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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Oh no! Sound the alarm! We need to call TLG instantly and tell them about this mistake - imagine the mass hysteria that would break loose, when this became common knowledge. Kids would tear TRU's apart all over the world and volcanos would let out hot lava, covering most of Earth's regions. Leaving the surface scorched and without much life. ... Seriously guys, what does this have to do with anything? A few measly figures placed in the wrong pic isn't really worth any comments in my opinion. I couldn't care less as long as the parts in the box are the right ones.
  2. natelite and Palin Jax it's time to stop your discussion. Right here and definately right now.
  3. I'll take that Santa Fe train off yours hands Holodoc Pay now or at the event? Anyone can have a look at my BL and see if there's anything they'd like. Let me know and I'll bring it to the event - no shipping And eventgoers get a 10% discount on store prices.
  4. At first I was going to tell you not to spam. Then I thought about telling you to stay on topic. In the end I gave up and started laughing like a madman. That comment saved my day "Don't drive angry"
  5. Get back on topic please. "Stay On Target!"
  6. Those sets displayed there are not finalized and will change before release. That's why the boxes still have 'preliminary' printed on them. Stay cool - we'll get the jetpacks
  7. Erhm... I've got the following UCS sets (from memory) Tie, X-Wing, ISD, MF, DS, DSII, Y-Wing, Vader's Tie, General Grievous, Cloud City, Rebel Blockade Runner and perhaps a few more that I can't remember right now. So yes, some of us have bought the Falcon...linky edit: why isn't that picture resized? Oh yeah, those three guys are not me, I am the one working the camera and I didn't have the UCS MF at the time of the Masterbuild.
  8. You're 22, where did you get that amount of money? If one that young can make soo much money in the US, then I am soo going there instantly.
  9. And hiring Jørgen Vig Knudstorp to lead the company. He's worked wonders. He even 'killed' some of the recent outsourcing and returned the production of special bricks to Billund, saving several hundreds of jobs. He's also quit the cooperation with Flextronics, so that TLG now runs their own factories around the world. (Hungary, Mexico* and the Czech Republic) * Factory is still being built.
  10. Maybe he's a Sith in disguise? Why did the Republic army turn into the Imperial Army? Why did Anakin use a Jedi lightsabre instead of a red Sith one, when he slaughtered the young padawans at the temple? It's called deception Nice work again Penguin. I can't wait to see if the scheme works out for the Republic Scum
  11. Rebel base? Rebel BASE? REBEL BASE? What do you mean Rebel Base? That's not a base...
  12. KimT


    Reminds me of this, which I did a while back. I found using fences to be real 'powerful'
  13. I've added this to the following index. Advanced Building Techniques
  14. SNOT Studies Added to the index on the first page
  15. All the pics you'd like to post are welcome. The rules are simple: Good pics only (no blurry-nam-nam) Max 600x800 pixels in size and that's about it. Now that I've deeplinked some more pics, I've also added this thing of beauty to the frontpage for all to enjoy. Great work
  16. KimT

    Tantive IV

    Kaitan who joined some 2 months ago, decided to make this his first post on Eurobricks. What a way to start Enjoy the Tantive IV scenery and relive the fantastic start of Star Wars Click the pic to discuss the MOC. Tantive IV Star Wars MOD, MOC & Diorama Index The Star Wars Forum Index
  17. Allow me to deeplink more pics of this awesome MOC.
  18. Great MOC you've done there. Perhaps you ought to switch the exo force robot arms for some in pearl silver? I'll make sure to add this to the index.
  19. There's no details on the pack. That's what randomly inserted means Luck and amount of money spend on sets will improve your chance.
  20. It's soo hard to discuss anything without pics. What head did you get? Which one did you expect to get? What where who's and how's please Now which is it?
  21. I'd rather not speculate about that. Since I am only missing a handfull of sets since 1999, I guess my collection is rather expensive. And yes this seems like a "Mine is bigger than yours"
  22. That's one awesome midnette you've done there. Could you do a full view picture for us?
  23. Bandits' Secret Hideout. So many figs mixed between bad guys and soldiers Also the set has many playfeatures - but that goes for all the Western sets. I just love rolling barrels, things that drop and exploding waggons/walls. A great theme that deserves to revived. When I had my collection on show at LEGOWorld 2009 in Copenhagen I saw/heard lots of children who were really exited about the Western sets.
  24. Maybe I am dullminded when reading this topic. But could someone please restate the expected prices of the 3 upcoming sets? Thanks Oh and if the prints/tatoos annoy you, then there's always BRASSO
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