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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. What was the part number for the Sand Blue torso?
  2. Now the question is do I wait to try to add the goat or just checkout with what I have and risk other parts going OOS?
  3. Yeah, the goat was there and now it's not in Europe.
  4. Not Yord! I liked his character. A vain Jedi is not something we usually see. I totally saw the Sith reveal coming 2 episodes ago.
  5. Does Han have a new hairpiece? It looks like a lower profile than the last new one. So maybe the new hairpiece "leak" was for Han not Luke?
  6. I've added spoiler tags since you're talking about an episode the week of it's release. Please wait at least 1 week before discussing an episode. Also, please move media discussion to the Media Discussion topic linked in my signature.
  7. Hmm, that's a hard question. I would allow a brick built Hutt in this scenario and it wouldn't count towards the part count.
  8. Last warning, unless we get a substantiated rumor we need to give the Mara Jade discussion a rest for now.
  9. Each MOC would be scored individually. Highest scored MOC counts as your entry for the category.
  10. Multiple entries per category are allowed. But each person is still only allowed to win 1 prize. The first ship shown is the HWK, a ship that shows up in a Star Wars video game and other non-film media. So it's appeared in a form of Star Wars media before. The 2nd example is not a Star Wars ship but was shown as a good example of color used on a ship. Making an ugly would be allowed. Many different Uglies have shown up in Star Wars media before. And even if your specific combo hasn't, as long as you're using Star Wars ships an Ugly would be fine.
  11. I would like there to not be any retconning of characters. Luke had romantic interests with women. No need to retcon him to be something else. Let's not have another Dumbledore-is-gay scenario just to for the sake of "diversity." As for Mara Jade, I am as much a fan of her as anyone on this forum. However, we've gotten really far off track with the discussion of her many virtues.
  12. Wow, I remember when I first saw that trailer. It was so inspiring for a Lego builder. And your figbarf really does it justice. Brave man changing the arms on the olive green Jedi torso. Well done.
  13. It's not going to get you disqualified. But if you post it here there's a much better chance of me getting it on the judging sheet and not missing it by accident the first time around.
  14. Yes! Dark Falcon is all I hoped it would be. This is the kind of set that hits me just right. It's clever, it's cool, it's something both my son and I want. Day 1 purchase.
  15. I hope we get information on when Sabine's magazine is coming soon. I'm very excited to not have to pay Bricklink prices to get her. Though my son will be thrilled with a Vader tin.
  16. I'm so tired of flashbacks right now. It's an overused story telling element. I too don't think the episode "broke" Star Wars. I didn't like it, but for all the reasons already mentioned here. Can we get back to the Wookie please?
  17. Yes, I don't settle for any funny turtle business in my forum.
  18. 4. legOtaku_official 9. Garmadon 12. Agent Kallus
  19. I leave you all alone for 24 hours and this is what I come back to? This forum is for talk about sets, not canon, fan theory, or other things Star Wars related. Those lines can blur, certainly, but we've definitely crossed the line. I hid some of the posts that seemed most likely to cause offense. If you don't see your post and want to know why send me a PM. Media, Star Wars media included, includes more and more content relating to social or political issues. Those issues, such as gender issues, can be very divisive. We have a diverse group of people on this forum with varied views. On this forum both ends of the spectrum are allowed. We aren't going to censor a view point. However, posting a view in a combative or demeaning way is not allowed and we reserve the right to censor those. Please be respectful of each other's views. Don't resort to name calling. Be willing to accept that other people can believe something different than you and not be the worst person in the world. Disney might be bringing these issues into their shows, but this forum is not the place to hash it out in debate.
  20. Sorry for missing this earlier. You can make a brick-built droid and count it as a minifigure. If you do that those parts won't count towards the 100 piece limit. However, the brick-built droid needs to be close to minifigure scale for it to count. No giant load-lifters. You can re-build an existing ship, but it should be your own design. Don't just use different colored pieces while following instructions. As MandoKnight said, those pieces would count towards the 100 piece limit.
  21. Careful not to start Wishlisting. We have a thread for that.
  22. Episode 6 won't be out till Aug or Sept. However, if you build for the general May the 4th contest you can submit those entries for Mysteries to get bonus points. You can also build freebuilds at any time. So no need to wait for the next episode to jump in. You can get started right away.
  23. Master, the droids pursuing liberation have caused chaos across the galaxy. Good. Perhaps with everyone distracted I can begin my plan of revenge... Results are in! All entries have been judged and your scores posted in your topics. With a narrow margin the Dark Side wins with 72 total points pre-bonuses. @Professor Thaum You get 10 extra points to be placed where you'd like. Let me know soon. The Light Side takes second with 67 total points pre-bonuses. @Yperio_Bricks You get 5 extra points to place where you'd like. Be sure to check out the Public Sheet. I'll work on updating the full map with colors. But you can see where everything currently stands there.
  24. Custom printed figs should be avoided, yes. For Coruscant you can do interiors too. Just has to be clearly Coruscant.
  25. The trench looks so good. Nice use of the old Insectoid pieces and wonderful use of lighting.
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