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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Jipay


    these were drawn by greg and a traduction was made by the different lugs around the world. Old news though :/
  2. neat custom, as always :)
  3. Well I haven't received any letter from his parents saying he was allowed to join this board then :-D
  4. I really hope I'll be able to find someone who can get those for me *wacko* I have only twi viking sets so far :(
  5. Would it be possible to make a deal for those with someone from UK ?
  6. Well we could but we won't :-D . This is still a place focussed on the europeans, even if we accept everyone :) I guess all the people coming from other places than Europe is only due to the fact we are the best lego website ever :P
  7. thats why we are needed : for some serious talk :D
  8. ahah excellent. I wish I could meet the writters :-D
  9. Unfortunatly, this is so true...
  10. well that's more about the 6th. Actually we used to do the same here but the church decided it would be a good opportunity to merge this with the birth of jesus. As for the actual santa klaus, we can thank the Coca Cola company which created him
  11. Im getting the pack with mariokart as a start. After I think I'll try to get other games, mainly those which can be played online
  12. ouch, your generation is definitly one step ahead in term of gifts than our :o
  13. A pda, a T shirt, some ikea gift card and money for a nintendo DS. That's what sucks when you are getting older : less gifts :'(
  14. Megablocks used to have a much inferior quality of plastic. Even if it's better now, just wait a few year and see how they connect together ;)
  15. :-D I went with UFO. They were released during my Darkage and I only get the sets this year. I just love their helmets, they remind me of predator
  16. As the Grand Commandeur des Forces Fran
  17. Until they re release pirates... ;)
  18. Welcome !
  19. Um, yes, it's for flying. Couldn't see that? And, just what's wrong with a giant turbine (not vent, mind you). Its andvanced tech, in a fictonal world, for crying out loud! It seems that many AFOL's and KFOL's are taking this line to seriously. If they were trying to make this based on how things would work in real life, there would be NO EXO-FORCE! *wacko* Ugh. Anyway, I like this mech, because of it's good pieces, cool body design, and great playability, all of which can be seen without actually owning the set, and NONE of which you mentioned. Oh, but, you're still actually one of my favorite members, since you actually like some Exo-Force sets, so I don't have much against you. Reviews are here just to give an opinion. the final rating is completely useless because it only reflects one opinion. The fact he didn't give any rating to the model only showed he knows he's giving ones opinion.
  20. Ahah excellent ! Still, our favorite super hero is much more burnt than the actual MF
  21. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    Well the main wish was star wars though :-D I'd love to see some Xmen lego aswell. the movies are great and there's a nice story supporting the whole thing
  22. Thats the type fo cape burnt face man would need
  23. well if you were a people, I would hate you so you're definity not one *twisted*
  24. What do you think of those ? :-D
  25. People are not supposed to reply to the annoucements made in this section little green man :-D
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