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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Great addition Skipper. Expect this to be blogged soon. [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  2. This is a really cool thread Horry. I can't believe I missed it! Expect this to be... [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  3. I was being a bit facetious when I said the bit about all themes being licensed. I take this to mean Cam hates controversy... and discussion... and fun.
  4. I do not know a ton of memebers who are from MN like us. Where abouts in the North Star state are you located?
  5. We will see MAJOR minifig changes before release. The ones in the photos are place holders for the most part. Look at the troll in the Moria set, or Gollum in the Shelob set, those are NOT final and you can expect many of the others are not as well. Though the shileds in the Uruk sets look pretty nice! The small break-outs on the bottom of the set boxes are closer to what you can expect for the minis. The other thing that is missing from the prelims is some color changes and sticker changes. I think the "brick brick" will likely not be dark tan, and I would expect some stickers on a few of the other sets to make them look better.
  6. Yes, I left out the controversy so we wouldn't rehash what happened, since this isn't an "I hate fleshies" thread, or "LEGO is racist" thread but since it came up anyway... Weil is right that the change did in fact happen AFTER the Cloud City set was released which contained a dark skinned Lando minifig thus suggesting the yellow minis that were also in the set were in fact not as race nuetral as suggested before. I think LEGO did what they had to after that. Like I said, they could have just made Lando yellow like the other figures were, but I think that would probably also have offended some people. It was probably a good call to switch to fleshies, but it sucks for people who want to use the torsos for other stuff when there is skin showing on the fleshies.
  7. I do NOT see fleshies coming to non-licensed themes. On the other hand, I think some people believe in a few years we will have nothing BUT licensed themes!
  8. It's cool. building in the main challenges is good and will help us earn points, but not everyone can get in on all the action. I love your current avatar. Very cool.
  9. Our first build on the wall. Very nicely done. I like that you added the details on the inside of the wall as well. Good snot water for the moat/river area and a cool ballista up top. Really good job!
  10. I think this first cropped up with Lando Calrissian. LEGO could always say their figures were not any specific human race, they were simply LEGO people. Then came Lando in Star Wars... they could have made him yellow like all the other LEGO people, and that would have been fine with me, but I think at that point they decided if they were going to continue with licensed sets, they needed to perhaps make flesh colored figures to represent characters more precisely. It makes sense to do it that way. I however, prefer my figures to be race neutral and simply be LEGO people.
  11. I agree that the start was a little intense. The seven challenges, the main challenges, Albion... but there is more time for the feasting hall challenges, and plenty of room for Albion still. I don't know what is in Derfel's head, but I would guess there is a good foundation now, and unless the MOCs dry up, we are probably set to build without any major additions for a while.
  12. I would be neat... but I doubt the result would be anything like you are picturing! I think this would be simply too hard. It may work if we had the same person taking the photos with the same camera, in the same light etc., but outside of that... you also have to factor in how far one is from the photo. what king of base it is built on and more. I agree that it would be really super awesome, I just don't think it would work!
  13. I was also disappointed with the Pearl. First Pirate ship I didn't run out and buy... makes me a little sad. I hope we finally get a wig mold or two in the next wave.
  14. Nice work. I can tell it isn't finished, but I do think the technique for the tower is right on. Looks like you didn't have any yellow round 1 x 1 bricks. Maybe you could switch all the yellow to tan and finish this bad boy up!
  15. I think Derfel is a pretty reliable source. I am inclined to believe him. Does the confirmation excite anyone? Disappoint anyone?
  16. Thanks for the thumbs up on the green star. It was a nice surprise on Saturday.

  17. Wow. You get some good time off in Sweden, not nearly so nice in the US, only a couple of weeks. I don't have any children, but I believe the duration is much sorter. Even so, you are still producing good stuff in a short amount of time.
  18. You can post links and pictures in this thread to announce you have completed a MOC, but the I also have been creating links to each build on the first post in this thread (click on the bold/highlighted name/text by the number of the building) and I believe Derfel is linking them from the first page of the guild thread as well. Just a little note for you guys if you are looking for other people's completed MOCs, those are great places to find them.
  19. Good work lad! Just what we were shooting for! This reminds me a lot of the blue house from MMV. that is not a bad thing, just a comment! EDIT: Since I moved over here for the guild wars, I was not familiar with anything you had done before, but your work so far has been great!
  20. You can build it in black... we do have paint... I was only cautioning to be wary of style clashes for things that should be the same like towers and gate houses, less so with buildings on the interior.
  21. Very kind of you to say. I borrow liberally from Derfel, so borrowing from me is like a double shot. I am sure he there are other builds who he borrows from. That is what I like about sites like this, it is great to be able to see others work and learn and get ideas from what they have done. I am amazed you can do such good work in such a short amount of time. You must be very well organized!
  22. I like it! The sand green and dark green combo in the middle is my favorite part, though de Gothia is right, the windows are also very nice. Only thing I would consider changing is the wooden roof... maybe overlap one of the sides to it is more pointed at the top?
  23. Ah hah! It is certainly your style, fits the guild, and has good scale and serves a need for the capital, overall, A+ I almost thought with the way it was built it would hinge open MMV style! A bit of a criticism or two: I am not sure the door "works" when it is multicolored... I think it makes it blend in a bit too much. Also the "indented" window and the black column of round 1 x 1 bricks look weird on the left side of the MOC. When I look at this MOC, I see a mixture of yours, Derfel's and my styles all shaken about. It is kinda cool to see it blended like this since that will make the MOCs in Albion look like they go together!
  24. I guess I wasn't following it as closely as others. It makes sense to release near a new movie. Maybe I was just more in tune with the PotC model which didn't seem to do a classic role out and then an on strange tides roll out. I wonder what the thought is behind that??... you'd think if they know they are going to get a big boost from a movie they would ride that first and see if the theme will be a hit by comparing the numbers to other themes... then again, maybe thought is people won't want "old" theme stuff when the new movie comes out. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing all the grainy prototypes and speculating what is in each set before we can even see it!!
  25. Hee hee... funny you should post this the day before Lord of The Rings is announced! I supposed we should try to leave LotR to its own thread though. EDIT: hee hee laughing at my own title. Just noticed it.
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