again... :-( Last year this was much better... Only for a few days, but the snow did not melt away immediately! -Aredhel
  21. I DID post the watchout tower sometime in the Pirate MOC forum. But that was in October or so. Hope to finish it some day...;-) Link to the thread! -Aredhel
  22. Happy Birthday!!!
  23. Welcome to EB... hope you enjoy your time here!
  24. I am working on an Islander MOC for looong long time (October last year)... Because of the University, there is not that much time to end such big project :-$ This was the first part of the MOC I started... Until now the "should be village" has its wooden village walls and some little details. I am planning to build some sort of shore/beach... Maybe in my semester holidays... Hope so!!! -Aredhel
  25. Happy Birthday! Hope you get lots of Lego!!! -Aredhel
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