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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. I'll move it for now.
  2. Do they have those bumps (black dots? ) still? Do we have a conversion table? Surely you must have some real parts? Well enter all you want, but it'll count as only one "ticket". ...I love all the entries so far!
  3. Fixed. Please note that if this topic doesn't stay focused on Technic competition it will be moved... and possible closed. (IMHO there has been too much M%g@ Bl*ks discussion on EB lately. Positive or negative makes no difference, it just doesn't really belong on this site.)
  4. We don't host images here; use Flickr/Brickshelf/anything.
  5. No, we just have a few... and they could be all the same for all we know. We're not 100% sure if we'll open them first to let winners pick or not.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that. I'm assuming it's a placeholder.
  7. I find it hard to believe it's a MOC; too many newish pieces and no old ones. In case TLG is reading; I like it! EDIT: Further proof; the flatbed bogies have red and blue parts inside. No MOCer would do that!
  8. Well I haven't stopped riding so my odometer is almost at 4000 now! Here's me in standard riding gear. I must confess that I didn't notice the edit until you mentioned it!
  9. Yeah. I used to keep my boxes as they were... then I put small boxes in bigger boxes... then I flat packed then... then I started throwing all but a few out. Now I use them when I can (such as for storage), but most end up in the recycle crate. (At first I used to keep all the bags too! )
  10. Stunningly good! Want to do some background set work for De-Classic-Space?
  11. Stunning work. How are you going to top this one?
  12. I love cranes, and one of favourites is the Liebherr LG 1750. M_longer must feel the same way as he's made a stunning model of one! Yes, it's motorised! See more of the LEGO Liebherr LG 1750 in the LEGO Town Forum!
  13. I have this. It's a good book with good advice and some nice instructions... but it's not essential. It was published about 8 years ago and many of the techniques mentioned are common knowledge today. I paid $15 USD for mine a few years back which was a good deal, but $150....
  14. Jonas has made a wonderful recreation of the Emperor Wilhelm's Memorial Tower which used to be in Poland. There are more photos in the MOC topic (as well as one of the real thing) and lookout for more stunning creations in the LEGO Historic Themes Forum!
  15. Bonaparte has some mean letter writing skillz. Don't get him angry... :sing:
  16. Actually the truth is I was at work and was unable to help; it died just before I had to leave! Since it seemed to restart by itself it probably it was an issue with our host. Bonaparte for the most part handles issues like that; go get 'em!
  17. But Captain Flowers, I was waiting for a rebuttal! (It's OK. )
  18. I've bought the "UNSC Green Combat Unit"... and the pieces that came with them reminded me why I don't buy the sets. (The figures were well painted considering the price.) That is true, but the quality is inferior so they should be of at least comparable value. Even so, my complaint with most MB sets is not the the value, but the way they shape the sets; chunky and cheap pieces in the middle, smooth slabs on the outside. This leaves you with nice looking pieces with little use and a vast amount of standard pieces that are only good for building walls. Most of the Halo sets are a great example of this (the Pelican was OK though), so are... ...the Probuilder line. On a more positive note, I didn't mind the designs their Gundam line... .. but it's a shame they weren't available for much of the world.
  19. Please, don't start that up again.
  20. ...so why post here? This topic has all the answers!
  21. Please don't revive old topics just to make a comment like this... ...and please don't ask questions to the reviewer when the review is over two years old.
  22. This is a silly topic. We know nothing about this and even if we did we wouldn't leak it so casually. Good idea.
  23. With the way they do the sets it seems they are trying to compete with PLAYMOBIL, not LEGO.
  24. Siegfried

    MOC: Showers

    Very classy! I like the "towel" on the left. One part does confuse me; isn't the guy to the top right in need of neck surgery?
  25. Err.... Happy Birthday!
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