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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Though there is plenty of room right now, we do have a large guild and we want to be sure everyone gets a chance to build. Therefore I am inclined to give you gatehouse 2 and any one of the plots you requested for now and more when we are further into the build. Which of the four plots would you like, and what are planning?!
  2. Very good. I hope that is squared then... hard to keep track... I guess having the general area and name is more important to some degree. Edit: Great work on the map Jason, very prompt in getting that squared for us!
  3. I meant the land between the two rivers there for my own lands, not for the capital... just southwest of where the capital will be moved. I would like that land since River Run watch tower is there (I think) but I have a feeling it is exactly where your lands are.
  4. Master Mapmakers... The location of the capital should be more like here Also, I feel it may be in de Gothia's land maybe we could carve part of it out... I would like this area, Mesodraconem. (I think River Run watch tower is here.
  5. Sign-up thread for Albion is located HERE Derfel will also link this to the first post in this thread soon. Preview of the capital
  6. The Avalonian capital city of Albion is located in the eastern grasslands of Avalonia and sits at the junction of the Cadarn and Draconem rivers. Often called the “Pearl City” of Historica, the walled city has been the cultural and economic center of Avalonia for generations. Many of the land’s greatest thinkers, artist, poets, tradesmen and warriors have taken up permanent residence inside the city’s walls. The city itself is divided into two walled “tiers”. The elevated inner tier, called the “Inner Sanctum” by the locals, is home not only to the Great Keep of Avalonia, but also dozens of the land’s most beautiful homes, tradesman’s halls, gardens and temples. A great tower on the Inner Sanctum’s southeastern side houses the first telescope known to exist and has given the Avalonians a great tool to monitor their lands and the happenings of their allies and enemies. The outer tier, known simply as “The Wall”, has proven to be an impregnable guard for the city for generations. The Wall features multiple towers, two small gate houses, a great gatehouse and a small keep said to be the original home to the founder of Avalonia. Though the city still thrives, peace has made the blade of Albion’s defenses dull, and the luster of the beautiful city wan. With the peace between the guilds of Historica wearing thin, Avalonia’s young leader has recalled the land’s architects and Lords to rebuild the Pearl City to its former glory. It is time for the mighty capital Albion to be rebuilt! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Rebuilding Albion is a task for all Avalonians. There are many things to create in Albion so keeping your own resources in mind when deciding what to build is important. If you are not blessed with many a gray brick, I would not attempt to create a great tower or gatehouse, but would instead try something more suited to allow you to do your best work. Though creativity and freedom are important aspects of keeping the building fun, scale and cohesion are also important since the Pearl City will represent all of Avalonia. Post requests for a claim on a building in this thread. Any completed MOC may be posted in the history forum in its own thread with "ALBION:" as the first word in the new thread topic. A reminder of the look our guild was founded on: INNER SANCTUM: A few guidelines from Artorious Rex when deciding how “big” you should go, or what materials should be used on the Inner Sanctum: -Building materials: stone towers, stone gatehouses and stone walls with half-timbered (think “Tudor”) style outcroppings is recommended. Temples, tradesman halls, houses and other buildings can be stone, wood, (combination of both) or any other material that one would expect in a medieval setting. Be creative, but mindful of our desire