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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Yup.
  2. There are no explicit rules, use your best judgement. Not every topic requires a poll.
  3. Columbus, the tags you see are given out by staff to reward different achievements. Stick with us long enough and you may get one, but there's no way to add them yourself.
  4. I don't know, signing out does send me back to the frontpage, but signing in returns me to whatever forum I was reading right before. It could be browser-dependent, have you tried in a different browser?
  5. There's a topic dedicated to precisely such questions: Which set should I buy
  6. Still kicking.

  7. If you mean to ask about instructions for specific MOCs, it's not prohibited to ask a builder in the appropriate thread if they care to share instructions for their MOC. Be aware however that most builders do not have instructions or virtual files for their builds.
  8. Please don't double post.
  9. It should be fine, as long as it's not your intent to sell us those drinks!
  10. You're in!
  11. Message sent.
  12. You should be good to go now. Post here with your 'backstop13' account and I will then merge the two.
  13. I guess it's still possible for admissible members to request a badge in the original thread. But I suggest they ask for the tag themselves. Not everyone might appreciate the honor of being tagged Old Timer.
  14. Don't be offended, topics get moved all the time according to where the staff think they will get more comments and exposure. It's likely that someone thought that train fans would be more likely to appreciate your creation. If you insist it can be moved back to Special Themes, no problem with us.
  15. Please do not post duplicate threads. Merging.
  16. Hi LunchboxEL, welcome to EB. Please check out our guidelines, we do not encourage members signing up only to promote their projects. Thanks for your understanding.
  17. Yes, if you right-click on the image and select "view image" you should then be able to copy-paste the full image link. http://orig09.deviantart.net/d3d6/f/2015/084/b/c/captain_kzar_brickblood_by_razelquin-d8n01qp.png
  18. Can you provide a link to one picture you're attempting to post? I can look into it.
  19. Ha! Well played, Hinck! Sucks that the SK couldn't win with town. Great game Walter, very creative setup and well managed from start till finish! I'm off to read the details about night actions and such.
  20. I'm not the SK, but where have we proven that Lassie can't be scum?
  21. What happens if scum take out the last townie, then? Who wins?
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