That's just because it takes space on our server :/ Sry for the inconvinience, we only thought 100ko was ok to make a good quality pic of a decent size
Well, you sure will live in a better way than the other. The hardest thing is to stay focussed on this objective because you will soon realize that girls prefer bad guys. At least until they realise they need money and then they will prefer you :-D
I had the same experience, excpet the fact that I'm now older and that all the guys who were megablock me off ahve crapy jobs, low level of studies and basically ruined their lives... Don't worry, they'll get the change one day or another ;)
The bad thing about the bridge is that it seems to be 8 studs wide, minus two for the structure. So that's 6 studs which isn't enough for the current train tracks :'(
I voted for city. I'm not sure that SW should even be a choice... Some guys will just tick SW cause they're SW fans without even looking at the other themes *wacko*
Ok, pb solved BEFORE I go to work, am I not the best admin ever ? :-D Just for those who can't log on, there's an option for you to recover your password in the login thing. If you experience other (real) problems, you can contact me at
Thats because of the redirection. i still dunno what happened exactly, I am logged off my self. I'll work on it as I'm back from work tonight.
Sorry for the inconvenience (I know, that sounds a little bit like ace :-D )
most petshop owners are idiots who just make money off animals and dont know crap about it... The real pros ARE of a rare breed...Anyways if hes still alive but still needs some help read this it should help...Hopefully he will be fine..Otherwise you will learn a hard lesson of life, and take care of your next one.
Hermit crab care sheet
He ment a vet...
Well hobbes, take all those info with extreme caution. Even though most of what is said is definitly real, we ca, see a lot of deformations of the truth for certain sets. Don't forget that Jake himself made a presentation for the new train sets