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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. Congrats!!! Hope you'll come to the next event...
  2. I really enjoyed building it. Really nice set you gave to us then *wub* ... thank you
  3. Oh yes, our german highway and its closings... As a german you just ignore it... such things happen that often ... Hope you got home though :-P
  4. LOL! :-D SPLASH ON!!! (for you all are still there)... Here are the first few pics I have got on my gallery now. -Aredhel
  5. Oh yes... the first thing to do, when you enter the park... PaB!!! I only got some little small things though and not really kilos of Lego (sooo sad not to have any money :-( ) -Aredhel
  6. In the first row (from the left to the right): copmike, me(Aredhel), Anja (a friend of mine), Legocastlegirl and Holodoc. Second row: Jipay, kimT, snefroe1, morten_sonne. Third row: Hobbes, Ras74, xwingyoda, girlfriend of Hobbes, DoubleT, ApophisV. More pics will follow! PICS ON!!! -Aredhel
  7. I hope to have the money one day to buy this set. As Harry Potter AND Lego fan, its a must. It is a really great set. -Aredhel
  8. Happy birthday TT!
  9. I watched 300 yesterday night. Great movie! -Aredhel
  10. There are a lot of movies I wanna see this year (list in order of showing in germany)... Spiderman 3 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Shrek 3rd Transformers Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Simpsons AVS 2 And when does National Treasure 2 come out?? Its the one where Nicolas Cage acted in the first movie, right? Maybe there are movies I do not know until now, but we'll see! EDIT: forgot to mention Fantastic Four 2! -Aredhel
  11. Happy birthday to you two!! -Aredhel
  12. Thats Pan's Labyrinth in original tone? Was it great in spanish version? -Aredhel
  13. Happy birthday copmike, I hope you enjoyed your day (and you WILL enjoy the rest of it)... Happy birthday to the other three, too ;-) -Aredhel
  14. Welcome to our nice board! Hope you enjoy your stay! *y* Just watched your BS gallery and the avion is really great! Nice MOC! -Aredhel
  15. Hello again- here is a little update again. Wanted to ask something. As somebody said, that the WIP-lookout tower looks like a totem, I turned around the top... so what do you think looks better? the first pic is the old one... the second the newer one. Comments are welcome! -Aredhel
  16. Really nice and cute MOC you have there!
  17. I just know a few things: Duck Tales Mighty Ducks Darkwing Duck Chip & Chap --> all series which run day to day special movies I cannot really remember. But there where the Asterix movie or ahhh, yes... Dr. Snuggles... loved that one *wub* I wish I could watch this again. Movies like "Back to future" were great too! And I loved the X-files and Stargate. I do not know every episode, but I liked to watch it every week. (Damn, I was a little TV junkie some time...) But now, I do not miss, that I do not have TV at the moment. Only can watch DVDs and thats ok for me! -Aredhel
  18. I am still very much in love with Daniel (or as you might know him as Apo)... We know each other for over 3 years now and from the beginning there was a very very good friendship. The time we got to know each other I still had my ex, so there was nothing more than this friendship. When I got separated from my ex, it only needed 3 weeks to fall in love with Daniel. We are together for over 1 1/2 year now and I love him more than everything else in the world!!! *wub* -Aredhel
  19. The temple of my MOC is ready like it is now... And at my MOC it is only a part of the MOC and not the whole MOC :-P -Aredhel
  20. Happy happy birthday KhoRne!!! Hope all your wishes come true... -Aredhel
  21. Hello and welcome to EB! -Aredhel
  22. This looks really great!! A little bigger than my temple :-D -Aredhel
  23. I voted 4/5. I do not have got this set but it looks really cute! -Aredhel
  24. Tks :-D -Aredhel
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