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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Oh. Well I was waiting until the DVD release anyway! (I'll move this too... )
  2. I just recieved the poll.... and I picked robots.
  3. Hey presto!
  4. No, but I did a seach and found it. I was considering merging them but I'll leave that decision up to you.
  5. That's a great house! You seem to have forgotten nothing.
  6. I didn't get it...
  7. Oh my! As always I am stunned by your work. I like how you used the different slope sizes to create an arc on the battlements. The whole fortress has a really nice flow to it. Great work!
  8. It works for me and I haven't got quicktime...
  9. Hewman brings us news of a collection of re-released mini-figs... and it's only Volume 1! Talk about it here.
  10. Very nice; especially the interior! I love the little details; like the vent over the frier. Fixed.
  11. I agree all round!
  12. I think it would float too low to work, even if you glued it. My 7075 doesn't float anymore because I built it up. Now if I try to float it the stern waterline causes water to rush in and thus sink it. Have you tried putting it in the water to get an idea of the waterline?
  13. I tackle that by trying to buy more sets at once and/or buying sale sets.
  14. Thank you Deino! Great review. You've sold the set to me; I wasn't planning on buying this!
  15. Ooops! I expected this poll would last for months! Congrats guys!
  16. Thanks for reporting this! I'll have to consider this set more seriously now...
  17. I do that a lot if I can't wait to look at a new set...
  18. A recent purchase of mine cost $21 AUD, was 1.1 KG and it was 750 pieces. Another that had more big (and rare) pieces cost $110 AUD was 2.5 KG and 1325 pieces.
  19. I want! I have only one of each and I really don't care if they are new or old! (I make a poor collector! ) Do you think they would do that? I'm worried now... Really? I have both of those!
  20. ...and that is exactly the reason why there isn't such a forum; there would be too much cross-over with the various themes. For example, any technic technique should go in Technic...
  21. They are posted in this forum. I gave a casual glace though the first few pages and found several.
  22. Enjoy it while it lasts!
  23. No I don't! Honestly, it's way too dark. Can you do it outside or open a few windows?
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