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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I was pretty convinced Pvt. Reutal was the deserters' night killer. But now that he's been watched at night and he was found to not do anything out of the ordinary I'm starting to think we may have been wrong all along. Provost Guard Ian Des was killed last night, that must mean that there was some deserting scumbag out killing. And, as Pvt. Shadón points out, considering there never seems to have been a consensus vote for him, it might be time to start exploring alternatives... Sigh, we have some thinking to do this afternoon. We cannot afford to loose another honored.
  2. Rick

    MOC: Limousine

    It indeed is a great MOC. I missed this a year ago (I was only just around then). Still worthy of a blog though.
  3. Pvt. Reutal, you still look suspicious, but you're certainly right that we have mainly been following one line of reason, which has resulted in nothing but dead honorable men. The deserters are probably laughing their potatoes off right now. And while two days ago voting you off may have given us some information maybe at this stage it has become a very dangerous move considering that our numbers are shrinking quickly. We need to get this right today. It seems that people that have come forward with information have attracted the most suspicion in the past days. I'm not sure if it's the best strategy to start pointing fingers based on a few words spoken. Pvt. Yellman has been trying to be helpful two days ago, if I recall correctly, by passing on privately received information. It may be that they are also just trying to help, like most of us.
  4. Or get one drunk and have him shot by the 53rd you mean? (just too bad we lost two honored men this way)
  5. Thanks for not using the Photoshopped image for the blog. Stacked six floors high it looks really out of balance if you ask me, so I'd have to go with two ground floors and three floors stacked on each. Although I don't think the official configuration looks too bad when placed side-by-side or even in an L-shape. But I guess I have to stick to my earlier advice: build a straight section out of your third copy.
  6. Nooo! Not two in one night. I was kinda expecting one of us honored soldiers to get killed. But two?
  7. I guess they will come up with something more sensible then, but by then they have already 'polluted' various ranges, like 20000, 30000, and 40000. But for now, I guess they'll start actively using the lower set number ranges (like part of this year's city in 3xxx). I'm guessing they're not fully switching to 5-digit yet, because those numbers are harder to memorize for (grand)parents when they go out shopping for their (grand)kids.
  8. Thanks for the elaborate overview Fugazi! That should be 6000 for Castle. I always liked how much sense the set numbers made until the 1990s. What I never understood is why they didn't decide to logically structure the 5-digit set numbers when they started using them. They (more or less) chronologically numbered in the 10000 series, but then they started using 20000 for Brickmaster, which is fine, but then they started using 30000 for other promos, which would have been more logically placed in, for example, 20100 if you ask me. And then they did the same with seasonal items in 40000. That's a quick way to run out of 10000 increments. They could have just started using the different 10000 ranges like they used to use them in the 1980s (nostalgic reasons): 63xxx for bigger town sets, 66xxx for smaller town sets, 60xxx for castle, 62xxx for pirates, 68xxx and 69xxx for space, 8xxxx for technic, etc. Within those ranges you could use chronological numbering and you'd be set for the next decades.
  9. Great review and a great idea for a set. Unfortunately, the zeppelin turned out not looking very Lego-ey at all and the stickers make that even worse. The Adventurers' hot air balloon looks much better with its brick-built balloon.
  10. Green Grocer and Grand Emporium are the undisputed numbers 1 and 2 for me as well. And I too like the the more varied, diverse detailing on Green Grocer more than on Grand Emporium, so (1) GG and (2) GE. I really find it hard to rank the other three buildings. Now that some of you mention it, indeed one of the weaker point of FB is the gray 'band' in between the first and second floor. Other than that the color scheme is great. The interior is nicely detailed, but I don't like that it's just one big room on both floors. A little more interior variation, like in GG, would have been good. CC still has that first-moment-jaw-breaking feeling. MS is great for what it is, a factory set, but in terms of detail doesn't really compare to the rest. But it has actually grown on me and I guess it will always carry a special place in some people's hearts because of the typical Dutch/Flemish architecture. In the end, I think I'd most likely end up with the same ranking as Svelte. Although for me they're most accurately ranked in only two groups: (GG and GE) and (CC, FB, and MS). I don't buy multiples, but I can see your (different) reasoning here.
  11. Welcome to EB, Mike. TheBrickster will be happy to add another fan to 'The Registry'. Good to hear you enjoy the blog.
  12. That's also one of my first minifigs. I was two at the time the set came out though Welcome to Eurobricks!
  13. At LowLUG we had some people just providing their contact details in order to raise the maximum order amount for everyone else. And then there were people, like me, that didn't use my full 'budget', so others could order more. A lot of people felt the maximum was 'too low' though. We had quite a few elements that were not available as well. When the list came back, we got a better idea of what types of parts were available. So next time that will be factored into the initial selection, I guess. I agree, when the initial proposal was posted here, it seemed rather restrictive and unmanageable. But after going through the process once, the organizers (who spent quite some time on it) felt that the process can be significantly 'smoothed' in the future.
  14. I really like what you did to the final version of the engine, Isaac: the opening compartments are great. The woodwork on the firehouse turned out really nice as well. Do you have any more pictures available of the firehouse and did you make - or are you planning on making - an interior for it? I just can't get used to the minifigs with long legs, but I guess the proportions are better that way.
  15. Good to hear this isn't 'normal'. Vote: Tanotrooper and Vote: a bunch of deserters who are probably laughing their megablocks off
  16. I believe you 'bro'. You should consider changing your sigfig to this guy.
  17. Can I convince anyone my real name is Elvis?
  18. Rick

    Paddles' Inn

    Great entry, especially for a first Pirates MOC. I'm really impressed at what you managed to squeeze on a 16 x 16 footprint. Mr. Yumkee in the attic is hilarious and I'm pretty sure I've seen Mr. Paddles before, he sure looks familiar. I like the folded back sheet idea in the 'master bedroom'
  19. Nice entry matey, yaaahr. I don't think you want to know where the 'entrepreneur' gets his goods. The prices on those parrots are just too good (to be true). Oh, and those flower designs are really great.
  20. Indeed, it's not like a different majority will still form today. As has been said a few times before, I'm willing to admit that I'm not at all sure whether Pvt. Reutal is a deserter or not, but so far he has very serious evidence against him (a bloody knife found by Pvt. Perot) an no evidence to support him. Convicting him will give us important information about the mental health of our supposed investigator Pvt. Perot or even worse: his allegiance. And, because there is no more objective evidence than a voting record: if Reutal turns out to be a deserter, we have quite a list of very suspicious names to pick from. If we don't vote, we give the deserters yet another night to kill, convert, and fabricate 'investigation' stories.
  21. The pump is excellent. I love the colors scheme. The crew look like a really loony bunch. Are those custom helmets?
  22. You may have posted this in "Other Themes", but nonetheless:
  23. Greebly goodness. Certainly worthy of the frontpage.
  24. How about white with tan accents? You could replace the greebly bits on the building with tan.
  25. He kinda gave an explanation for his non-voting. And now you bring up other sources yet again? This could equally well be a setup of you and some others to divide the vote of the regiment again. I don't think we can afford another inconclusive vote. Sure Ian Des has caused some suspicion. In fact I'm suspicious of both Provost Guards! But Pvt. Reutal has done nothing but claim he's innocent himself. I stand by my earlier view that voting off Pvt. Reutal gives us some valuable information whether he's a deserter or not. Pvt. Perot has put himself in a very vulnerable position. Let's get our positions clear well before the end of the day. Vote: Pvt. David Reutal (Dragonator)
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