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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. This month or next month to my knowledge. But I may be wrong
  2. I've merged the topics. Next time if you forget to make a poll, then either send a pm requesting a staff member to do so or post the request in the topic and we'll add it for you. No need to "double-topic"
  3. It is. I just didn't get that far in the thread on CC.
  4. Neat "minifig pack". Let's all wish for TLG to do something like it with some of the new castle minifigs from the Advent Calendar. I remember getting something similar to your creation as a child: EDIT: Could you please make your signature smaller. It's huge with all those sets in your wishlist EDIT 2: Faster than lightning response
  5. Is this info really reliable? I remember the same discussion on the Vikings and to my knowledge those sets were released in NA. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Perhaps this is a question for our ambassador. If it doesn't show up in NA, I'll be sure to buy me a few calendars for my BL store
  6. Must be a mistake. I've heard that they will ship to all who paid the reduced price. Call them and ask... Perhaps you'll get a "Ooops, sorry" bonus offer?
  7. Added to the index
  8. Yeah this was an ok set. I remember getting a few of these at TRU. The boxes were smashed up and I got some 30 percent off. (Still not as cheap as regular US price ) Some ok bricks and a great minifig. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions on this set I'll rate this set as average. Oh, yeah I've added the review to the index.
  9. Thanks for this great review of a fine army builder set. Though I am not so sure what I'll use all those Rebels for. Would have been better to get a Hoth or Endor battle pack. Still this is ok. Average rating from me. I've added the review to the index and I've also added a poll at the beginning of the review.
  10. Pheeew. I'm done updating the first post. Now before you go: "You missed this pic of the 7036 Dwarves Mine", then please check the link to my brickshelf folder. I can't put every pic there (s@h has around 5 pics per set). And deeplinking all of them would cause slow page loads. Enjoy
  11. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Nice too see the box-art finally
  12. Looks like some of the links in the first post are "dead". I'll fix that tonight, so that we've got a fine overview of the 2008 sets already released and the few to come. - or is that only one (advent calendar)
  13. Nice find. I love those microscaled creations. Here's a few deeplinks from the mentioned BS folder: Thanks to BS member ROGUEBANTHA for making those minis
  14. The size of the pics in the example is the same that will be throughout the Index. Topic pinned
  15. I doubt they'll sue. LEGO might only have the license for building sets, but everything is "ok'ed" by Georg Lucas himself. So I'm sure that if LEGO decides to do Order 66 BPs and they have his "ok", there wont be a problem. I'm fairly sure we wont get them, though. Putting new figs into production is expensive. Just think about how many Stormtroopers have been made versus the amount of Asaij Ventress'es out there. Sadly the cost-benefit factor rules out getting any Order 66. Would be a neat way to get a lot of jedis.
  16. Thanks. I'll just fix that in the 1st post.
  17. Yes I have. These are intended: I was lucky enough to get 15-20 of the first one in fine condition and I've found a guy on eBay who remakes the stickers for the classic ones. So I'm aiming to keep it classic, except for the horses Don't worry. I'll improve that when needed. And yes I was in a hurry. Wouldn't you be with a 1½ old daughter trying to "help" you? She actually destroyed the 3rd plate and the wall I had built on it
  18. For a long time I've been wanting to build my own version of the 375 Yellow Castle. In the past week I've managed to get started How I'm building: My idea is to build an outer wall using the same technique used in the original version. Then when the outer wall, it's towers and gates are done, I'll start MOD'ing them. I want to keep this MOC as real as possible and I'm only "stepping out" when adding tiles to the wall. In the end (when the Castle is done) I'll be adding more changes like yellowed versions of: & Hopefully as I do this, my mind will come up with more additions. Look at the size of that thing: I'm aiming for a size around 4 large grey baseplates. 3 of them will be covered by the Castle and the last one will be in front of the large gate. Here's what I've been doing so far. (Actually I've done some more, just haven't got any pictures yet) Ideas and comments are welcome. I'll be updating this as I progress in the building. Right now I'm waiting for a few BL orders to arrive. I need so many yellow bricks.' 4th of September:
  19. It keeps surprising me how conservative LEGO-fans are. They're removing a colour because it doesn't live up to the standard: "The best is not good enough" and you're all whining about it. If they'd choosen to keep it, then you'd all be whining about colour loss or cracking bricks within a year or so. Is it really that bad? Purple may be out of production, but you can still buy a zillion purple bricks in Bricklink. Just as you can still buy old light and dark grey. This is turning into the usual colour rant. Though I'd rather they stopped making white bricks - so darn difficult to keep them white. And you are? It's not a question of this being a bad move or not. It's a question of quality. The colour could be fading too early or perhaps it cracks easily. LEGO has high quality standards and MB hasn't - make your choice
  20. Even thought the pics are a little huge, I've decided that deeplinking a few will be allowed this time. That's one awesome MOD. Friggin' awesome work. Must have taken forever to do. Yup finally. I knew it would be crowded back then, so I waited to buy it. It's not the only thing coming my way. Next item I get will be a blast and I'm pretty sure I'll review it here
  21. Is that meant as a constructive comment? Don't post just to post. Post if you got something to say.
  22. Nice work. I've edited your post a little to make it easier to look at I checked your folder and I like the Millenium Falcon you've made Welcome to Eurobricks
  23. The Y-Wing is rumoured to be released in Summer 09, isn't it? And getting the silvery ship would be great. Though I recall TLG stating that the production of chrome pieces for such a set was waaaay to expensive compared to the retail price. Mental Picture Aid: 200 bricks for some 80-100 USD Does anyone have a CW picture of the Y-wing? Then by all means please post it.
  24. And that has what to do with the question on the MODs of the Millenium Falcon? Nice pics you've found for us there Ras(74). I've just gotten the UCS MF myself and I might try to MOD it, once I've gotten around to actually building it
  25. Now this is what we should be discussing, isn't it?
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