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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. I didn't do it...perhaps it's his admin friend
  2. No need to quote the previous post when commenting on it. That would only result in superlong posts for no reason. Add reply is a fine button and it actually works.
  3. That would make sense since they've put it next to the Clone Wars sets on shop.lego.com And Anakin has the animated head in the Starfighter. Though it is a little "cheap" repacking the sets, especially the Hailfire Droid which has got nearly nothing to do with the Clone Wars - releasewise.
  4. I gave this an Average rating. The design doesn't really "do it" for me. And I really don't care for the Expanded Universe. An annoying set with some usefull parts - hence the average rating.
  5. Great review. I've added it to the index as 7662 Trade Federation MTT Review 2 Great set
  6. Thanks for the review Manta. I've added a poll and indexed it. Personally I have split feelings towards this set. Pro's: Plenty of Minifigs Loads of useable white bricks. Con's: Awfull design Expensive I didn't have it built and on display for long.
  7. A great set with some very useful parts. I'll be sure to get this when on sale in a shop near me. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  8. Thanks for this great review. I've added it to the index. In fact this is perfect timing, since we've got the Plo Koon's JSF MOC to compare it with. It's a great set with loads of playability and plenty of swooshing for everyone. Thanks again and keep up the good work
  9. Don't worry - you wont.
  10. I've found the instructions for you. Here you are: 4806.pdf 4819.pdf
  11. I can imagine that Enjoy the build - though it's scary thinking that Tabletown and it's regime democratic leaders now have a Death Star at their disposal.
  12. Thanks for that great review. I like the TT's and this one is no exception. Nice flash effect by the way
  13. Nope. Nothing random about 24 individual packs...or at lest they're not to my knowledge I believe they're marked with numbers from 1-24. You open one small room in the box each day as you're closing in on the 24th of December
  14. Great will it also end up with a Dr.S review?
  15. I forgot that I'm going on a field-trip next week and therefore I wont be making any changes to the Review Index before Friday next week. So I guess I'll prolong the vote until Friday morning...not that it seems it would make that much change. Thanks for voting so far and thanks for all your comments. In the words of the good ol' Mayday Parties: "Forwards Ever - Backwards Never"
  16. Aaaargh. Dunamis is doing a review on this...can't wait for that. No worries Dunamis - we've got plenty of room for reviews here and I'm sure that if a review or two should pop up here before you're done, then yours is still more than welcome Now I have to find a way to go and fetch mine....it's just lying there in a basement 10 kilometres away
  17. Agreed. And it's kinda cool seeing how you've come from v1 to v3. Nice work
  18. Looking great Yugioh. I can't see the first pic...maybe because it's hosted on amazon.com A great set, now has a WIP review and a bunch of comments. Perhaps you could make comparison pictures with the older version - if you've got it. I'd like to see the two MTT next to each other. When you're done with the review - let me know and I'll fix the title and add it to the index.
  19. No they didn't. Read this. You'll find the answer close the end of the article.
  20. Tightness is a good word here, at least I understand what you mean...or I think that I do
  21. See how easy it is? Thanks for sharing that link with us. Now we can discuss this properly. [rushes off to check magazine online]
  22. Aaah I see. Perhaps I should add "Click pics for reviews" to the final index? If decided that the new look is the one desired by the users.
  23. Yeah you might think so, but the current solution is to add [REVIEW NEEDED]as a suffix to the sets unreviewed. But I'll consider it. Check the Castle Review Index for how the above looks.
  24. At first I thought this was a microscaled ship, then I saw Grievous in the back Is it a combo? Nice and sleek design. I especially like the design of the tail-fin(?) - shark wing on top of the shuttle... Great work.
  25. Great work. I really like the decals and the awesomeness of it. I've deeplinked a few of the pics from your Brickshelf folder for us all to enjoy. Thanks for sharing this with us
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