Yeah, that is a feature I'd like, especially since I recently upgraded my hardrive from 120 GB to 500 GB.
Rumor or not, it will happen. Sony always do this for security/copy protion and to add new features. But yeah, it'll be easily fixable in the short term as at first it'll just be a version check in most games. Later on though when games actually use new OS features, such as 3D or the Facebook connections, it'll be a lot harder. That'll require a new hacked or receiver engineered OS.
Yeah, it's not on my list... nor is that entire genre either. I'm currently playing Cybertron; I just started the Autobot campaign last night. It's a very cool game and I hope they continue it.
Anyone here that has a (non hacked ) PSN account with a trophy level higher than 9? I've got no PSN friends higher than me any more and I miss it.
Guitar games aren't my thing. It all seems like a dressed up rhythm game to me.