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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Great photos! I wish I was there...
  2. No, but I know a moderator; Doctor Sinister. You can contact him here or via his forum.
  3. Not anymore! I had the 6683 Hamburger Stand as a kid (I even rebuilt it recently) and I love it!
  4. Thanks for highlighting this; I downloaded them all! While the ferry is still my favourite I think I want them all...
  5. Please note that the staff is considering limiting games to one per forum, and three maximum on the whole site. How long would this one last? dragonator has already asked for permission to run "Mystery Castle" while Roman Mafia is on pause and we already have the "EBRP Adventure" game. Future rules aside, personally I'm not convinced we have enough regulars to support running three games in one forum. You beat me to it! Great minds think alike?
  6. Thanks! It's built very conventionally; almost like a house! I like how they are highlighting parts in the instructions.
  7. Thanks! I agree; it does seem a bit small inside. I think it's a good set for parts though; some of the parts (like the 2x4 arc piece on the roof) I've never seen before. I like the undercarridge too.
  8. Who did you hear that from? I thought it was never to come back again. I wouldn't worry though; I bet a set that is similar is released eventually.
  9. That looks really cool. I'll have to borrow that soonish!
  10. Like a few others here, I have too much of nothing. (I almost said the competition cannons, but I have found uses for them in the past.) I tend to buy my sets more carefully these days so parts that are hard to use, such as big buckets... ...I just don't buy to many of, if any. In short, I have one or two copies of hard to use pieces, but if I didn't have them I would want them just the same!
  11. I love it! It's a less impulsive impulse!
  12. Ahhghh! I was hoping to give this vote a good look, but time is against me! My votes went to SirNadroj, phred and TinyPiesRUs. I really loved the Turtle by phred; I knew what it was supposed to be straight away. (I like the theme idea too.)
  13. Wow! Great review of what seems to be a great set. I love that ponytail. This looks to be a must have set! (It probably won't stay together for long though...) Thanks very much. (I fixed the header for you; that's two you owe me. The other is for making me think that this set was in Australia... )
  14. Thanks everyone, it's been good so far. What did I get? Dunno... Management at my house thinks I have got enough lately and don't really need an actual birthday present... and she's probably right! But the kids keep asking when I'm going to un-wrap my presents.... (No, I didn't coach them.) We're going out for lunch soon so who knows! But don't worry about me, it's not like I'm badly done by. (Great work UB; you posted this with perfect timing! Did you carefully calculate this or did you just get lucky?)
  15. Well, before this goes from bad to worse...
  16. This topic is too old to merge, but for people reading this the answer has been given.... It seems that Athos was right!
  17. That's because of cost. The older beams needed a four sided mold, and the newer ones need only a two. LEGO do seem to be using both types more as of late though. I've never heard an official word (...perhaps I should raise a topic...) but I think that they don't show them any more because it became a support nightmare. What do I mean? I bet TLG was tired of letters and calls saying "Timmy can't make this model shown on the box. Can you send instructions and the extra parts..." I know that for some recent models they were designed but not published. How do I know this? The creator said so!
  18. Here is the official word; This is being discussed elsewhere so I will try and bring together the topic into one...
  19. I like the bigger one. Considering the scale you chose it works very well. It needs a bigger RADAR though...
  20. No, but we (especially imperialshadows) are working on new indexes. Supposedly the space one was my job...
  21. I like the Grey one best.... and I resized the images for you.
  22. I hope this is more popular than the real thing. I might print this out for a laugh... Thanks!
  23. Thanks for an answer. I'll shut up now so we can focus on your review...
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