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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. The dead line is MAY 12th. You may still have time m'boy! Agreed. Thanks Dangerous Dave- I agree with your assessment.
  2. What about these trees?
  3. Consider that Rolli won challenge 2 for Avalonia and his build wasn't anywhere near 48 x 48! It is a size limit, not a requirement.
  4. Drow drool for ice cream! I am totally gunna get enslaved for that or something.
  5. For some reason I like this picture the best! must be the Avalonia side of me.
  6. darkdragon is right- I have a pick-a-brick nearby my house and I will only buy plates (especially translucent ones) and tiles when I am there unless I see some other rare part that I can't pick up for way less on bricklink. For pick a brick, I often times see 2 x 2 tiles. I always fill the bottom of my PAB cup with 1 x 1 plates or some kind as well to make sure I use as much space as possible. I often also see the 1 x 2 x 3 round top windows. They can be a good buy as well. Keep an eye out for flowers as well. Always seems to be a lot of flowers in the the one in Minnesota. The major parts I would sugges investing in on bricklink are: 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 and 1 x 3 light and dark bluish gray bricks 1 x 4, 1 x 6 x 2 and 1 x 8 x 2 arches light bluish gray 1 x 2 and 2 x 2 inverted slopes in light bluish gray 1 x 2 and 2 x 2 slopes in light bluish gray If you want to get into more advanced techniques and some advanced detailing I would get these: jumper plates headlight brick in light bluish gray 1 x 2 tile light and dark bluish gray 1 x 1 round plate in light and dark bluish gray brick with stud on 1 side
  7. A little more on my Challenge 3 entry. I think the back door might be a bit too "busy" and the roof holes need a better shape.. What do you think?
  8. But rogue- didn't you hear? Drow drool supreme! I think that is right.
  9. Haven't seen you around for a while sly... you're forgiven so long as you promise to keep bringing back MOCs like this.
  10. Don't worry- I already have a nickname for you! Oh never mind. don't give away the secrets!! AHHH!!!
  11. heehee. That will just have to remain a mystery.
  12. love it!
  13. Oh nos! run away! Very nice. I instantly though it had the timber wolf/classic mechwarrior feel. I think it would look ever sharper if the plates with the studs showing could be replaced by or tiled as much as possible. With how smooth the legs are, it just kinda looks odd to have the weapons look so textured! Same goes for the body behind the cockpit, it looks a little too square for my tastes.
  14. Like I said in the history form, it looks cute and deadly! Well played!
  15. I never remember what words are in the swear filter. Sorry to your sensitive little eyes!
  16. Call me Susan as long as Avalonia keeps whipping megablocks.
  17. Thanks. I have a second that is pretty similar. Finally found a use for those terrible jellybean knight visors.
  18. Thanks. I have never been a big "future military" guy, but the guardians resemble a guy in a "hardsuit" that you might see in the sci-fi forum or something.
  19. That is the nature of the game! MMV is such a great set for parts though. I did notice a lot of different techniques. I haven't tried anything in the snow either, but then again my embassy was in Nocturnus.
  20. To quote Snatch, "You can call me Susan if it makes you happy." Many of my forum friends call me Z or ZC though, so you can call me that if you would like
  21. Nice little build. Looks like you had several interesting ideas and details here. I like the interesting roof shape, but I am not so sure about the stripes. One of the things about the embassy challenge was we were trying to meld our style of building with the environment of the place we were building. Mitgardia is cold and snow covered, so I am thinking you may need to get some snow up on that roof!
  22. Parts packs!! WHOOHOO! How was your holiday? Anywho- a little more progress Some work on the rear of the "Keepers' Tomb". Still needs some work on the left tower. Progress on the inside and a Keeper. Working on the roof and a few other things before I add some stuff to the interior. With the extra time, maybe I can get chapter 2 in my story done as well. It would tie in nicely.
  23. Okay- Space wise- Right now I have Rogueang- 64 x 64 creation (Avalonia) Darkdragon- 32 x 32 creation (Mitgardian) Si-MOCS- 64 x 64 creation (Kaliphlin) ZCerberus- 32 x 32 Riverrun Watch tower (Avalonia) ZCerberus- 80 x 80 Great Gatehouse of Albion (Avalonia) On the ONE table I reserved, we still have space for TWO 32 x 32 sized MOCs and some smaller vignettes. Anyone else planning to bring anything?
  24. Nicely done. It looks deadly and cute all at the same time!
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