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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. OK, well it seems that people don't want it anyway. I've seen it work well on some sites I visit a lot, such as CodeProject, but it does have a different memberbase. Great post Svelte +10.34!
  2. I don't dislike the idea. Their forum runs on vBulletin so it's possible it's implemented in the board itself; our board has a similar feature that's disabled. Consider it possible.
  3. Well I must confess that while it's got a big "spare parts" tag on it I've been too busy to do anything about it. Thus if you want photos just ask, but if you're just shocked that I bought this for spare parts then... sorry? Thanks! It's a very impressive set.
  4. Jipay recently offered me a raise. I think I'll turn it down.
  5. It's very good! The lighting is very consistant thoughout and it highlights all of the key functions. I do however think the music is too "heavy" for such a cute model...
  6. Gee... I feel bad asking now that you've posted that large explanation... especially since I'm probably going to make it now anyway! It's a quite impressive yet simple solution.
  7. I was more concerned about here... Doesn't the 4x1 and 2x1s rub on the outer ring? If I'm wrong I really should be building the base... It looks like they touch to me...
  8. Thanks for another great review! When I saw how this was put together I expected the rotation to be a lot rougher, but the turntable design seems quite smooth. If I don't end up with this I'll have to make some of it so I can at least see that part. You'd think they'd be some horrid part wear... I loved the Gladiatorial Games! **Mental note; increase hinting level from 4 to 5.**
  9. To me the obvious choices are... - 8294 Excavator - 8292 Cherry Picker - 8263 Snow Groomer ...due to ease of availability.
  10. Not in the short term, but maybe later. We'd rather give this format a few months test first. It's a massive improvement over the old format in terms of access for LEGO movies and as forums go it's not that big.
  11. Indeed! I've merged these so people don't feel the need to repeat themselves.
  12. - 8294 Excavator Own and like. Good source of ne parts. - 8265 Front Loader Don't own but want. - 8284 Tractor Don't own but want due to colours and wheels. - 8264 Hauler Don't own and don't like. Not enough functions for the price. - 8292 Cherry Picker Own and like. Good part source and good functionality - 8288 Crawler Crane Own and love. It works very well. - 8263 Snow Groomer Don't own but want. Read the nice review... - 8421 Mobile Crane - 8275 Motorized Bulldozer - 8258 Crane Truck I have all but the last. Buying these three would give you a great range of parts. It wasn't well stocked; I needed to buy it at S@H.
  13. I was in K-Mart today and they still had a few Dropships there at the bargain price. We bought the T-Shirt today and she's working on it now. We'll post pics (ugly mug included) when finished.
  14. Actually I largely agree. The whole division annoys me as in normal circumstanses I don't like mixing the two. Thus I'd prefer one go... and I suspect the flesh tones can't. I didn't like the flesh ones at first, but I'm over it now; in fact to me the old Star Wars figs look odd!
  15. I'd change the target audience. In time I can see TLG forgetting about that fickle bunch called "kiddies" and making LEGO for adults and education only, but that could take another 20 years and I don't want to wait! Why? When that happens it'll be the end of silly things like shooting functions and <insert that tiresome argument> building. Also, it'll probably move to on-line only with less money wasted on over-sized boxes and with one price worldwide so overall it'll be cheaper, and thus pleasing what seems to be a common wish. Am I delusional? Possibly, but it's my wish!
  16. Never! That's good. We won't tell Hinckley that you accused his skin of being glitched.
  17. Do you mean this? If so, that's the background to the banner. The banner itself is just this; It's done this way so for most screen widths a full banner is shown. Why you saw one then the other is probably just because there was a delay from your end in loading. Unless I'm reading you wrong, this is not a glitch.
  18. Glad to hear and a belated Happy Birthday from me!
  19. One tenth of SFA.
  20. Do what I do; sell the wheels to Jipay's Ferrari; he soon pays up.
  21. We've actually found that pinning a topic achieves nothing but have it at the top; that is people often ignore pinned topics. For this reason we try to keep pinned topics to a minimum in the hope that they will be noticed. Yes... but I'm not convinced it's anything we can "fix".
  22. What did you expect; custom parts in a prototype? The significant thing is that they even used them when the fire hoses (and revolvers) were already available. To me this means they were considering making new modern looking handguns... but it could just mean that the photographer was lazy!
  23. The wait is over; we no longer need to look at Star Wars reviews to pass the time. Blakbird has done a detailed review of the new 8263 Snow Groomer set. You can find the full 8263 review here in our Technic, Mindstorms & Model Team forum.
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