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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. Wow, that plane is all engine. Must be powerful! Again, nice clean lines I too like the propeller decals. And I love the back story!
  2. Your pictures put us all to shame. I've never figured out how you get the white piece shots without cheating! And we even use the same setup Having seen the set in the flesh, It's fun but a little disappointing. They could really have gone to town on the playground, with swings and a roundabout (for example), and most kids' playgrounds I've ever seen have been brightly coloured (rust and council-budget-cuts neglect notwithstanding); so the grey, white and pink colour scheme seems rather a strange choice. BUT, this means the build isn't over-complicated, and the palette matches the rest of the range. It still bothers me that the curved sides to the slide somewhat inhibit the purpose! I know you've explained it to me, but it still makes me strangely uncomfortable. The could have used these for the sides. To me, the thing which really stands out about this set is the range of alternative builds on the box. The SNOT bathroom is stunningly imaginative. And the fact that you've gone to the trouble to build these really sets the review apart. I suspect that might be an EB review first!
  3. I've moved a few posts across to the Series 5 Discussion. Please use this thread to comment on the review, or the figures in the context of the review. Use the discussion thread to talk about availability, prices, and general thoughts on the figures. Otherwise we have the same discussion going on twice. Thanks!
  4. Access granted. Welcome, Wilkie, to the Reviewers Academy!
  5. Nice guitar studio! Are those Brickforge custom guitars? (except the CMF one, of course). Great rendition of another classic movie scene, shmails! Keep 'em coming!
  6. That's what I like to see: more LEGO art. You've done a great job in rendering the human form in bricks - not an easy accomplishment. Not everyone will agree on the perfect size and shape, but I think that is your point. My only suggestion for improvement would be to make the 'knickers' sit flush with the rest of the body; otherwise the torso looks a little full in the crotch area!
  7. Please try to keep the discussion related to the sale, not to the US social care system. Andrew, might I suggest: Take your time. Edit the first post with details: for each set, provide the set number, condition: whether the set is MISB, used for display, with box etc. Present it nicely, with proper capitalisation etc, and preferably provide a picture for each set you're selling. As others have suggested, you'd be better off allowing sales of individual sets. A large outlay for the whole lot is a big risk which not many would be willing to take. Decide how far you'd be willing to ship them, and state it. You don't have to provide any reasons for wanting to sell, but a succinct paragraph (not a sob story) wouldn't hurt. I'm puzzled by your comment about duplicate sets: you have two copies of each of these; are both built, or is one MISB? Which are you selling? Also, your Bricklink store link doesn't work for me. Thanks and good luck! Rufus
  8. I'd suggest you post pictures of your sets. People will be more interested if the can see what you have to offer.
  9. Arty Stuff Still lifes, mosaics, foodstuffs, and abstract Animate Life Brick-built figures, figurines and creatures Landscapes and Scenery
  10. Journey into the Macabre For the products of tortured imaginations Horror, gore, despair Post-Apocalypse, Zombies (not CMF), and Mutants Note: 'Pure' Post-Apoc will no longer be indexed in Special Themes; it will be moved to Sci-Fi. Military-style Apoc and Post-Apoc will be indexed under Military; Zombies and Mutants will be indexed here under a 'Monster' section that I will create in due course. Non-Military Violence
  11. Mmmm, dark blue! I see you've been using more long wedges for the fuselage - works nicely
  12. If you want to make a castle, there are plenty of examples in the Historical Themes MOC Index for inspiration. I don't think this deserves its own thread, so I'm locking it. Meanwhile, I'd be grateful if you would take care of your spelling and capitalisation. Thanks!
  13. Another lovely Creator alternative, Legostein! I can just imagine this diving down to the wreck of the Titanic. I'm always impressed by your imagination with these alternative models. I'd never have thought to make a submarine out of two vehicles.