to keep our capital mighty AND cohesive. -The height of the curtain walls on the inner tier should be taller than that of the outer tier. I would recommend walls be somewhere around 25 bricks tall as the inner tier is also elevated above the outer wall by a natural rise in the land. -The foundation (in studs) of a moderate sized house in Albion would be approximately 20 x 16. Tradesman halls, stables, and other buildings would naturally be somewhat larger. -If the numbered building has a name below but no builder assigned, post in this thread you want to take that building and it will be assigned to you. Artorious Rex would prefer (but does not require) named buildings be built first. -If the numbered building has no name and no builder assigned, claim the building as your own, post in this thread what you are building and the name of the building and it will be assigned to you. Great Keep- Derfel Cadarn Great Tower- mpoh98 Gatehouse 1- mephistopheles Gatehouse 2- Silver.Smith Tower 1- Tower 2- Tower 3- Tower 4- Brickington 1. Library- K.Kreations 2. Dragon Inn- Legonardo 3. 4. Stables - Carson Haupt 5. 6. 7. Wizard Shop- Matn 8. Carpenter's Shop- Brickboy12 9. de Gothia (secret project) 10. Barracks 1- Andonii 11. Barracks 2- Capt. JohnPaul 12. City Guard Barracks- mephistopheles 13. Customs House- mephistopheles 14. Mercury Hall (traders’ guild)- Captain Blackmoor 15. ATC Warehouse- Captain Blackmoor 16. 17. 18. Explorers' House of Goods & Trade- Niku 19. Explorers' Stable- Niku 20. Green Riders' Headquarters- Doornroosje 21. Flight of Dragons stable 1- De Sandman 22. Flight of Dragons stable 2- timura 23. Blacksmith 1- de Gothia 24. Blacksmith 2- Silver.Smith 25. Silver.Smith (soft) 26. Locksmith- lightningtiger 27. Legonardo 28. Bar/Brewery- Legonardo Davidy 29. Bakery- de Gothia 30. 31. Temple of Minerva (Goddess of peace and wisdom)- volcanicpanik 32. 33. Gardener de Gothia 34. Soldier's Home de Gothia 35. Butcher de Gothia 36. Fisherman's House- ZCerberus 37. Vulcan Hall (engineers and manufacturers’ guild)-ZCerberus 38. House of Buress- ZCerberus 39. Temple of Mithras (God/Saint of warriors)- Special Builder 40. Market House- Xyver 41. 42. Brewery- Hellboy 43. Rampant Lion- Andonii 44. Ranger Outpost- K.Kreations 45. Tanner (leather maker)- Andonii 46. Armorer- MikeyB 47. Fletcher (makes arrows)- Legonardo Davidy 48. Bowyer (makes bows)- Brickdoctor 49. Temple of Neptune- volcanicpanik 50. 51. Pottery- de Gothia 52. Weaver- de Gothia 53. FishMonger- brickboy12 54. Forge- ZCerberus 55. Norah's Noria- ZCerberus 56. 57. Temple of Victoria (Goddess of victory)- mephistopheles 58. Aesculapius Hall (apothecaries’ guild) 59. Hecate Hall (mages’ guild)- rogueang 60. Alchemist- Rolli 61. Temple of Ceres (Goddess of Grain) 62. Lions Inn- Cwertle 63. 64.Estate of Lord d'Evereux-Dustin 65. Hemresa Barracks- narbilu 66. Hemresa Map Library - narbilu 67. Hemresa Legion Recruitment- narbilu 68. Temple of Mars (God of war)-volcanicpanik 69. Artisan House- Captain Genaro 70. House- Zach Mills 71. 72. 73. Bacchus Tavern (a tavern!)- Captain Beerbeard 74. Ceylna the Seamstress - MikeyB 75. Royal Opera House- Jason Cicchini THE WALL: A few guidelines from Artorious Rex when deciding how “big” you should go, or what materials should be used on The Wall: -Building materials: stone towers, stone gatehouses and stone walls with half-timbered (think “Tudor”) style outcroppings is recommended. -The height of the curtain walls on the outer tier should be lower than that of the inner tier. I would recommend walls be somewhere around 20 bricks tall. -The foundation (in studs) of a moderate sized house in Albion would be approximately 20 x 16. 76. Small Keep- 77. Gatehouse A- TheLegoDr 78. Tower A- 79. Gatehouse B- 80. Tower B- Kerntechniker 81. Tower C- Niku 82. Great Gatehouse and Greffen Bridge- ZCerberus 83. Tower D- Legonardo Davidy
  7. I like Albion myself. I have a thought, maybe you didn't know, but our capital sits at the junction of two great rivers. I think the second and third best names for the capital can be used to name the rivers.
