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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Don't forget that even recently TLG toned down the Dinosaur line for Europe, and while the Agents sets had decently realistic guns in the prototypes, but ended up with fire hoses in the production version. I think you'll be waiting a while; at least another 10 years.
  2. Oh wow! This set is even better than I thought, and thankfully it's a decent deal too! I love all the new Technic parts. Most of them are designed to do more with less, and that's great for a more usefull part count. (Especially in keeping the pin count down.) Thanks for the great review!
  3. First off before the wild accusations start, yes she is who she claims to be, and thanks for joining! ...and... er.... yes I am actually working upstairs, not browsing EB. I was just giving things a quick check... I was nagging her to do that as well.
  4. Indeed it is gross! I've been using traps and catching a few for a while... but I'm still seeing signs. So it's out witht he big guns for me! Luckily we don't have any pets.
  5. Aye yay yay yay! I'm not going to take that lying down! For one, I have two messy kids and I clean the carpet every day, and two, the place that I'm renting has a cracked slab so there are holes everywhere; I'm surprised we don't get stray kangaroos in here! It's one of the many reasons why I'm moving soon.
  6. Not true anymore; only the "I'm new!" group can't post new topics in BSTF. In the ancient history of EB, there was alot of people making too many silly polls. Rather than crack down on polls it was decided to limit them to more senior members. (Before my time, but I'm not for changing the rule.) Personally I don't see it as a big deal; polls are hardly essential for all members to have. I've know many forums that ban them for users altogether.
  7. My worst mouse story is they killed my computer! Years ago (when I was a poor teenager) I had this rubbish computer that I used for everything; a super powered 8086 XT with a 20 MB hard drive. I had to go away for a week or two when a theatre production I was in was on tour and I came back and my computer was acting odd doing random resets. I opened it up and found that it was obviously used as a mouse home while I was gone. I cleaned it out but the rust was too bad and it was the end of my computer. The funny thing about the timing of this topic is I bought some mouse poison just today as I think we've got a few frequenting my house at the moment... I'll keep your story in mind and not stick any near my LEGO, especially since I'm moving soon myself!
  8. It's very easy to fake the source EMail address. I could send you a letter from obama@whitehouse.gov without much bother. But your username is harder to fake so you could be right.
  9. Looks like spam to me. Don't reply to it or go to the site. I've heard nothing about any block...
  10. I've never heard that before. Because my wife was against the Dropship purchase since the weekend I've been trying to build it from spare parts. (It's hard.) She got sick of me mumbling about how rare some parts are and how I had to break this and that so she went out and bought it for me! It was only $299 so it's probably an Australia wide reduction. Very devious of K-Mart... I got mine for $100 at Target. ...but that was last year. I'd never pay that much for it.
  11. Ignoring the absurdity of a monorail steam train, I love it! I'm suprised it has so many cars; was that only one motor? I love the Metroliner as well... and I wish I was there.
  12. Actually it's only 10 posts now and he's already almost there! I can move this if you like, but it's cool here as well...
  13. So you can't see this when you make a topic?
  14. It's been moved to our archive forum for neatness reasons. (We delete very little here! ) Will it come back? We have no plans but it's possible; you're the first to notice it's absence though. Nothing else has been removed, but we did change the order and a few forums have had slight re-names.
  15. But didn't he say he wanted it that way? Are you complaining about my help?
  16. I went out yesterday but there was nothing special left at our K-Mart; I ended up getting 5974 Galactic Enforcer in BigW. There was loads of those left as they were stupidly stocked in outdoor, and BigW sales are rare. (It's largely a good set but the rear bike/engines are a nonsense idea.)
  17. Screw you hippy; not a chance! As a guess, it's because this is at least five topics merged. It doesn't really matter much though as if you're right this is a board issue and probably not an easily fixable one; but I'll look into it just the same.
  18. I've merged few topics and made them into our new Suggestion topic. In this we'll try to hear out suggestions... but please be polite and not overly debative here. We do try to please most members, but as we know all to well that in pleasing some we probably annoy others. First off, there does seem to be a bit of confusion over short posts; and since it's not actually in our guidelines I can understand this to a degree. First off, why isn't it in guidelines? Mostly because we've found it hard to write something short and to the point. We try to keep the guidelines small so people actually read them, but at the moment they're already a bit too big. Long term it will be in them, but they need to be revised and the recent forum re-organisation has been keeping most of us busy. Anyway, back the the point, short posts are OK providing they are appropriate and you don't make mostly short posts. For example; in the classic MOC comment example... "Nice MOC; I love the walrus!" ...is perfectly OK in itself, but if you made a string of posts like this... "Nice MOC; I love the boots!" "Great MOC; I love the walrus!" "Cool MOC; I love the toilet!" "Incredible MOC; I love the train!" ...then probably not. Also, sometimes short is all that's needed; for example in Birthday or welcome topics.
  19. He's not EB staff. Welcome to Eurobricks!
  20. Strewth Mixwizzard; you're starting to make me regret giving you another chance. Please, lighten up! I'm going to close this topic for your own dignity, but if you want it re-opened just PM and ask. But honestly; these topic rarely work out well, and I've seen a few... I'll tell you a secret if you promise to not tell anyone; after someone is released from the chamber we move the topic so others can't read it.
  21. Bloomen heck! I had to wipe it all over your case report! No bog roll... AGAIN! But it's fitting; your statement stunk before anyway... Care to revise it? It needs to be rewritten now anyway so you might as well come clean. *wipes statement in the face of brickbuster44* How'd ya like that? *kick shove phone book* I bet you have my bucket too! *brings out Fabuland shovel and clobbers him a few times* ....oh er... gotta go back there; bog roll or not! I'll give the sheila's loo a try! *runs off again clutching rear end* You're in fine form today! I'll drop the game now; I wouldn't want to get banned for spamming. Thanks for playing along. brickbuster44 Feel free to come back and discuss this. We won't bite; honest. As for me it's 2am and my wife is getting grumpy so I better go.
  22. It's not too late; let's go! brickbuster44 Where were you on the night of the 31st? Tell me or it'll go bad for you. *slap kick* I gotta go to the can; you take over Sargent Shadows.
  23. 'cos he thinks we don't understand what an IP address is! But you've ruined my fun; I was going to play opposites. Eitherway LeggoMyLego, so you were that annoyed that we merged those topics? Strewth man, loosen up! LEGO is just a hobby!
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