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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I feel like it has a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon vibe with the fight sequences, in a good way.
  2. So I really liked the first 2 episodes of Acolyte. Anyone else think they were good?
  3. The last 2 pages got really off track. I admit that I enjoyed reading all the comments, but please keep that talk about show/movie opinions to our rarely used Media topic (warning, spoilers allowed there).
  4. I see them. That's an interesting move.
  5. With Acolyte coming out soon this is a good time to remind you all of our spoiler policy on this part of the forum. Please don't talk about specifics of an episode until 1 week after it airs. That means you can start talking about the show on June 12th.Some of you won't be able to control yourselves, I understand. If that's the case use spoilers for anything show related.
  6. He's already confirmed that list was only for April Fools. Be careful about re-posting stuff like that. Youtubers take comments on EB and use it as proof something is happening when all it is is conjecture/guess/wishlist/rumor.
  7. Welcome! The Character Creator Form is optional right now. We'll get you connected to the Merc chat and you can start building right away.
  8. Still waiting on 2 judges. I'm hoping by the end of the week.
  9. The expected destruction! The mayhem! The blood... er... oil everwhere! Great story.
  10. Great looking build, but that angled pillar is by far the standout. Great job!
  11. You still need to submit entries in places you can reach for Mysteries. If you build in the Coruscant category you can repurpose it as another highly industrialized place you have access too. Not the prettiest solution, but is hopefully satisfactory. The rough plan over the next few months is to first wrap up M4. By then I expect a team will reach P10 and we'll have the reveal. Then I plan to introduce the changes/updates we're talking about. After that would be the next challenge. Probably around August. So lots of time for story mocs right now.
  12. Contest is closed!Thanks for all the entries guys. Judging will start soon. Now start working on those May 4th contest entries!
  13. It's not an automatic lose of points. If you build it well it will earn points. But an active conflict is easier to build and depict than a duel of wills.
  14. Great to see so many entries rolling in. Don't forget there's just a couple days left to submit.
  15. The idea is physical conflict of some kind. But verbal conflict would be acceptable. Though be warned it may not garner as many points.
  16. Not dumb at all! 1) Set prizes are shipped anywhere Lego ships sets. TLG sponsors those prizes for us. The smaller, polybag sets are shipped anywhere on earth as they come from my personal collection. As long as I can find the address at my post office I can ship it there. 2) It's an open ended category. So you can build any of those locations you mentioned and they would all fit.
  17. That ladder using the backrest pieces is genius! And how did you get those battle droid legs in the water like that? Is it a broken piece or a trick of photoshop?
  18. Wall-E meets Star Wars! Love the humor in your rogue droid
  19. Yes, stickers from any Lego set are permitted and don't count as one of the 100 parts for the limit.
  20. Thanks for sharing your updates. Your design is excellent.
  21. Seeing as you modded the set for the X-Wing I think we can let it count for the extra points. Another fantastic entry from you! Love the rock/ground work. That's a hard technique to pull off. And your story around droids is once again a great read. Good work!
  22. We are WAY off topic here. Please start a new thread for LAN discussion and keep this thread for talk about LOTR sets.
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