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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. I had a vision too... actually no. You're all crazy and I'm stating to think that Chris has a point. He can stay tied up though.
  2. Please do. I'd like some more actual LEGO time.
  3. I look at the first spot expecting it to be fully gone and the second to have one... etc... Is this true or are we in some sort of weird wacky things don't make sense land?
  4. Huh? OK. I can see the puddles of blood are different. Are they really different or is it just that my eyes have a defect where I see extra blood from time to time? Happy? This is really baaaaad science.
  5. I'm rude because you're disputing facts? Talk about misdirection! No, there's just one trusted group. I'm not in it. You're not in it. Stop trying to confuse the issue. But if you're going to "blah blah blah" me like that when you started the conversation you're just not my cup of tea and you can just bugger off. Don't like losing, do you?
  6. Stunning. I've gotta look at more of the entries it seems if you think this might not be good enough!
  7. That is just sooo cool. You're getting my vote!
  8. I don't think so.
  9. Yep! That's the one!
  10. He's an old friend of Sinner.
  11. For the most part Shadows is a Root Admin in all but name. We'd make him one but then I wouldn't feel superior anymore.
  12. Just to clarify what Shadows said, admins can see anonymous logins. They show up as "member name*". So in short, if you're hiding from your boyfriend, do it, if you're hiding from us, don't bother.
  13. So does that make Sheldon a Demon? There are at least 4 drops of blood, and I'd assume there'd be more in the water... Can I boff Sheldon?
  14. Lies? Truth? Are we having the same conversation? I'm just presenting facts, and you're disputing them! This is not a case of blood drying up. Look at the first appearance of blood pool "number 5"... Seems oodles suspicious to me. But if you choose to ignore what could be a clue feel free. Huh? I am not doing that at all. I'm trying to find the truth of the blood pools and you're trying to dispute what is clear in-your-face evidence. Don't be waving the "mistrust" flag at me. So anyone who has a different opinion is a "demon" now? You're not in the trusted group either.
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