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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. Really really wonderful! Like the last mosaics you did! Well done! *y* Wanna see more :-P Why dont you start building faces from EB members who want to have one own mosaic? -Aredhel
  2. I watched "the Green Mile" again yesterday evening. Thats such impressing movie, and soo sad :'-( -Aredhel
  3. I just went to work this morning again... Like every morning getting up at about 5.30am and getting home between 18pm and 19.30pm... Not much time to do anything else, only reading or watching a DVD or sitting at the PC -Aredhel
  4. Ahh, the towel day!!! 25nd of May, right? I just have to think about when the day is there...but I wont really have big celebrations there... Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss! - Douglas Adams (see it in my signature too) -Aredhel
  5. Welcome to our nice community! I hope you enjoy your stay and let us see your review of the UCS! ;-) -Aredhel
  6. Thanks for this nice find! I am really looking forward to these sets.. They really look great *wub* INDY ON!!! -Aredhel
  7. I have seen Rush Hour 3 yesterday! Movie was ok, not that good in my opinion, but ok for a nice entertainment movie. I am reeeeally waiting for the next cinema year! -Aredhel
  8. Hey you are in cologne? Where there? I am working at the main station at the moment.... I think I cannot go to the SW event too, because its just too expensive and too far away for me :-( Was really really nice in April! -Aredhel
  9. The interviews are really nice idea! Really really cool! Hope to read much more in the future! INTERVIEW ON! -Aredhel
  10. Welcome to EB, I hope you enjoy your time. -Aredhel
  11. Today I got up at 4.15h because I had to leave the flat at about 5.35h. I had my first day at the bank where I start my education now... I had a very interesting day and got to know muuch interesting new things... -Aredhel
  12. Happy birthday, Jinzo, have a nice one! -Aredhel
  13. Oh, another nightwish fan... Really great music... btw hearing Rammstein again, but this time the album ROSENROT -Aredhel
  14. Today I visited my new place to work and got to know my new collegues and after that I went shopping with my mom *wub* -Aredhel
  15. My avatar is a picture of Roland Deschain reaching the Dark Tower inside a field full of big red roses! I looove this picture... and the books by Steven King of course... My sig-fig is the following one: There are some more versions on my gallery! -Aredhel
  16. I did not do that much the day yesterday, but yesterday evening I went to my first Salsa party... Did do really well for the first time I think. Was a really funny evening with looots of good-mood-music! SALSA ON! -Aredhel
  17. One of the 2 young ladies here :-P Happy happy birthday, Sandra! Sorry, that I forgot yesterday! Hope you enjoyed your day! Greetings, Dana
  18. Rammstein - Album: Reise, Reise and a concert live from Berlin -Aredhel
  19. Apo and I just bought 3 cool sets at the rag-fair. With instructions but without box... 6115 6244 6559 Reviews will follow when time allows! -Aredhel
  20. I haven't really burned sth special, but I was working in a chemistral laboratory and there were several accidents... Well, I think you all know the reaction of Natrium and Water for example ?!? While we were cleaning the laboratory on the last day (as usual) we just tried to neutralize the Natrium with Isopropanol; we thought it was gone and then started to neutralize some other things which were in there with water... And suddenlty the laboratory hoot was a bit at flames! But there did not happen anything more. Our assistant caught up the fire-sand and got it under control. At the other times there were looots of thing where something could happen, but just went well normally... Some other story: When my brother and I were young we built caves in our rooms... E.g.under the desk etc. Once we had our bedside lamp a little bit too near at the rug, and it starts to smell, but we checked immediately so that no fire could begin! -Aredhel
  21. Those are reeeeaaally cute... *wub* -Aredhel
  22. I have seen Hey Dude, where is my car yesterday evening on DVD.... Must say... really crazy and funny and great! -Aredhel
  23. LOOOL, that was really cool! Nice find copmike! DUDE ON! -Aredhel
  24. Ohhh, yes, I know that... My aunt likes him sooo much! Thats really one of the worst! -Aredhel
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