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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Bullfrog big behind!
  2. Happy Birthday SlyOwl!
  3. Rick

    MegaMOC 2011

    I've been looking at the pictures on flickr, but somehow I missed this topic right here on EB. Brilliant work. I really like how 'alive' the whole display is.
  4. You need them in Pearl Dark Gray. As you can see here, those are the ones in the IFS.
  5. Yay, Fabuland Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone.
  6. The fact that the old style features on the polybag is an indication that they just replaced the life vest mold and treat the two parts as 'the same'. So, from now on, I only expect to find the new style vest in sets. I didn't mind the large old life vests at all as many minifigure accessories are too big to be 'realistic'.
  7. They summer 2012 wave of sets is discussed in the 2012 City sets topic... which I merged this topic with now.
  8. Thanks for this review Fangy. I agree that this is definitely one of the best City polybags (at least it's not some small fire or police quad or helicopter). And agreed on both points again. Blogged!
  9. Other Exclusives 2008 10184 Town Plan (2008) by def (RA), timbutnice, Legocastlegirl 10200 Custom Car Garage by TheBrickster (RA) 2009 10196 Grand Carousel by Svelte (RA), mostlytechnic 2014 10244 Fairground Mixer by VintageLegoEra
  10. My thoughts exactly when I first saw the pictures (thanks for those ).
  11. Did you even read the posts before you or the opening post for that matter?
  12. Please read this.
  13. 2011 Police 3648 Police Chase by mifody, lightningtiger, Phil Slender 3658 Police Helicopter by Brickviller 3661 Bank and Money Transfer by mifody 7279 Police Minifigure Collection by Globemaster 7285 Police Dog Assignment by tin7_creations 7286 Prisoner Transport by Rufus (RA) 7287 Police Boat by lightningtiger 7288 Mobile Police Unit by Brickviller 7498 Police Station by iDave Harbour 4641 Speed Boat by buddy 4642 Fishing Boat by TheBrickster (RA), Tamamono (RA) 4643 Power Boat Transporter by mifody, legodac 4644 Marina by Pandora, RubeusHagrid 4645 Harbour by Rufus (RA), RubeusHagrid Space 3365 Moon Buggy by mikey 3366 Satellite Launch Platform by lightningtiger 3367 Space Shuttle by TheBrickster (RA), dr_spock 3368 Rocket Station (review needed) Seasonal / Promotional / Other 7553 City Advent Calendar 2011 by SilentMode 7696 Commuter Jet by pedro, Darthluke824 30014 Police Helicopter (review needed) 30015 Jet Ski by WhiteFang (RA), prateek 30016 Satellite (review needed)
  14. Happy Birthday CorneliusMurdock
  15. I believe CopMike said 3 winners per day somewhere in this thread and perhaps it will be something like the 2009 Christmas raffle again...
  16. Welkom/Welcome Barry
  17. Thanks again everyone. Uhm... sure... all yours.
  18. Thank you soooooooooo much for the best birthday thread evah! I love my surprise party. Next to the abundance of delicious food, it's filled with Fabuland cuteness. I can't possibly thank you enough for doing this for me... the pictures are simply adowable. And thanks everyone else as well for your birthday wishes!
  19. ... and merged.
  20. But when they'll become available I'm sure they'll show up here soon enough.
  21. I'm sure you'll see the pictures first in our 2012 City sets discussion topic, which I merged your topic with.
  22. If you want to provide building ideas please post them in the Inspiration Thread - Buildings (or Vehicles). However, please follow the posting guidelines for the inspiration threads.
  23. Snow Shoveling Santa
  24. And, you'd like to have heard about it... when? As far as I know the procedure is still that potential hosts contact the Games moderator, who then decides on the hosting order when the game is approved.
  25. The lava is certainly more fitting to Nocturnus, but I also liked the transition/border feel of the previous version. Wouldn't trans-orange be more fitting for lava? The little bridge is a nice addition. So now you have victims from every guild?
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