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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I'll pin this one for now, but it might need some more work. Can you reformat the links to look pretty?
  2. this question doesn't really belong here SheepEater. I have responded in that thread.
  3. It's possible your efforts will be rewarded some day, that was the criteria for the first round of tags. Like I said, those new to the project now have something to work towards!
  4. I posted the details in the main thread.
  5. So here is what the tags mean... Silver- participated in at least one challenge Gold- Guild leader or participated in at least 3 challenges Those of you who haven't built in a challenge or who are new, you'll get a shot to get one eventually to! Heck, look how long it took to get these out! Honestly, the one I think looks "best" is the silver Avalonian one, though it would be the most common tag by 1. The rarest tag is the Nocty Gold. I think only 4 people have one of those! Again, thanks to everyone who worked on the tags and Foog for getting them all assigned.
  6. <3 Si and ISC which either means Si and ISC love me, or I love Si and ISC. Both are true, so whatever. Given by the ISCster.
  7. Uh- I am pretty sure I know your EB staff liaison... he tells me he hasn't heard anything about this. Yes, I talk to myself.
  8. Thanks to the admins for approving them and Fugazi who had to sort through the enormous list of the 8 different tags and get them assigned! Shiny!
  9. Yes, some are GOLD, some are silver. Depends on how many challenged you entered. A few people are missing shields due to the limited number of tag slots. We are trying to sort that out.
  10. this is probably a better question for the buy/sell forum. Where are you located Masa and how many are you looking for?
  11. They are beautiful MOCs though, so those suckers can deal with it, right?
  12. Cool. Dwarves, being great miners of gems, should have fancy stones for flooring! I'll have to take a closer look at the walls to see the complexities. It doesn't look awkward at all, so you must have had a good solution.
  13. I like the ship- but I am with kabel, get some medieval soldiers bra!
  14. Don't forget to vote for the official lore. Getting that squared away can help formulate how to move on. In case you are too lazy to find it in the forum, it is here.
  15. We don't want ot make enemies though. I am posting them over time so it isn't a flooding.
  16. Good work bro! Love the wall texture and the pillars. I do feel like the floor could be done in another color to make the MOC pop though.
  17. Tutorial? Let's skip that and talk more about soccer Just kidding... on both accounts.
  18. Thanks for the input guys. It seems like there is some good support to having the three categories, which was one of the main thrusts I wanted to infuse. I want to make access for new people low so we can build up the base again and get even more new MOCers and players. I am also glad some of you are looking forward to trying out new guilds.
  19. Change can be good, but more than that, there are some real issues that could be addressed as well. We started out with many more members than we have now, and while I feel a lot of people have really developed their talents, we also want the world to thrive and survive. Capturing some of the original intrigue and offering shorter challenges with faster results could allow more people to participate in the fun. It would also be fun to have focused stories set in each guild to help develop each land.
  20. I read the constitution, but my concerns about rotating leadership are still the same. Since the decision making authority is separated into multiple people right now, and some of them are busy with other work/duties, you have noticed things have ground to a halt on more than one occasion. This would continue if we kept having multiple decision makers. Honestly, right now 70% of the work gets done by one person, and he is the only one who hasn't burnt out yet. It is some of what I was proposing, but see below on the limited impact. Wouldn't you like to work with soccerkid6 for a brief period? Or Legonado? It would only be for one challenge period. We have had major problems in that Nocturnus, with the fewest participants, and Avalonia with the most are they are last and first in guild scoring respectively. Quiescence? Doubtful. Some competitive balance is needed going forward, but again, see below. It would also give people the opportunity to build and try out the styles of other guilds. You would still be a Kaliphlin if YOU wanted to be, but you could also try to be a Nocturnian for a single challenge too! It wouldn't be for a full 6 challenge arc. It would be for one single, 3 category challenge. If the idea worked, then we would move to OTHER Guilds and do the same thing. Next challenge could be in Avalonia, or Kaliphlin, or Varlyrio, or somewhere else . When we move to that guild, again, the members of that guild can pick their side immediately, then we balance the rest. You are not REQUIRED to participate in any challenge, but it would open you up to play with new people. My thought was when we move to each guild for that challenge, the guild nominates someone or two someones to help develop the story and act as the figure head for the two competing sides. But the leaders have regulator type powers and the EB staff does NOT like the number of those we already have running around. We also are currently without a MOD. I put in a request to get one, but it is progressing slowly. With that in mind, the nanny's as you say would be fairly powerless and not accountable. We also could not offer official prizes unless it went through staff. The leaders might also really like a chance to participate in challenge or too. I know Ecc and myself tried to balance running things with building and it is really super tough. At first, when ISC was setting this up, he said to the original leaders it would "not really be any extra work" which proved to be completely false. And see Si-MOCs comments in your own guild thread. People are always free to build outside the challenges (like Masa said), but for cohesion and accountability and cohesion (yes, really meant to put this in again) purposes, it would be good to keep a limited number of the same people to oversee some of the action.
  21. Looks great! LD signature work for sure.
  22. Nice post kabel. We need more medieval ships that actually look medieval. Don't forget about the ship that Guss made just a few posts down on the forum ladder!
  23. That's uncalled for and not even true. Zach has had some builds for the guild and people can participate in whatever capacity they like. Those "tree-huggers" who can't do anything else are in what place on the gold score board again? Just checking... seems like Avalonians can also make killer MOCs. Heh. Weird.
  24. Love the colors and the organic feel. The wall also looks very "ruin-y". I do admit, however, I am already confused about the story. Who is this assassin? Who is the head of the garrison? What is he the garrison of?
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