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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. We've gotten random licensed parts from Star Wars, LOTR, and other lines on PAB before. But it's pretty random and never complete figures. The pauldron is 7.03 Euros on PAB. So you'd be better off just buying a 2nd microfighter and parting out the set. Do not link to photos or videos of leaks. You can tell people what to search for, but you can't use direct links. Traffic from EB to leaks risks our partnership with Lego.
  2. Just a reminder that you've got 2 weeks still to build everyone!
  3. Reminder, don't post spoilers for the new Bad Batch episodes. Please wait 1 week before talking about anything spoilery. 2nd reminder, if you read this forum something is going to get "spoiled" at some point. Read at your own risk. 3rd reminder, don't post wishlists or random guesses lists in this thread. We have other threads for that.
  4. They were links to posts and accounts of items Lego has not officially revealed yet. If TLG hasn't shared official pictures it's still considered a leak.
  5. Do not post links to leaks. We could get in trouble with Lego. This is your only warning.
  6. Guys, too much wish-listing is going on. Stay on target.
  7. And the viking helmet is already out of stock. The waiting-for-all-the-parts-I-want-to-be-in-stock-at-the-same-time game begins... I wish Lego would release the parts at the same time instead of this drip-feed.
  8. Thank you for putting it where it belonged!
  9. Cloney beat me by 30 min but I'm still going to jump in here. First, sorry for missing the riot that started here on Sunday. These last few pages were unacceptable. Please keep debates civil. This is a reasonable request. Lego's quality control has gone down drastically in the last 10 years. Please bombard Lego with emails and calls about this. Lego can both listen to fans and drop the ball with quality control. No, this was an unacceptable blasting of each other. And you were the main person adding strife to the conversation. This is your only warning. If you have questions about how to have a more civil debate online send me a PM.
  10. I use bigger drawers for parts I have lots of, or parts that take up a lot of space like larger plates. Then I use smaller drawers for everything else. You could sub-divide every part out there, but I find it's more helpful to separate based on your building style. For example, I build a lot of terrain so all my earth tones 1x2 plates get stored together because I tend to use lots of them at the same time. But all my 1x2 d.grey and l.grey plates get stored separate because when I build something grey (rock work or space ship) I tend to color block. It also depends on how many tubs you have to sort... You'll probably need more than you think.
  11. After I posted this review I was shocked to find some CMFs at a local store. They never had the previous 2 series so I'm not sure what changed but I was happy to see them. I tried this QR code scanner on what I found but only one box had the big QR codes. There were 5 boxes in total and the others all had the smaller codes which aren't scan-able. However, I grabbed 3 based on my box order and got the exact 3 I wanted! Clearly others have had different figure ordering in their boxes. But whichever factory is supplying to France and Netherlands seems to be placing them in the order I listed in my review. The box I reviewed had the big QR codes. But the ones I just found in a shop had the small ones. However both were in the same layout. I managed to get more Goatherds just by grabbing boxes from the same placement locations as my reviewed box. Good to know about the Red Sonya reference. Thanks!
  12. This last page of discussion is close to being on track. But driving in the ditch is still driving in the ditch, not the road. Let's try to keep the discussion more about Lego and less about politics or marketing decisions.
  13. Surprise! You didn't think EB was going to release a review for the newest CMF 25 series did you? Well, I'm no WhiteFang. But I recently moved from the United States to France and haven't found any good stores to buy CMFs from. So I went looking around online and found a great shop here in Europe selling a whole case of them. (And it's on sale till Jan 29th!) And since they shipped them so fast I had time to do a quick review. I've got to say, until Lego starts giving me the option to either 1) buy a full set of figures or 2) buy a whole case this is going to be my new way to buy CMFs. Inside my shipping box was this half-box from Lego. Not sure if Brickshop gets two cases per box or what, but this is how they shipped it to me. For those interested, this is the order I had for my figs. I've had people on Instagram tell me they had a different order for their figs. So use it at your own risk. But surely they use the same layout order within the same factory. First up are my favorite figs out of the bunch, the medieval ones. I was happy the Goatherd didn't have yellow hiding under the hood so I can use it with fleshies if I want. Biggest complaint from this bunch is that the injection mold spots are really obvious on the Bat helmet and the purple Harpy hair. I also wish the Barbarian's hair wasn't red but was a more muted color. I hope they re-use it in tan, blonde, or another more natural hair color shade. Up second are the city dwellers. I like the molded hearing aid on the Dog Groomer's hair. Though it does limit it's versatility a bit. My leas favorite part is the poor print job on the Workout Girl's abs. Yellow printed on Coral didn't work. We pay a premium Lego, get the details right! I also hope we see the para-olympic's legs with grey or black shorts in the future. I'd love to use those as Star Wars greebling! And last but not least are the costumes. I'm going to be using the Noir Detective's outfit as an Imperial uniform. And the inclusion of a honest-to-goodness Red Herring is amazing. The Dino's arms and legs are also getting repurposed as Trandosian parts. And the Mushroom hat will find a way into one of my castle MOCs at some point. My least favorite part is the mis-match of color on the train costume. I love that we got the wheels in dark-red. But the middle wheel (which is part of the molded costume piece where as the front and back and trolley wheels clipped on) should match them, not be normal red. Here's a closer look at the color inconsistencies. Verdict? SCORE DESIGN 7 I thought this was a good grouping of figures. The designs range from "good" to "amazing!" with nothing feeling overly sub-par. PARTS 8 We're all really here for the goat, I know. But even outside of that we get a really good selection of parts. And a good variety for City, Castle, and other kinds of builders. VALUE FOR MONEY 8 If you can get a whole case or manage to use an orthoscope, scale or other method to find the figs you want these are decent value for money. FINAL SCORE: 8 One of, if not the top favorite CMF series of all time. I think Lego really knocked it out of the park this time.
