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Everything posted by KimT

  1. The so-called 3rd wave is the January wave which is usually released in NA during December.
  2. Which isn't the Mace Windu we're talking about is it?
  3. Best: Classic Castle Classic Space Star Wars Worst: Mars Mission/Life On Mars Power Miners Space Police 2009 It's just that simple folks!
  4. I'd say it is. UCS has never been in scale with neither minifigs nor the regular mid-scale conversion. A large awesome model is normally considered UCS, so is well designed MOC like for example Anio's TIE Fighter.
  5. Are you sure? I find it a little odd, that we've only heard of those two sets for the Christmas wave. They'll probably be late summer early autumn sets the way I see it. And then, when December comes, a new wave will strike us. I could be wrong though. We're getting loads of sets this year and the January/Winter wave could theoretically be those 2 sets - which is highly doubtable
  6. You asked wether anyone had ever seen Mace Windu in grey robes and to be honest I never have. But then again, I've never met the man And I still don't get the point of this topic
  7. Because they could make him gray. Sheesh! What kind of question is that. If it bother you that much, then send an e-mail to the LEGO Customer Service. Personally I don't care wether he belongs with the CTT or not. This is a toy...not a perfect reproduction in size and contents of the entire Star Wars Universe. Yes of course they are. Didn't you know that TLG work with the concept of using 'left over' plastic?
  8. Except the stripes are black as mentioned in the first post But yes I agree, X-Wings are white - that's pretty common knowledge even for someone as young as you CommanderCody77. Shesh! what's with the Clone+Commander+Alfa+Bravo+Charlie+Delta+Rex+Cody+##... What are you guys to do when the CW sets are of the past?
  9. KimT


    Since so many misprinted pics are showing up now, I've decided that this index will be more of a topic instead. Post your misprints and discuss them here. Topic has been opened and I'll merge in the appropriate topics from the forum.
  10. Added: Anio's UCS Tie Instruction can be found here The topic here on EB can be found here
  11. We've been getting soo many great MOCs' in the Star Wars forum lately. Here's a few of them to drool over Our member Anio has built an awesome Tie Fighter UCS and even added the instructions for us to follow Click the pic to discuss the MOC. UCS Tie Fighter with instructions thire5 built this Venator Star Destroyer a year or so ago, but he didn't post it here until now. So some of you might have seen it before, some of us certainly haven't. Click the pic to discuss the MOC. Venator Star Destroyer Star Wars MOD, MOC & Diorama Index The Star Wars Forum Index
  12. KimT

    Scan of Geonosian Wings

    Print this on a clear overhead piece of "paper" and you'll have a bunch of Geonosian wings
  13. KimT


    Anio's UCS Tie Fighter. Posted on the 19FEB2009. Picture resized for frontpage use. Topic# 26055 Topic even has a well done instructions to build this yourself.
  14. thire5 posted this great MOC in the Star Wars forum. Topic is# 26049 Topic posted on 18FEB2009. Picture resized for frontpage use.
  15. No he's not. He's a friend of mine and I wouldn't call him rich. He's a father with 2 children... that rules out being rich I actually bought 1 kilogram of those 2x2 black tiles for him at one of the events. (the one where he couldn't come )
  16. It's a nice minifig setup. But is this more than just some tan plates, a few bushes and some troopers? A great move with the background transmission and the pic is ultrasharp It's just that in my opinion a vignette needs a little more than this. Some sort of building, a tree... anything but just some shrubbery and blood. No meaning to offend you, it's just my opinion. How about adding a self-built scorched tree or a ruin wall?
  17. As long as the comments are well thought and usefull, I see no problem in posting in old topics like this. That's the reason we have the Indexes, but I'll bot tolerate spam or one-liners like "OMFG diz Is SoOOo kewl!!!1". So post with sense and act as the grown-ups we're all claiming to be
  18. Happy Birthday Whitefang. Enjoy and may it be filled with cake
  19. Happy B-Day Mr Saksun. May it be a blast. Tillykke med fødselsdagen
  20. Agreed. It does seem a little "cheap" making all those sets and only give us half of the required clones.
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