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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Sorta; he has made one post...
  2. Happy Birthday and welcome back Ed! Happy birthday to the rest too!
  3. Hmmmm. It seems Mr Hinckley forgot about you. I've added you now. Was that your first?
  4. Indeed! Norro standing up for a space set!
  5. Great find and thanks for the review. Care to explain why? Personally I think that aside from the colour scheme the new one is far better. Why? Suspension, more enclosed cockpits, bug-like appearence.... I suppose it's a matter of personal opinion though.
  6. ....sorry for the off topic post, but welcome back ed!
  7. Thanks for the great review! Sad to say, as cool as he looks, he's a sale-only set for me.
  8. Thanks for the great review! I'm planning to buy this one when it appears down here... These set's seem to be good for parts... providing the price is good.
  9. I'd never let anyone clean my Lego but me...
  10. This is very good! I especially like the roof. I'd buy a set this cool, especially since I haven't got any blue plates...
  11. Happy Birthday! I hope it's a good one.
  12. Thanks for the explanation; it'll be good to see you around more!
  13. Hinckleys right; you are getting good! First off; your Death Roller gives me flashbacks to the 8 wheel truck from 744... Is that a good thing? Sure it is! Aside for the Death Roller's well hidden engine I love it. It would be scarey going against that beast; I especially like the rear turret. The cage truck is pretty cool too, and it's passenger looks nice and gumpy. (I would be too being squished up like that!) My votes; Stay and fight with Sondra! You and she can help the others fight Dragonator Try to lure the army away from the base to The Swarm Territory! None, I voted to stay and fight! Ian Ded, amatuer fighter but can build you a cyborg leg.
  14. Feels like I've been here before...
  15. Lego-Freak has found a picture of a new Agent set. Discuss it here. Also, I Scream Clone tells us that the new Impulse sets are on S@H for a few countries. Read more here
  16. Yes as it allows you to pump and then just use the switches as long as the air lasts. Otherwise you need a compressor (my solution) or you need to keep pumping...
  17. Oh no; mines in the wash. (On a related note, I saw the movie last week; the books are far better. )
  18. I love mine; it's my favourite owned set. I saw one with missing parts sell on eBay for $240 AUD last week... I'd buy another for a good price.
  19. Errr... yes! It was only two topics down from yours... I'll merge them.
  20. Actually I think they just pick a few things that they think will make good sets, regardless of actual importance to the story. I don't think they intend to give the wrong idea though. But that's just my opinion...
  21. As others have said, this really is a set for those that didn't buy the Batcave. Thus I want it! The cars are pretty horrid though... Thanks for the review ???theriddler???!
  22. Oh, no peril at all? So Lego once again has given people the wrong idea about a movie? This is like the Turbo Tank all over again!
  23. Perhaps it should be mergerd later, but you have put so much work into it that it should stay separate for at least a few days. Thanks very much for taking the time to post this. I love CGI.... but only if it's done smartly. It is relatively easy to make a realistic looking thing using CGI... but blending it with a real life moving background (or vice versa) is really hard. Light is a really complex thing to simulate as most objects reflect different coloured light which then bouces of another object and results in what we see. Human sight is based a lot on expectation and we inately know how things are supposed to look. Thus when we see un-realistic CGI it looks wrong and I personally find it really annoying. Some scenes in Matrix Reloaded for example were just plain horrid... on the other hand Pirates II for the most part was 100% convincing. (Darker settings really helped on the Flying Dutchman.) I think directors should ask preview audiences to write down what they thought was obvious CGI and if too many people know it was not real then it should be removed or re-done. That is always a bad sign.
  24. Welcome to EB! I look forward to your opinions on the new sets...
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