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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Yeah, that's tricky. You end up on R21 because while R21 was previously revealed, R22 was not. Your movement to R21 only takes 1/2 the movement because it was previously revealed, but in order to use the other 1/2 you'd have to move to a revealed square. I hope that makes sense. And nice build by the way! I love the song you wrote at the beginning. It adds a lot of back story!
  2. Thanks, this is a nice list. Can anyone tell me where the red spiky hair is from (6211374)? Brickset doesn't show anything.
  3. Lobo's Hair - 6211522 Green Arrow's Hat - 6210571
  4. We're fine with wherever on the Island you want it. Just point it out on the map.
  5. Guys, there is a lot of "wish-listing" going on here. There's another thread for wish lists, let's stay on topic here.
  6. This is certainly enough to justify the beginnings of a port! I think @Capt Wolf or @Phred can add the name to the town list. As for licensing in your name vs the port, something else to keep in mind is that if you license it in your name, you pay the cost but you also get the DBs every month. If you have the port be the owner and pay for it, then the port gets the DBs every month.
  7. It's from the PotC Captain Salazar Brickheadz.
  8. I've had an order "in warehouse" for 2 weeks now. So don't get your hopes up
  9. Technically, the walker is just artistic representation for how we earned extra XP. But there is nothing stopping you from using a walker! Just write a back story.
  10. Updates! The Rebels have earned 25 extra team XP and are on a Mountain square. The Empire is on a Plains square. This week will resume our normal 7 day week schedule. So the next deadline is 4/8 at noon Central Time. Good luck!
  11. Movement: We'd like to more Left 1 and Down 2 with preference being Left and Down. Coming down from the mountain's higher peaks for now, the Rebels continue to search for a way to deactivate the Empire's force field. MKJoshA didn't realize he'd be glad to see trees again. It had been getting barren up in the mountains. Some tree cover made them feel a little safer. But word was they'd be heading back up into the mountains soon. Oh well, he'd enjoy it while he could.
  12. Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Sinbad the Pirate Hang The Rules Rescued Shipwright Shipwright's Office The Komodo Dragon "Because They're Pirates!" Fish Market The Trial of Sinbad The Trial of Sinbad part 2 The Trial of Sinbad part 3 The Trial of Sinbad part 4 The Trial of Sinbad part 5 Phase 2 During the events of Jan, a fleet of Sea Rat vessels fired on ESL ships as they themselves sailed into an ESL harbor. The detained Sea Rats contributed to the economy of Fuerte Unido enough that ESL allowed them to leave with the promise never to harass them again. However, ESL still wanted someone to be judged for the crimes committed against their fair nation. Hear ye, hear ye! This court is now in session. Who do we have on the docket today? Sinbad the Pirate sir. He is charged with orchestrating an attack on Eslandolian ships as his pirates sailed into an Eslandolian port. And how does the defendant plead? He pleads "Not Guilty." On what grounds? Shouldn't I have a trial by jury? Lawyer Hamilton, please have your defendant remain silent. He has you as his counsel, there is no need to him to speak. What a bunch of tightwads! Sir, you'll find we are not some dim witted court ready to be swayed by your faulting arguments and impartial reasoning. Now be quiet or I shall have my guards force you to be quiet. Now, on what grounds does the defendant claim innocence? On the grounds of not being present when the altercation took place. That is not sufficient reason. We have a letter sent from Sinbad to the ships in question ordering them to attack Eslandolian traders. Unless you have something more substantial, we shall have to hang Sinbad. Um, well.... Stop that man! Gladly! Corrington hired us bounty hunters to apprehend Sinbad ever since he escaped their clutches at his last trial. Turns out he is guilty of piracy and bribery. How would Sinbad escape this time?
  13. First, please don't post links of something that could be considered by Lego to be a leak! You can tell people where to find it, but we don't want Eurobricks.com to be one of the leading pages for clicking through to a leak. Lego will get un-happy with us and we'll lose the ability to offer free sets for contests. It looks exactly like the printed canopy from the Rogue One Y-Wing set.
  14. I just placed an order and ran into an error using Firefox as my browser. I switched to Chrome and was able to complete the order no problem as is was still in my shopping cart.
  15. An absolutely stunning collection of minifigs!
  16. I believe our problem is that we don't have a captain of the game right now. We need someone steering this ship, but unfortunately what we have instead is a bunch of little mutinies. We need someone who is able to step in and say "this is how it's going to be" without waiting for the committee to meet to decide who is going to be on the committee to decide what rules we should have in place.
  17. Thanks for sharing. It would be helpful if you also included the part ids when posting a list like this.
  18. Thanks for your patience everyone, Game Updates! The Empire is on a Plains and Forest square and knocked the Rebel score back 2 points and dropped their movement down 2 also. The Rebels are on a Mountain and Forest square and can now move across water. Remember, there is no deadline this Sunday. The next deadline is April 1st.
  19. Two announcements. First, the map is delayed today because the Rebels didn't post any movement directions I'll try to have everything updated tomorrow. Second, due to the delays these past few days, and due to both teams seeming to be a little over taxed right now, we are going to extend this "week" to be 2 weeks long. So the next deadline will be April 1st (no joke), not March 25th. Hopefully this will give everyone some breathing room and allow us all to take a little more time enjoying the building process. Have fun!
  20. Due to the site being down, I'd like to extend this week. I am also going through some real life stuff right now that will make it hard to get updates down tomorrow. Can we move everything back a day? So the deadline for this "week" will be noon Central Time on Monday and updates will come on Tue.
  21. I'm not the regulator for this section, but it seems to that we have gotten off track here. Maybe it would be better to start a new thread so those of us who come here to find new available pieces don't have to wade through multiple pages?
  22. Updates! The Rebels landed on square D6 which had a bonus giving their team 3XP and 3 extra movement points for next turn. They are on a Forest, Plains, and Mountain square. The Empire landed on a Forest and Plains square. I faded the team symbols to 50% for this week's map. It allows you all to see the terrain under the team markers without just taking my word for what your terrain is Maybe I should have thought about that sooner. I think this is a good change, but let me know if you don't like it for any reason.
  23. We had 1 builder, but real life got in the way. I was not planning on building and had no time for anything other than what you see. I was already past the deadline and didn't want to push it any further. This is just meant to be a 1 point build to keep us in the game this week. I acknowledged it is sub-par.
  24. Movement to come later. MKJoshA stood on a rocky outcropping wondering what they would find in the mountains. OoC: This is litterally a fig-on-a-plate to help my team have any movement this week.
  25. Congratulations everyone! It's nice to see some activity around GoH again.
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