  14. That's odd. You weren't 'seen in the room', then suddenly you spoke. It's like you're invisible or something. Got something to hide? We've been able to vote for about eight hours, by my count. I'll start. Amy being invisible clinches it for me - a loyal shouldn't need to do that. Vote: Amy Spalkowa (iamded)
  15. This theory certainly fits the observed facts. I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. If the vote were tied between two scum, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting for one of their own. Let's see if this works. At 3 votes each to Irena and Amy, Amy votes Dragana. Tammo votes Amy, and then Fuchsia votes Irena. 4-4-1. At this point, Petra unvotes Amy, and votes Irena. 5-3-1. I vote Amy, 5-4-1, and then Amy, perhaps scared for her own skin, unvotes Dragana and votes Irena, and Irena is convicted. It could work either way, whether Amy is scum or town. No-one, if there is a vote building up against them, would pass up the opportunity to keep themselves safe, with the added incentive that voting out a scum would make them less suspicious the next day. The only thing against this working if Amy is scum is that if Irena had turned up and voted Amy, the vote would have been tied. But I guess nothing would have stopped someone else unvoting and clinching the conviction. What motivated Petra to change her vote is less clear. If Amy is scum, I think that would likely clear Petra, who I doubt would have voted for one of her own so early in the day. I think it's unlikely that both you and Amy are scum, but likely that one of you is. Right now, Amy is looking the more likely.
  16. I think this belongs in the 'What I bought today thread'. Moving...
  17. +1 to our pal WhiteFang, for a very generous trade!
  18. This is an interesting theory. In retrospect, Petra's decision to switch her vote after twice saying she didn't think Irena was the strongest suspect was rather odd and seemed to come apropos of nothing. She said it was 'in the interest of achieving a conviction', but it could equally have been as a result of private communication. At the time, I thought Dragana was very likely to be a scummy disloyal person, so I took what she said about you as merely a smoke-screen. Knowing now that she was loyal doesn't necessarily make what she said any more credible, but there is a lingering aura of suspicion around you, Petra, which you haven't done anything much to shake off. It is nothing more than a feeling I have, though. This is possible. In my experience it is unusual for scum to start votes; in this case, pretty much everyone was expressing distrust of Dragana, so if she is scum she may have felt safe in doing so. This goes without saying. If the scum weren't able to blend in as townies, we'd be home and dry by now If there is anything in what Dragana said, then of the two of you, Petra is the more likely suspect. Cornelia seems genuinely thoughtful and open to reason. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I personally haven't heard Cornelia say anything supicious. I'm not sure what you're getting at here - I have already explained my decision to vote for Amy over Irena several times, and yesterday I voted for Dragana, of whom I and pretty much everyone else were suspicious. Again, an interesting theory. That switching vote is starting to look more and more suspicious, and the motive may well be just as you say. As Fuschia has said, I think this is less likely. Fuschia could easily have voted for Amy, which would have placed Amy on 5 votes to Irena's 3. The only way I think it is possible for you both to be scum is if you knew Irena wouldn't be back before the end the day. Hmmm. This seems like a weak excuse to me. I'll have to give this some more thought.
  19. Yay for Maersk Hotties! I love this! Superbly imaginative creation as always, ISC. I could watch those balls rolling round the factory for hours
  20. It's a busy week for news! Brickset and EB Member Mirandir have brought us news of the latest addition to the LEGO Architecture: Landmark Series Range - the 21011 Brandenburg Gate. Click here to discuss this news in the Special Themes Forum!
  21. Thanks for the link, Mirandir! What little info we have: Release 2011 Landmark Series UK Price £35
  22. I'm not sure this deserves its own topic. I will merge it appropriately.
  23. Hinckle, that is amazing It's such an original colour, too . I love to see semi-ruinous castles as I think they evoke more emotion for me than a pristine fortress - they give a depth to the history, and a touch of sadness... the same is true when I visit real castles. Seeing yours in the earth tones and with the collapsed wall reminds me of the ruin of Kenilworth castle in England - a huge medieval sandstone palace/fortress which was sadly destroyed during the English Civil War. It remains a beautiful place. Anyhoo, you've both put together a gorgeous scene crammed with awesome details. MOre than the roof, I really admire Steve's round tower and would love to know the technique behind that.
  24. No, you are a valued member, and I apologise for that implication, which was not my intention.
  25. shmails, please don't use Eurobricks just to advertise your store. As this thread is about asking for suggestions for figures, we may tolerate it, but I will change the thread title to reflect that. Thanks!
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