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Everything posted by KimT

  1. And I agree. You've gotten super at this reivew stuff. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and views on this set. Personally I love the Hailfire droid and the rest of the set is: meh!
  2. Continue this and I'll ban the lot of you. Stay on topic or just leave. I'm fed up
  3. Erhm...why is the bolt coming out of the scope?
  4. Yeah right, and by accident they're exactly the same as the ones we saw a week ago? Stop claiming other peoples work Now on a different topic: Enough on the manhunt. Leave it to me (and the rest of the staff) to act upon other members posting. You can only control what you do and post afterall. If this ranting continues, someone is going to cool off somewhere else for a while. Discuss the rumors and news we've found and keep it sober. Now get back on topic, we've got a bunch of sets coming out next year
  5. Outstanding. This is (as many of the new Castle sets) a super set. You get loads of great parts, a horse barding, a black skeleton horse and for a fair price. I just love this set and I've bought quite a few of them to build my army. A "must have" - and your great review serves it well
  6. You already know how I feel about the review. As for the set, I'm not entirely sure. It's a fine witch, but you've already gotten her in the Witch's Windship and a few other sets. I vote average on this. A good minifig (though one does not have the need for more than one witch) and some fine additional parts.
  7. No the entire Castle Review Index is being voted here. The above is only examples. I've already done it and it's quite big The pictures are the same as featured on bricklink.com's catalog pages. For an idea on how long the New Look Index is, just compare the length of the 2 examples.
  8. The first as in the first index in this topic or the first one posted, which would be the old one? Also perhaps selecting a voting option might make it easier to decide in the end
  9. Yeah I was puzzled about the dwarves as well. But it seems like we'll be getting them after all.
  10. Fellow fans of Castle! How do you want your index on reviews to look? You have one week to vote. Choose between the look of the Ninja/Viking Index and the current Castle Index. A: The New Look: Castle/Undead/Fantasy Era 2007- 852271 Battle Pack Knights[NEED REVIEW] 852272 Battle Pack Skeletons 5614 The Good Wizard Review 2 5615 The Knight Review 2 Review 3 5618 Troll Warrior Review 2 7009 The Final Joust 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack 7036 Dwarves’ Mine[NEED REVIEW] 7037 Tower Raid 7038 Troll Assault Wagon 7040 Dwarves’ Mine Defender Review 2 7041 Troll Battle Wheel[NEED REVIEW] 7048 Troll Warship[NEED REVIEW] 7090 Crossbow Attack Review 2 7091 Knights’ Catapult Defense 7092 Skeletons’ Prison Carriage[NEED REVIEW] 7093 Skeleton Tower 7094 King’s Castle Siege[NEED REVIEW] 7979 Castle Advent Calendar 2008[NEED REVIEW] xxxx Castle Chess[NEED REVIEW] xxxx Castle Chess Huge B: The Current Look: Castle/Undead/Fantasy Era 2007- 852271 Battle Pack Knights 852272 Battle Pack Skeletons 5614 The Good Wizard (impulse) Review 2 5615 The Knight (impulse) Review 2 Review 3 5618 Troll Warrior Review 2 7009 The Final Joust 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack 7036 Dwarves’ Mine 7037 Tower Raid 7038 Troll Assault Wagon 7040 Dwarves’ Mine Defender Review 2 7041 Troll Battle Wheel 7048 Troll Warship 7090 Crossbow Attack Review 2 7091 Knights’ Catapult Defense 7092 Skeletons’ Prison Carriage 7093 Skeleton Tower 7094 King’s Castle Siege 7979 Castle Advent Calendar 2008 xxxx Castle Chess xxxx Castle Chess Huge Happy voting
  11. And that's settled now. Please remember this is for discussing the upcoming sets. He said he was sorry and that's it. Now please make sure (if possible) that rumors posted here are as reliable as possible. [contradiction, eh?]
  12. Thanks I must have missed that one. I'll add it to the index.
  13. Maybe you can use some of this?
  14. And here's all the pics I could find. Deeplinked for your pleasure
  15. I've added a few topics to this one. Now it should contain all topics on what sets you'd like to see in the future. Keep it up Also I've pinned this for your convenience.
  16. I've searched the forum and added a few topic to this one. Remember people that this topic is for discussing the rumored and confirmed sets coming in 2009. If you like to discuss what to have then go to the Future Star Wars Sets topic and let your wishes out.
  17. Happy B-Day Mr.Rebel. I hope it's a good day. The sun shines here, so you must have been good.
  18. I guess you're right. The idea of the battle packs is to keep them cheap and contain 4 minifigs plus a few bricks. A battle pack like yours would be a "little off" compared to the released ones. But we can always hope
  19. I know. Sorry for snitching your news.
  20. Arw nuts. A remake...we've already got one of those. Looks like we're in for a few of those this time. They've already remade the ATTE, RGS and ATAT. And now the Vader's Tie is going to pester us again. Damn. I hope the Star Destroyer will be awesome.
  21. Yes. I know Hinckley did an off-site review. Try searching for either the set numbers or set names.
  22. This new rumour thread from jedinews has just been flashed in the SW forum. It contains some IJ sets. click click
  23. Erhmm...I don't think that link is working properly. I think you're looking for this A very nice rumour they've got going there. I hope it's right. Corporate Alliance Droid - the tri-droid thing? Y-Wing - We've heard of this CW version before. Now they say it's OT Tauntauns - A set? Or just in a set? Perhaps a BP Separatist Shuttle - This we've heard of earlier Endor Ultimate Battle - Mmmmm, that would be great The Venator - Star Destroyer as requested
  24. That depends on wether we're discussing the Brickmaster set or a rumoured Star Destroyer. But I think it will be the Venator Class - if and that's IF we're getting a Star Destroyer.
  25. Thank gawd. You understood what he said. Tadaa! Question answered.
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