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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Yes No it wouldn't. It's allowed. Just make sure to mention it in the topic, so that we all know that the big orange lump o' bricks isn't part of your CIS camouflaged-tree-cutting-flamethrower-tank-ARGH1
  2. Yeah I see the point. It's just that with walkers there's a zillion models to build and I don't want to rule out walkers as a vehicle. He could have named this ED209 and then the resemblance with the AT-RT would be totally gone. So walkers are allowed and this one is let through the net.
  3. Agreed. That's how I feel about it too. Not sure I'll use the term 'swooshy' on this lunchbox-spacecraft though.
  4. I know how that feels. :laugh: I am just trying to keep the models out of reach for my daughter.
  5. So that's your excuse for not taking the time to do some decent pictures? "Oh no! I didn't get any good pictures, oh well I'll just make up some excuse and post them anyways!" This is an AFOL site and therefore a little more effort and quality than the one displayed is requested and only fair. So? Halo hasn't got anything to do with Star Wars, does it? I am sorry, but the comments you're getting in this topic are only fair. Why would you name this a 'review'? Our members expect reviews - did you do it to 'up' the amount of viewers? Why is a technic truck ramming a Hyena Droid Bomber? What's the point here?
  6. Hate to be the mod but commenting on reviews is allowed and as long as the comments are good, I'll allow it. @commandercody77 - you've been posting a lot lately and you should consider wether you really have to post in every topic or not. Your excessive posting looks/smells like a post count boosting to me.
  7. Merged Dr.S' and starstreak's army topics in here. Enjoy.
  8. Ahh..ok I see Good luck
  9. Which isn't good enough. You have to deeplink all 5 pictures - front, rear, right side, left side and top. Is this the Clone Scout Walker? This is a borderline question, TLG named their version Clone Scout Walker and many people have discussed wether the AT-RT is the same or not. Since TLG named theirs differently and plenty walkers have been designed and produced within the Star Wars Universe after and before the AT-RT, then I'll allow this entry. I'll even fix the subtitle to suit the requirements. But do read the rules before simply just posting away people.
  10. What category is this? Remember to have the 5 required pictures and a background story.
  11. I'll keep this thread open for a few days for all of us to enjoy and then I'll merge it into the Show your army topic. Fair?
  12. An Air-Taxi, eh? Like the one in the 5th Element? Or as in the Bounty Hunter Pursuit kinda way? If so, then yes, it's a vehicle and not a plane.
  13. Looking truly great BoosK. I am impressed by the size of that thing and the high level of detail.
  14. Nice army Dr.S You could also have posted it here I hope the inhabitants of Tabletown behave or they'll surely be in trouble against this
  15. How'd you dig up a 3 year old topic and didn't notice it? CLOSED
  16. No problemo. Now to find that Patrick head...
  17. Yeeees! I've updated the first post with this: Update: Land-based includes Walkers, Animals (like Rancor and Banthas), Ships, Hovercrafts like the landspeeder and of course wheel or belt driven vehicles like tanks and trucks. Just as long as the goddam things don't fly.
  18. Land-based would include ships the way I see it. What not to build is things that fly... Star Destroyers, ?-Wing fighters and stuff like that.
  19. Star Wars Vehicle Contest Entries: Staff Category: Imperialshadows' Aratech Prowler: T-42b Swoop Bike Sinner's Rotta the Huttlet's Jedi Starfighter LuxorV's CIS Tri-droid, combat simulation facility Zorro's Jedi Groundfighter Z80 Hinckley's Coruscant Air Taxi Captain Green Hair's The Jedi Viper Whitefang's 23rd Lenix Riders, "Lenix 1" model Sir Dillon's Erbrcks-409 Small Category: Legoman's RIC-920 w/Rickshaw Green Dewback's Self-Propelled Dewback Dew Drinks Dispenser Hiny's Wookie Catch Walker Darth Yoda's AT-RT Walker Jifel's Republic BC-31 Speederbike Millacol's All Terrain Open Walker AT-OW JimButcher's Z09 Light Cargo Transport Natman8000's Republic Armored Diplomatic Shuttle Clone O'Patra's Wookie Gunboat Bob The Construction Man's IWRC-Imperial Water Response Craft Earendil's Republic Open Assault Tank (OAT) Jammiedodger's OneManSpeeder (OMS) Mrb18's Confederacy of Independent Systems A-LAS Nich Artri's AT-POD Hopeso009's Jinrick-Shaw Clone Killer's Mobile Unit Transport M-U-T Calebexo01's > AT-PT (All Terrain Personal Transport) Walker CloneCommanderDelta7's Sandspeeder Clone Wars Style Rook's Freeco Bike Amateurnewbie's C.A.A.T (camouflage Anti-Air Tank) Tim Bit's Tn-X Battle Trike BossK's Mustafar Panning Droid Kapten Jei's Rebel Recon Speeder Future74's Republic Anti Tank Artillery (ATA) LFN's Republic Prisoner Detainment Speeder Artizan's Imperial All Terrain-Personal Walker Matteo Kenobi's Republic Mobile Command Walker (MCW) Righteous Squid's The Sword of Ungar Scribbs (Speeder) Skipper 24's AT-ROT Walker Oky Wan Kenobi's Ground Armored Tank (GAT) Ole&Godt's Ultimate Mechanized AT-RT Patrol Walker Medium Category: Jifel's Rebel Modified AAC-1 Hovertank Nich Artri's KDC AT-DW Tinn-Man's Darth Vader's Tie Mauler CloneCommanderDelta7's UT-AT Calebexo01's > A5-RX Juggernaut Battle Tank Tim Bit's Cis Snow Tank Mrb18's Republic LPAT Kaitan's Imperial PC-TT Guss' Mini Crawler Artizan's T1-B Hovertank Kapten Jei's Rebel Medium Infiltration Tank Jansued's Rapid Intervention Vehicle Trash's A'Thr'Sh's Hovercraft Commander Rob's MSVt C4 "Wolf" MadAboutLego's RT-MV Rook's Coruscant Taxi Bricks' Proton Cannon Legopiotre's AV-7 medium cannon Simafol's Coruscant Luxury Speeder Ole&Godt's Motorized Hoth Imperial Recon Walker Large Category: Txtxtx's T5-Beta Heavy Tank Tim Bit's Multi Troop Treaded Transport Kin-Ganon's AT-TT Natman8000's LT-RT Jansued's Medium Armored Speeder - Heavy Recon MadAboutLego's T4-B heavy tank MK2 Rook's CIS Tri-droid Artizan's T-3B Heavy Attack Tank Pedro's AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon Failed to meet the deadline and not in the contest: Dark Sword Ragnarok's Cayenne Asuncion's Coruscant Speeder Adam's Hot Rod
  20. I had no idea such a statement was made. Personally I am glad they skipped using the trans-dark colour for cockpits and stuff like that. I prefer the trans-clear anytime and I don't think it'll be a problem to distinguish between invisible and windscreen.
  21. Nice work there. Adding the pictures requested might be an idea front - rear - top - right side - left side And please a link to the picture folder if you've got larger pics for us to enjoy.
  22. Yes you're allowed to update your posted models until the end date and hour, after that, I'll close the topics temporarily until the voting is over. A sleek and simple vehicle could win.. No ships this time - maybe in the next contest. Right A speeder is considered a vehicle.
  23. The decal application and following spraying with gloss takes a few hours. The entire making from idea up to now took around 6 weeks. I launched the project on January 10th.
  24. Nice work. I'll move this to the MCW.
  25. The 360 degrees view rocks Super
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