  8. Welcome Mr. Legonardo. We are glad to have you on EB and in Avalonia. I know you joined a little late to the party so I just wanted to mention we began our journey in this guild by making some avatars (signature figures) and a few foot soldiers to show what an Avalonian army might look like. Feel free to build a MOC for one of the tasks our guild leaders set out for us earlier in the thread. To all members of the guild, plans for the capital are nearly done- stay tuned for an update soon!
  9. Welcome Legonardo! I must say this is definitely what Derfel Cadarn had in mind for Avalonia. Great build.
  10. Don't worry, I make love and WAR
  11. I believe the license is with Disney itself and it was big coup with Toy Story 3, Cars 2 and PotC... maybe it was only for a couple of years, but if Cars and other Disney properties keep coming, I think PotC will be fair game.
  12. I have conflicting opinions on this. PotC was a summer release last time, correct? and we did get a mini update in the form of the Black Pearl (which I have very little interest in acquiring) so it could get a few more sets if it sold well. There are also some characters missing, like the Governor AND skeleton pirates from the Black Pearl so there should be other sets TLG cold come up with. There are also additional pirates movies in the works, so since LEGO already has the license for the movies, if the sets did well, I would think they would continue. On the other hand, we haven't really heard anything about the theme continuing at all, and throwing Davy Jones in the Black Pearl set did seem like a way to get him out there. (Then again, my feelings on the Pearl are he might be the ONLY reason to get it, and maybe LEGO knew that!) I think we need more people to chime in here... expect this discussion to get a blog entry soon [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  13. ZCerberus

    Turtle bay

    Love both the roof techniques you used and the photo quality is outstanding!
  14. Hail Avalonia! Great build newcomer! I really like the water nymph.
  15. Good work! I am glad to see our spy glass is being implemented throughout the realm (my engineers were having trouble miniturizing the technology). I am glad to see you used his banners but as de Gothia said, looks like the banners need a trim/reprint in the same size.
  16. Great coloration. No doubt which guild holds this tower! I really like the door too. Do you climb this watch tower to survey the land for your maps?
  17. Stout and sturdy. Love that it has an interior. Good work.
  18. No need, the guide already exists! My guild leader, Derfel Cadarn has already made a guide to MOCing that includes these trees. In fact, he deserves full credit for them. Click this LINK to check out Derfel Cadarn's guide.
  19. Very nice. I can see several Avatars perfectly represented here. Looks like my sigfig forgot the gold armor for this journey. Good to see he kept the helmet though! I am definately going to have to make some sigfigs like you did as well to scatter through out some MOCs.
  20. I agree my photo skills aren't super awesome. I think it is partly the camera, partly the lighting and partly me... I set the camera to custom and tweak it to take in a lot of light. That also means I need to keep the camera really steady so I used a tripod. The tripod, however, is broken and I struggle with it a bit to get it to work. I use Picasa to "fill light" after the photos if it is needed (and also because Picasa is good at batch resizing photos too), but if you do too much of that, the photos get washed out. I find the pictures are best when I use natural light, but the "lightest" room in my house (biggest window with least obstructions) is the kitchen, and it is still a little dark in the morning there because my window faces south. It is winter in Minnesota so it is dark outside when I get home from my job and it is just starting to become light outside when I leave. I might try taking them in the garage with the garage door open one weekend to see if that helps a bit. What program do you use? Is it sad to hear I actually do edit them some and they are still a little dark!? :p
  21. Avalonian farm completed! Click me for the topic!
  22. Looks like I missed a dark green flag on the side there... oops! Rest assuerd I put one on afterwards.
  23. Nice work my neighbor to the south. Very desertly.
  24. Very nice. We needed one of these for all our siege weapons. Now I now where to go when our siege weapon plans are finished.
  25. Thanks for the front page! I've always wanted to get there!
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