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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I have lots of those. All my classic (1980s) castle sets have those. Only when I bought a few KK1 sets did I notice they started making them out of the softer ABS. The hard cutlasses are still a mystery to me though.
  2. Rick

    Fort Royal

    This is one of the best Imperial forts I have seen in Lego. I really like white/tan/dark-red color scheme. The battle damage to the walls is really well done and I just love this here: The way you've incorporated the BURPs is great and I really like that you can reach the underground cells via the water, which makes rescue attempts by brave pirates possible.
  3. Eeeks, I'm seeing ghosts. Don't worry: we'll defend the honor of the regiment captain. Too bad to loose you so early in the game.
  4. This is outrageous and a sad day for the 42nd Lecoq always stood up for the whole Regiment and was there for everyone whenever they needed him. He will be dearly missed. But I must say that his replacement looks as handsome and firm as Lecoq himself. I agree with the other privates: we need to put together every single piece of information that we have. We need to start taking this seriously before us honorable men start being outnumbered by deserting scum. Monsieur Gale, however sickening this situation is, you must eat a healthy breakfast. You need to stay strong. Doesn't the smell of Monsieur Shadón's sausages just make your mouth water?
  5. I got that from the reactions here - that Knights were never blue - guess I mixed up the blue star with blue names in the online list.
  6. Interesting question that really got me thinking. It made me realize that - probably - one of the main reasons I'm hooked on Lego right now because I grew up with it, the nostalgia factor, and the quality image that it had/has (save this discussion for the quality thread). In one of the first post Svelte pretty much sums up the main reasons I'd also have for sticking with Lego. For me all things Lego are relative to the minifig, so that's a very important point. Furthermore, I wouldn't want to have two toy collections And it would be separate collections because I wouldn't think of mixing them. I don't mix my AFOL collection with my childhood (1980s) collection either...
  7. Indeed, and it sure makes more sense to spend lots of money on Lego than to spend it on smokes or drinks (imho, that is).
  8. BStn: Brickshelf thumbnail creator for Eurobricks I have written a small bookmarklet that automates the creation of linked thumbnails for insertion in Eurobricks posts. You still need to 'click through' to the actual picture on Brickshelf, but after that you can hit the button associated with BStn in your bookmarks (Firefox) or favorites (Internet Explorer) bar and it will present you with the BBcode that you can directly put into your Eurobricks post. To put the button on your bookmarks/favorites bar, follow the instructions below (or go down to the bottom of the post for the really easy solution): In Firefox: right click on your bookmarks toolbar folder (the bar by default placed below the address bar) and select 'New Bookmark'. As a 'Name' type "BStn" or whatever you prefer. Under 'Location': (1) type "j a v a s c r i p t :" (get rid of the all the spaces, problem is it won't let me type the word out in full in a post, and without the quotes); (2) copy/past the code below immediately after "j a v a s c r i p t :" (make sure you copy it all in one go). In Internet Exporer: I didn't find an easy way to add an empty new favorite to the 'favorites bar', however you can add any new favorite to the bar by clicking the yellow star with green arrow. You can then change the URL to this favorite, by right-clicking it, choosing properties, and changing the 'URL' on the 'Web Document' tab: (1) type "j a v a s c r i p t :" (get rid of the all the spaces, problem is it won't let me type the word out in full in a post, and without the quotes); (2) copy/past the code below immediately after "j a v a s c r i p t :" (make sure copy it all in one go and that you also remove 'http://', the URL should start with "j a v a s c r i p t :"). On the 'General' tab, the name can be changed to "BStn" or whatever you like. u=location.href;if(u.indexOf("brickshelf.com")!=-1){if(u.indexOf("gallery/")!=-1){i=u.lastIndexOf("/")+1;a=u.substring(0,i)+"thumb/"+u.substring(i)+"_thumb.jpg";void(prompt("BStn:\nCopy/paste the code below to your Eurobricks post:",'[url=\"'+u+'\"][img='+a+'][/url]'));}else{void(alert("BStn:\nMake sure only the picture you want to transform into a thumbnail appears on your screen\n(i.e., keep clicking)."));}}else{void(alert("BStn:\nThe thumbnail creator only works on Brickshelf images."));}; Or simply go here and drag the link you find there to your bookmarks or favorites bar.
  9. Sound like a successful product for TLG then... This one made me That sounds like a major design flaw. It also looks like it could do with 'plate' markers in that direction (for when something is 8 bricks and 2 plates high, for example). Must... resist... making... silly... comments... here... But the key question is: does it work for scratching your back? Indeed, now that I read your review, I feel that it's probably most useful for Technic building. It isn't specifically marketed for Technic, is it?
  10. I agree with the previous posters that it could do with some more height. And perhaps a more interesting roof design than just a big plate. A lighthouse is an excellent idea for a future pirates set though.
  11. I'm sure most of the other collectible minifigs wouldn't mind sharing a slot with the cheerleader.
  12. That's an excellent article Pep! I really like how you mix-and-match across different themes and how all of them are 'pure' Lego minifigs. Who'd expect that from the queen of clone brands?
  13. Rick

    MOC: Curling

    Wondering about that as well. Very nice figs Matija. Four blonds, very Scandinavian looking.
  14. This is a great MOC de-marco. The use of the 1 x 3 slopes is very, very clever.
  15. All the modulars have that (except for Market Street, but that doesn't officially belong to the series)
  16. Hehe, I have two-year old guy running round here that doesn't play with his Duplo as quietly as your little lady.
  17. Indeed, you'd probably have to lose the crossbow and make the 'armor stand' with less pieces. But other than that: an excellent idea for an impulse set that could instantly be released by TLG. Well done.
  18. Thanks for the extensive review. This is indeed one of the great sets of the classic town era. Too bad to see some of stickers peeling and the yellowed white bricks on your copy of the set. The construction of the ship is much more detailed than I expected from just the box art. Same goes for the forklift and the truck. Also, I never realized this one really a huge set (in terms of piece count) back in the days.
  19. Rick

    MOC: Pickup

    Blogged on Classic-Town.net!
  20. As you said yourself... the sails are a nice break from cloth sails, but... hmmm, not sure about the final look. But that aside: the rest of the ship is simply excellent. I really like the color combo you used for the sides and the gun ports have a really innovative design. I also like the cabin and the decks a lot. Does she have an interior?
  21. Welkom / Welcome to Eurobricks paul2000. Enjoy your stay. There's a huge SW community here.
  22. City scale vehicles and Modulars indeed look good together. But City buildings are - understandably, otherwise you'd end up with modular type prices - way too small for the vehicles. The cement mixer, what do I win? I really like that orange builders' truck, btw. After coming out of my dark ages, I too had trouble getting over the nostalgia of 4-wide trucks, but really... while 4-wide cars are still acceptable to me, a 4-wide truck next to it, just looks odd.
  23. Thanks for the quick review DLangRi. I'm also not too impressed about the quality. With the mask on, the ninja is acceptable, but the head itself is just weird. And the flight attendant looks a little fish-like. The positioning of the printing appears off compared to this. Forest woman seems ok. Furthermore, the pigtail hairpiece appears to sit a little (too) high on the doctor. If these were good quality figs, I'd probably be eager to get these, but now... I don't think so.
  24. Ranks on Wikipedia, should give you some inspiration. I also noticed Knights are no longer 'blue' in the online users list. Or did I make that up that they ever were blue?
  25. Welkom / Welcome to Eurobricks
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