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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. heh- With all this to balance, I think overall the guilds leaders have done a good job. Not that we can't improve things, but, overall, very good.
  2. Yes, yes. I feel silly arguing with you in this fashion anyways. DC, I understand that maybe a public "vote" isn't practical for contest judging and I respect that each guild leader doesn't vote for their own guild. But if there is some creteria that is being used for judging, it would be nice to know what it is and how it will be weighed ahead of time. For example, is the most important aspect of challenge 3 the story, the overall MOC or the coolness of the guardian? If so how much affect do things like photo quality have on a MOC? Only relevant if two MOCs are nearly tied? Maybe there is no answer, but if there is, then we could have an idea of where to focus our time. Maybe more will be revealed soon, but I think that is something that may help us steer our attention. I like the idea of having a more focused flickr stream or something, that sounds like a great idea. I am no artist- do we have someone who could create a logo or banner- brickbuilt or otherwise for that?
  3. Kind of like how you have a reason to not post on my MOCs, all I was saying is that maybe there are reasons others don't post anything about your MOCs and I think that may have something to do with your negative attitude. You can make a valid point without cursing or calling others stupid. I agreed with you that some of us may need to comment more on MOCs to help people get better, but I don't think we need to make threats or insult the guild to do it. I think doing that is what is makes people not want to be firendly with you or comment on your MOCs.
  4. Good work with the gatehouse! I swear I recognize that battle standard from somewhere... You did a good job of keeping the walls from looking like one giant blob, so great work there. Lots of nice detailing. I think the gatehouse does need some doors though! I really like the forgotten falls. It has that Mayan/Aztec type ruins feel to it. It is just awesome. I like the enemy territory MOC because the wooden wall feels very organic. My one overall suggestion is that these three are good enough to be in their own threads. I would post each separately next time.
  5. Beerbeard is mushroom lord. First mushroom shields, now giant 'shrooms. I think we need a mushroom house!
  6. Some nice techniques on this one. I like that you went for the angled walls and used some interesting parts like the minifig legs and whips. I would suggest you put some windows on the backside though. It looks a little bland without them back there.
  7. I know we all want to support Beery and when he gets in his bi-weekly funk, slap him on the back, make him all smiles. I often find a kernel a truth in Beerbeard's comments, but tactful he is not, and completely correct he is not. I would suggest to Beery that he consider the issue isn't completely with everyone else, but some of that is his fault as well. You have replied to ZERO of mine. We've had a bit of a bad history, so I get it if you think saying nothing is better than saying something mean... this also leads into your next comment... I don't know how true this is, I used to comment on more of your MOCs, but you spent all your time replying and arguing why my comments were wrong or invalid. At that point, why comment anymore? I know I sometimes also feel validation from the number of replies I get, or the number of likes on MOC pages, but I also know that telling people who comment on something that they are idiots for not marveling at my greatness or something will not get me more in the future. Comment and you are disgruntled by the comment, not comment "enough" and you are disgruntled that everyone is ignoring you. What I am trying to say is that people do or don't comment for different reasons and a poor attitude is one reason people won't. Please leave the cursing out of it. Maybe other people have developed a similar attitude towards your MOCs. I think we have done a good job of remaining civil, but I think we should all remember not everyone is at the same skill level. I have heard some complaint that this guild has scared away "new" builders. I am not sure I agree with that as being true, but I would ask us to be mindful of that and encouraging to people when the situation seems to encourage us to do so. I am not saying tell someone who throws 4 bricks together into a square they are a genius or anything, but always be mindful that that may truly be the best they can do for now and we should help develop them here. Like I said, Beery is right that we need to try our best to be supportive and encouraging, but I say to Beery again, you make it hard to do that with your attitude. A good goal indeed. Jason? Anyone? I really have no idea.
  8. I thought this place was called Kaliphlin, not Arrakis!! Shai-Hulud! Very cute.
  9. Are we too lazy to blog it? Well not any more!! [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  10. Great waves Beerbeard! I like the palm as well. Very nice indeed.
  11. Yes, let's see your wizard king throne room- that could be really cool.
  12. Nice little MOC but great photo quality!!
  13. Good find! Let's blog that thing!! [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  14. Yes, the pick-a-brick at the MOA is often frustrating. Often times they will have the same item on the wall two or three times. Too many wheels and steering wheels for my tastes as well. On the other hand, they do occasionally have a few nice parts and then I go nuts. Last time I was in they had the three leaf bamboo part and lots of clear plates! Those are nice finds!
  15. I love the battle bear. +5,000,000 cool points for SI's bear and +6 cool points for SI.
  16. My journey went like this... Slaving away in the pirates forum making "half-timber" style houses for a village/port there. I stumble across the guilds posts and my interest wass piqued. Looked at Avalonia last and notice the guild specifically had that style of building and my pirate friend DC was the leader. Begin working on my army- then declared for Avalonia! I always collected castle, but to a large extent, I didn’t really build much. My ONLY castle MOC EVER before joining the GoH was this one… though I would agree there is some cross-over with pirates. I know I have improved my building skills since beginning GoH. I had NEVER even tried t landscape before the watchtower challenge. I would encourage everyone in any guild to just learn and grow at your own pace. I think we collectively have done a good job of encouraging people here, and I hope we continue to encourage growth in all guilds as many of Avalonia's best builders are relatively new castle builders and have become a strong core. I plan to do a few MOCs in a few of the other lands soon, so I hope others will do the same!
  17. Avalonia!!! I agree Rolli had our best embassy. Good work lad!!
  18. Very nice. This has some great detail. A great add to the forum!
  19. Very lovely build. I have been waiting for this too go up since I spotted it on brothers-brick. Trying to find the treasures smacks of arrogance to me... I hope we aren't getting in over our heads with this one.
  20. I will be attending and I will wait for the dust to settle a bit before committing on what we are bringing.
  21. Don't mean to bump, but I went to Flickr for something else and remembered I made this for the embassy... It is something I may try more of in the future!
  22. I really like the minifig arms for the veggies. Very nice. The blog has been written and it will be up soon! Check back tomorrow and it should be all good in the hood!
  23. Good job with the sloped walls!. It does remind me a lot of a mini-version of the great gatehouse of Albion. Really cool and very much our style!
  24. We have been neglecting Albion a bit. I have ideas for FOUR Albion builds. I should go reserve them now... yikes!
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