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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Thanks for clearing that up Tarfull. Now who dares building a SNOT version of that? It looks like TLG have downsized this baby IMO the wings should be SNOT and 1 brick wide. Nevermind - I can't wait to see the real box art and design of the shuttle. Those prelims we've seen so far doesn't really justify any comments on it so far.
  2. Hmm...looks cool though. I think the name suits him very well Nice MOC and great use of the CW head for the Spaniard
  3. Oh my...there's a catalog in your mailbox?! Without pics these kind of informations are pretty...useless - aren't they?
  4. Great
  5. I like it. It looks like a pair of huge mechanical trousers. Reminds me of these:
  6. KimT

    [MOC] XR-21

    Wauw - truly awesome design. I like the untraditional use of blue instead of the ordinary black, grey, white spaceships. Thanks for sharing your design with us
  7. A great review for a great set. Thanks for sharing it with us. A like the older LEGO trains. BTW I think you need to fix this:
  8. Is anybody going to post pics or is this only for those invited?
  9. Goddammit. And I've just finished stacking all my plates 2x6+... Do you even realise how long that took me to sort them by size and then stack them. Thanks for destroying my slightly neurotic system Now I have to take them all apart again. Oh well....I like it
  10. Excellent builds. Now perhaps you'd consider a parts list and instructions-like thing for the ambulance? I'd love to have one of those on my desk
  11. Awesome design Jordan. I love it and I especially like the official bricks and non-modification a lot (being a purist myself that is obvious)
  12. When posting you've got an attachments control below the textbox. Click browse and upload the image
  13. Sign the what?!?! Simple rule: Stay on the track. He went off and got punished. You're just mad because his British I don't hear you complain about Timo's punishment? And the race is on this coming weekend again. Go Alonso Go Renault.
  14. Sure, why shouldn't it be? Show us that army of yours.
  15. I know That's how most of it looked after I moved it. Should have thought of the fact that the grey baseplates are really soft and they "move" when handled. Thanks for all yours comments and I'm currently shopping a lot of red on BL for a "new" gate design
  16. It better be good and it better be something about the rumoured sets in 2009. And it better NOT be the false list posted there.
  17. What the h***?!! As I stated in the first post, I'll start off copying the design of the original yellow castle and then I'll MOD the entire construction. That is the old gate - and I'm not even sure it'll be there when I'm done. Yes, I'm trying to build a bigger version of the yellow castle (also stated). A "donjon", eh?...Better have a look at that. But as I've also said, my intention is to fill the castle with creations a lá the thumbnails in the first post. Red!?! - yes of course the gates should be red. Now I have to redo it Thanks for bringing that to my attention. The box...there's a box? Must have it / find pictures of it and check those inspirational pictures. Ideabook number 6000....I think I've actually got that one and the stickers to go with it. Thanks for your flaming ideas and comments. Thanks and yes I hope so
  18. You can probably find the instructions on peeron.com
  19. All I know is that the calendar features 9 minifigs. I guess I'll know in a few days. Oh and I'm sorry to hear that whitefang.
  20. Perfect Perhaps the front sprouses are for foaming the runway? You've certainly kept that set in near mint condition, haven't you? Now all we can wish for is a new firetruck combining this L&S version and the new
  21. Amazing work Jordan. I don't think I've ever seen optical illusions as part of a MOC before. Just when I think you've done it all, you go a do something like this. I love it
  22. Yeah, I messed up your title by accident. Sorry about that. I hope I got it right this time
  23. I just ordered 2 for my own confirmation. One for review and one for christmas. - who says you aren't allowed to know what you're getting?
  24. It''ll be there when a review is needed. Not that much slower. The pics are 90-96 pixels at longest. So an old 56K Flex Modem should be able to do the trick
  25. I am neither pro or con. I'll leave this up to you - the users. Here's an example of how a finished Index looks.
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