  14. Thanks for getting the starting points picked!
  15. Just want to drop a note saying the past 2-3 pages of discussion has been a good example of civil debate. Differing opinions which are on-topic and which don't resort to name calling are totally allowed. I call out the bad examples often enough I wanted to point out a positive example for once.
  16. It's been too long since we used tags and flags regularly so I assigned some. The Death Star icon is for those who've been active with the Star Wars forum and helping to post content in the News thread. It's hard to believe this figure is real. But seems like it's confirmed. The time and look of it make me think it's fake. But I'd be happy to be wrong. I like that shoulder piece.
  17. Lego, I don't know what you're doing but I love it. People have been clamoring for Jedi Bob and they go and give us an entire set for him! The create the most insane version of the Falcon possible. And we get an incredible line up of figures across multiple sets. Thank you for doing this.
  18. Sorry, last one to post before I check in is the first to get quoted. So I'm quoting you but I'm referring to everyone who's off topic. You're welcome to your opinion, but please share your opinion in the appropriate thread. If there isn't one, make one. The Lego Star Wars set discussion thread is not the place to argue over Lego's business practices or Disney/Lucas's film decisions.
  19. You all know you're off topic. So do the right thing and get back on topic.
  20. While an interesting discussion, it's off topic. Please get back on target.
  21. Our next Main Challenge is live! Check Episode 4 out and start building!
  22. As each team race to control the asset in P10 they send a fleet of ships to secure their next forward base. But something happened to the hyperdrives! Now each team has a crew lost in space. They will need to use their wits and skills to get out of this mess. Dark Side Our ships are out there somewhere. Thank goodness the Imperial training manual has proper procedures for just such an occasion. As long as our troops keep a cool head and follow the guidelines all will be well. Mercenaries What!?! Did someone forget to refill the coolant on our hyperdrives? Once we get out of this mess someone is going to have hell to pay! Light Side Adrift in space you say? Well what else is new. After all we faced in rebellion against the Empire a little hyperdrive trouble shouldn't slow us down too much! Contest Specifics: Each team can build in any of the 3 categories. But they will need to work as a team to make sure their builds don't overlap. At least one build for each of the categories has to be entered before a second can be built in any of them. For example, the Light Side could build 1 entry for Cat A, 1 entry for Cat B, and 2 entries for Cat C. But they couldn't build 3 entries for Cat C and none for Cat A or Cat B. Another example, the Dark Side could build 1 entry for Cat A and 1 entry for Cat B and none for Cat C. The idea behind this rule is to foster teamwork and comradery. Cat A: Show what happened to the hyperdrive. Maybe your nav-computer had a malfunction and dropped you out of space too early. Maybe a Porg chewed through a critical wire. This scene should be set on a ship if applicable (think inside the Millennium Falcon) or in space if it's a small snub fighter. Cat B: You managed to land on a planet's surface. Show what the surface looks like and how you manage to set up a temporary base camp. Cat C: You are not alone! Pirates are in the area and have found you. Show either a scene in space or aboard your ship where you repel the pirates. Or show a scene on the planet's surface with a conflict between you and the pirates. Each team will pick a starting point from a square they already control. The Dark Side can pick from O17, L10, M10, or N10. The Light Side can pick from P6 or H16. The Mercs can pick from T10, S10 or K5. Each team should post here which square they want to pick as their starting point by Jan 15th. At the end of the challenge, using a random number generator, a route will be chosen and an end point 2 jumps from the starting square. Please consult the map for strategic reference. For example, if the Mercs choose K5 as their starting point it could be that the starting point would be Borosk and two jumps from there could be Qiilura in K7. Or if the Dark Side chose M10 as their starting point it could be that Kattada would be the starting point and two jumps from there could be Quellor in N12. You can depict any kind of planet. If it doesn't match your ending square we'll assume it's an uncharted one The Rules: All entries must be entered using this form: Link to Submission Form All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above. There are no restrictions on the size/form/content of the builds other than the specifics described above. Each person can enter up-to 3 MOCs for this contest. It can be 1 in each Category or 3 in the same Category. Co-ordination between your fellow teammates is important to ensure the right amount of entries per category! All entries will earn XP for their team based on their score. Winners will earn additional XP. The Episode will run from Jan 5th to Mar 11th. As long as it is still Mar 11th somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the episode and will only earn normal XP points. The criteria by which your MOCs will be scored is 1) Storytelling, 2) Aesthetics, and 3) Technical Ability. You can earn up to 10 points in each category for a max total of 30 points per entry. This episode/contest is open to all players of Mysteries, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to the start date of this episode. You can use creations for this contest in other forums or contests, but it should not have been displayed before the start date for this contest. All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. 3rd party parts may be allowed if used to customize characters and in small quantities. I.E. guns or decals. 3rd party bricks are not allowed to be intentionally used (if you have a Megablock 2x2 brick in a wall of Lego bricks you won't be penalized). You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. The Prizes: At the end of the contest an end point will be chosen for each team. All MOCs entered for this contest will be assigned this square for XP. The team with the most points will gain an extra 25 XP to be placed where they choose. Second place will get 15 XP and 3rd place will get 10 XP. All extra XP should be placed within 2 weeks of the contest ending.
  23. All scores through 2023 have now been posted!
  24. Great to have you on board!
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