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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. he deserved it... 900 years old and not even able to make a correct english sentence
  2. Beware the JipayMadWolf
  3. Thx, we thought it was the right occasion for some small changes ;)
  4. there can only be problems on the forum, not on the frontpage ( hehe :-D ). Just kidding, I hope you do enjoy this littler reworking of the website for halloween.
  5. hehe, thank to Apo for the forum ! (thank me for the frontpage :-D )
  6. ahah cant wait to see the others :-D
  7. gonna throw up *sick*
  8. nice socks :-D
  9. I am glad to see lego gave a new definition to the "no more expensive licences" expression :-D
  10. Welcome to our board !
  11. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    I doubt Jake would either...
  12. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    You will get what you requiered Vader, now we can't say much more about that
  13. Can not be replaced (but it was supposely the same with LUL MF), and has a one year lifetime
  14. Welcome here. We are a REALLY different community from In The Bricks, definitly not the same spirit, but I do hope you will enjoy your time here. The fact we don't have particular rules is because here people are supposely responsible for what they post. We are not their second-web-mum and decided intentionaly not to be restrictive. So far it has been a success. We also have a large admin team to watch out what happens. As for the contest rules, they are decided by the people who launch them. Again, we are not here to have endless debates on what people should do or not do with TLC's products :|
  15. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    I am still amaze by posts like Athos ones : you have been there for months and still question if it's real or not. When we say : it's real, there shouldn't be any question regarding the reality of the line. It's not like when we say : it might be. It IS real. Now people are mixing everything : the box you see is a computer based thing, only made for the purpose of advertising the line : it is not the actual minifig, it is not a real box.
  16. Sorry, couldn't resist :-D (I'm 23)
  17. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    The batman serie wasn't violent at all. Movies weren't that much. Just look at star wars episode 3 and the burned anakin
  18. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    this computer draw model is based on the same technique used for the revenge of the bricks movie
  19. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    They also have the right to be dumb you know. We stoped to count the number of time people said our infos were faked. They all proved to be right. Weirdly people who said it was fake usually forget they said so... Now it's real. Still this image only shows a sneak pic of the upcoming line and it's not representative of what theactual MF will be. Of course the real MF shouldn't bend like that
  20. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    He he little mistake by Jipay ;) Year ofcouse :) The LEGO rep told me Toyfair next week. So no mistake, I double checked
  21. Jipay

    Batman 2006

    it should be confirmed at toyfair next week (it means yes)
  22. Will be presented next week at the Toyfair convention :
  23. They got a job and are addicted to lego ? :-D
  24. lemme be the first to say it : woaw :()
  25. The site itself is the work of Me (with a capital M please :-D ) and Apo. Wetake care of all the organisation itself, programing, design and so. Thanks for the kind word, I hope you will like the new changes aswell
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