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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. First of all I do like very much movies... To tell of all would be a long torture ;-) Here the favourite of the favourites...: - Life Aquatic from Wes Anderson (did everyone of you see THAT movie... I love it!!! *wub* Really good!!! --> with Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe, Michael Gambon) - mostly everything with Johnny Depp... (PotC 1 and 2, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Chocolat, ...) - TIM BURTON MOVIES: Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Big Fish *wub* ,... --> just soooo crazy... I love it!!! :-$ - Lord of the Rings (Special Extended Edition) - Harry Potter - Superhero movies like X-men, Spiderman, Batman, Vendetta - Frida (with Salma Hayek playing Frida Kahlo) - the Green Mile --> :'-( - Star Wars 1-6 - Austin Powers 1-3 - Butterfly effect... As I said, there are much more... Favourite TV series (though I do not have TV at the moment) - Desperate Housewives *wub* - 24 - Grey's Anatomy EDIT... how could I forget Casino Royale... :-$ -Aredhel
  2. WOW 8-
  3. I saw Donnie Darko again yesterday evening... somehow scary... :-/
  4. I do not like Bionicle... *n* The only things which look a bit good are the Viking dragons with bionicle parts...but only a bit...:-P -Aredhel
  5. I saw "Asterix and the Vikings" on DVD yesterday... Not that bad, but IMO not one of the good Asterix movies... -Aredhel
  6. Happy birthday Kim! Hope you get lots of things you wished! Enjoy your day and celebrate! -Aredhel
  7. Happy birthday to you all!!! Enjoy your day! -Aredhel
  8. On Saturday I bought two small Aquaraiders sets each for Daniel and me. Set Number: 7770 and 7771 -Aredhel
  9. Today I bought 4916 - Creator Mini Animalsfor Apo and got the same... Yesterday I got 4915 - Mini Construction The Animals are really cute and the construction too... I do not like the Helicopter and the Robot; hope to get those sets though :-$ -Aredhel
  10. Happy birthday, Hobbes... Enjoy your day and hope your wife gives you lots of Lego ;-) -Aredhel
  11. This looks AMAZING!!! 8-
  12. I was born in a little village near D
  13. I got Viking King!!!
  14. The Delorian is amazing... *wub* . The Mustang and Aston Martin are great, too. I like the front view of both cars. As for the last... the Beetle. I do not like that car in real, maybe because of this I say, that its not my favourite ;-) -Aredhel
  15. Happy Birthday!!!
  16. Thats sooo cute!!! The snowman is a really great. Did not know that those trees existed... :-$ :-$ -Aredhel
  17. Happy birthday, Daniel, my love *wub* Hope we enjoy our day after the party yesterday :-P I love you!!! And happy birthday to oo7, too... enjoy your day -Aredhel
  18. No Potter sets... :-( but there are not that much Potter sets to buy here. And the ones we have got are too expensive or they just exist in my collection ;-) I got a Clone Scout Walker, 2 DVDs (Dead Man with Johnny Depp and Ice Age 2) -Aredhel
  19. You do not have to say sorry for that!!! I only was astonished that one of my pictures was found *wub* ;-)
  20. Thanks for those very fast birthday wishes... X-O *wub*
  21. Daniel and I just returned from "the Prestige" directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins, Memento) with Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, M
  22. Hello!!! I wanted to do this review a long time ago, but did not had good pictures of it. Now I have got pictures, but before my review TheBrickster found the pictures on my gallery and opened a thread: See this topic!!! First... an overall view: Here you can see the whole Jeep with minifigs and the monkey. The set has got 2 minifigs and one monkey. The Safari Off-Road Vehicle has got flexible wheel holders. The Vehicle has got 2 doors and a tile with Safari Pattern. For more pictures, see my gallery!!! Hope you enjoy! ;-) -Aredhel
  23. That's amazing, too, Brickster!!! X-O
  24. Hehe :-$ you found my BS gallery. This set is one of the attic-found-stuff from Sep 05. Apo and I are trying to complete all my old sets and rebuild them.... So in the future there will other older sets like: 6689 6360 6524 6683 6673 and I have got the set 1592! This set is not complete, too, but there are a few pics on my gallery ;-) -Aredhel
  25. Happy New Year!!!
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