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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. It's cool! You're new, just letting you know that DC doesn't update the first post everyday. He will get to it. I guess I just view the title challenges as a way to expand your skills, not just get the title. Glad to hear you are accepting that as a challenge. Look forward to seeing your seige work!
  2. Historica and something else... EB is doing Pirates this year.
  3. He won't actually be in the final product, but like you said- I love him too, he is soo rad!
  4. As it stands now. Still lots of work to be done!!
  5. Good call rogue! I also submitted a prince of the forest entry that hasn't been updated yet. DC has a lot on his plate, but he always eventually gets to them. As far as I am aware, DC accepts all title challenge entries, but I would try to not just complete the tasks but I would try to make them interesting as well. I would use the title challenges as a way to boost your skills. Try something new with each one. Earning "bonus" titles for doing something cool and unexpected is even better than earning a "basic" title! I got the "inventor of the spy glass" for adding a spyglass to my watchtower entry and the "commander of the capital" title for monitoring/making the Albion thread. Anyone want to see what I am working on for challenge 3? it is a bit of a mess right now- but I have a decent chunk of it done!
  6. Noooooo!! I have a feeling right after challenge 3 I will be doing nothing but brickworld stuff. When challenge 4 is announced I might have to be out of that one. Did you build a guardian at all?
  7. Love the photography! Great work on those man-eating plants. There are also a lot of nice tiny details on the interior. Well played. :thumbup:
  8. Anyone else?
  9. Welcome Tifag. Browse the first page of the Guild to learn a little about the title challenges or head over to the Albion thread and check out what we have cooking there. Nice to have some more Elves in our ranks!
  10. I suggested something like this in Avalonia for a title challenge. A "how-to" type challenge to get a "teacher of Avalonia" title. Your idea sounds interesting as well. I hope that happens and you allow an Avalonian or two to lecture.
  11. It won't be all Albion as it is open to ALL guilds. I will be bringing the gatehouse (with an addition) and the watchtower. I have the embassy and farm in one piece as wekk, and I am working on challenge 3 entry. Those could come if we need to fill space- but I will see what we are bringing before I decide that. Though I reserve the table, I reserved it as a "LUG" display and not as "collaborative". That may or may not be useful when filling out your MOC cards.
  12. Thanks dd!!
  13. I was trying to get everyone to give me an idea of what they were bringing so I could do that. What are you bringing, and what is the approximate size? I would like to reserve soon if possible! I have requested 1 table for us at Brickworld. That space is 96 x 224 studs. 2 1/2 FT BY 6 FEET EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO PUT A MOC IN THIS SPACE GET ME THE SIZE OF YOUR MOCs ASAP SO I CAN DECIDED IF WE NEED MORE SPACE!!!!!
  14. Yes we are! I certainly don't mind giving an opinion if you are stuck on something. That goes for anyone in our guild, if you want some feedback from me specifically, you can ALWAYS PM me. I am pretty good at getting back to people. I know some people don't want to taint their "wow" moment so if you don't want feedback from everyone, and want to keep the build out of the lime light until it is ready, you can always PM with some advice on just a certain aspect. I know I have both asked for advice and given advice that way and I think it has worked out well. Keep in mind your PM space is limited, so don't abuse it by PMing 15 people with the same question. If you want general feedback, Rolli is right- place your stuff here. Like I said above, PM space is limited and adjusts according to your rank, so don't abuse it! If there is a particular thing you are working on, then I would certainly say you are seeking advice on that aspect for more direction.
  15. I’m from Avalonia I am an Active Builder and Member Comment on what you like about GoH: I joined because I was looking to branch out into other themes (I am not so secretly a pirate) and since I knew DC from my time in the pirate lands, I thought my style would mesh well with Avalonia. I have liked the title challenges, the back stories, and the way people have built their lands. I also like that in Avalonia at least, we have been allowed to build little mini-lands and stories as we see fit. I also like that we have a Wiki where we can, if so desire, add information about our characters if we see fit. Comment on things that could be improved: I agree that some transparency in judging and scoring would be nice in the challenges. I have an example of that I would share with the guild leaders if requested, though I will not post it here. I am sure there are reasons for doing things as they have been done, but if part of the process is for us to get better, it would be nice to know what works and what doesn’t work from challenge to challenge. I also like that a story is part of challenge three. I wouldn’t mind seeing more ways for us to improve not only building skills, but also improve in other areas that are important to MOCing, like photography, story and being a useful critic. I don’t know exactly how to do that, but it is a thought. Some comments on other things I have heard: On getting feedback on MOCs- there will always be MOCs and MOCers that speak to people more than others. I agree that I sometimes don’t do the best on commenting on ever build I see. It is hard to keep up, even for active members. I know some people take the feedback more personally than others, and some value their MOCs worth on the number of comments they get. If you do, I would just suggest to keep at it. Be active, improve your skills and the rest will come! I know it can be frustrating when you see something you think is “inferior” to something you did especially if everyone gushes over someone else’s MOC when what you made you perceive to be so much cooler- but members have different tastes and people make friendships that also factor into the postings, especially if you have been active in other forums and people who might not visit the Guilds much wander in to see what their favorite builders from other forums have done here. Being a good citizen will help you out as much as making a “must see” MOC! As for having a “hand of the guild leader” so to speak- I think that is a good idea! We would need to get some sort of “admin” type rights from the powers that be for the “hands” to be able to regulate the threads for each guild though. It would require some more leg work to get something like that set up. I think it is a good idea, but it might take some time. As for mini-challenges- I wouldn’t mind having them. Maybe besides actual sets of figures as prizes, we could also hand out some more cool tags and the like for participation.
  16. I love the details on the little plants. A fine addition to our lands. Seems like the pictures are a little harsh in the lighting department- tried taking the photos without the flash?3 Edit: I now see some of them are with the flash on, and others with it off. I know it can be super hard to keep the camera focus on close up without the flash, but the flash free ones just look so much nicer in color!
  17. There are other members who also get discouraged. I think we all need to try a little more to make sure we say how much we appreciate a MOC. It just gets hard with all the stuff that ends up on here! Don't fret- you are a good builder and I enjoy seeing your MOCs at least!
  18. Do-eet, do-eet now!
  19. What is a wannabe Canadian anyhow?
  20. I think I secretly buy them and hide them from myself.
  21. Pirates and castle? Weirdo.
  22. We should have a fee enormous trees up in the capital. Could work for sure!
  23. I wonder how Root Admin Hinckley feels about sharing his name with a halfling thief!?! Anyhow- nice minifigs and a good progression on the story. I feel like we are really getting into telling the stories round here now. Thanks to SoT I suspect in part. Weave that story JC!
  24. Well this is a large and beautiful city with some very fancy decorations here and there. Those round things could be: a large fountain- a grand statue, a garden, a uh- circular town "square"... take your pick!
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