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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I'm sorry to bump this, but I'm curious if you ever started an official settlement thread for this.
  2. I think it's safe to say we look forward to any endeavor that will bring us more profit. Just let us know if you are planning on breaking any port blockades and we'll be there to mop of the remains!
  3. I vote for #6 and #13
  4. I also have put up a new freebuild!
  5. Thank you for catching that! You are correct and I have changed the sentence.
  6. Previously: Chapter 1 Dramatis Personae: It was not a normal day in the Blue Lantern pub. With the absence of Captains Li and Cho Fang as well as Captain Fheng there was a power void among the pirates that frequented Rassilon. Captain Sulu, captain of the Golden Dragon was already famous for capturing many prizes. A number of the other captains were leaning towards making him their leader. Captain Sulu Captain Ching Shih had sailed for Li Fang for many months taking control of La Oleon when she was first captured and then The Viper after Li Fang died. Quite a few captains favored Shih. Captain Shih The pub had not been closed to local traffic, but most citizens knew better than to try to enter while the captains were vying for power. So when Sinbad strolled in it was met with some surprise. Everyone turned to watch him as he bought a drink and then raised it for a toast. "To the pirate captains!" he shouted. No one raised their glass. Sinbad just cocked an eyebrow and took a swig. "You may be wondering why I'm here," Sinbad asked. "Well, it's to make a business proposition." Just then another man walked into the pub. There was a gasp heard throughout the room. At first glance it had seemed that Captain Fheng was back from the dead. The man held an uncanny resemblance to the former captain. He said, "Whatever this scum has to offer you can wait. I am Captain Fheng's son, Francis Fheng and I have come to claim the right of Pirate Lord among you. Many of you sailed under my father's colors, now I've come to ask you to sail under mine. My father wanted to show the 'civilized' world how wrong they are for trying to tax and enslave us. We were meant to live as free men and I intend to sail against anyone who says otherwise. Who's with me!?!" As Francis was finishing his rousing speech Sinbad walked up to him and said: "Excuse me, I don't like being called scum." "You, you sailed with my father. Yet you weren't there when he died. That makes you scum and not worth my time." "Well you better make time. You see, it doesn't benefit me if everyone here sails under your colors. So I'm going to give you a choice." Sinbad pulled out a coin. "What are you getting on about?" "It's simple. We are all here by our own choice. I'm not making you stay or go. That's your choice. But I'm telling you that you better choose to leave." "Son, you're crazy! Get out of my way." Sinbad pulled out a pistol and everyone gasped. "Alright, if you won't make the choice. I'll make it for you. I'm going to flip this coin. If it lands as heads, I'll let you leave alive. If it lands tails you'll be leaving to go meet Davy Jones." Before anyone could react Sinbad had thrown the coin in the air. He caught it and looked at it. "Heads. You're lucky day." Francis Fheng turned and fled the pub. Sinbad turned to address the captains. "As I was saying before. I have a business proposition for you all." He walked back to the bag he had left and the counter and took it to one of the tables. All the pirates gathered around him, their former vying for power forgotten. "All of you sailed under Captain Fheng before his untimely death. As you know, he died fighting for what he believed in. That was his choice. I'm asking you to elect me as your Pirate Lord and to sail for something even better than beliefs." "And what's that?" shouted one of the captains. "Gold. There's lot more where this came from. I have it stored in safe location for now, but Freddy can validate my wealthy. He helped me bring it back for the forsaken island we found it on. Make me captain of the Priest's Bounty and elect me as your leader and I promise to make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams!" It was a unanimousmus vote. Sinbad was now Pirate Lord of all pirate captains in Rassilon.
  7. They all gave me permission to use their character, but there are no specific plans on them coming back any time soon. I think all 3 of them hope to eventually though!
  8. See the rest of the story:Season 1Season 2Season 3Fleshing Out the ProblemBothan Data HubParting WaysSurrender Would Have Been An OptionTo Catch a Thief Imperial Detention Center Prison Life (this build!) Jail Break (yet to be built) Battle in the Skies of Coruscant It took a few hours, but soon MKJoshA and Kale were through processing and had been admitted into Gen-Pop (general population). I can't believe you got me stuck in this place! Not here, if they think we know each other this whole mission could be blown! What mission!?! But Josh had already walked on past. Stormtroopers kept a close eye on everything going on in the prison common room. But every now and then the Stormtroopers got distracted. Like when they were watching Tami Ka, a Dathomirian warrior who had proved to be too rough to stay in the women's ward and tough enough to keep any men off her back in the men's ward. It was during these brief moments that Josh shared his mission with Kale. I came here to rescue some Alliance members. They went mission a couple years back and no one knew what had happened. Just recently we received intel that they were being held in this prison facility. The first is Donnie. He has a reputation of being one of the best ground troops and we need him back. Next up is Rogue. He was on an intelligence mission when he went missing. We need him and his intel back. Last is Covi. He's one of our best pilots and our forces haven't been the same since we was captured. Now that Kale was in on the plan, he was able to help distract the guards while Josh got in contact with each of the Rebels. It took a few weeks. But finally everyone had been contacted and all were ready to make their move. Much of prison life was boring as Bantha poodo. But one thing kept the prisoners occupied and that was the Dejarik standings. The prisoner with the highest ranking always had more sway when it came to prison politics. On the day of their escape, Rogue was able to mess with the table's programing to allow a low ranking prison to beat the top scoring one. A fight broke out and all the Stormtroopers were running to break it up. To Be Continued!
  9. First topic has been updated.
  10. Results! Congratulations to the winners! In first place we have @Thebeeze111 with entry #6: Stolen Kyber. He wins 75105 Millennium Falcon In second place we have @LucasLaughing with entry #7: The Serpent and the Bird. He wins 75140 Resistance Troop Transport In third place we have @naugem with entry #13: The Hidden Enemy. He wins 75152 Imperial Assault Hovertank Fourth place was only 1 vote away from tying for third! Congratulations @Umbra-Manis! You win the consolation prize of a Clone Trooper Lieutenant! All winners, place PM me your name, address, and phone number so TLG can send you your prize! ---------------------------------------------------------- Voting is now open! Each picture has a link to the right to the original thread. Please go to each thread before voting as there are more pictures from the members that may help you make a better choice. Please vote for your favorite entry by listing the number of that entry. Each person is allowed to vote twice. You can vote for 2 different entries or the same one twice. For example: Or: Only those who were members before the contest ended on June 17th 2017 can vote. If you were not a member before June 17th then you can't vote. This is to prevent accounts being created for voting. First place will win 75105 Millennium Falcon Second place will win 75140 Resistance Troop Transport Third place will win 75152 Imperial Assault Hovertank You cannot vote for your own entry! Voting will close at the end of the day on the 28th of June. As long as it is still the 28th somewhere in the world, you can still vote. Votes cast after that hour will not be accepted. - 1. DarthsDonuts54 - Triumphing Through History - 2. greg3 - The Last Asogian - 3. Gubi0222 - Shadow Strike - 4. Darth Stripy - Downfall of Phoenix Squadron - 5. dulsi - Lessons From Endor - 6. Thebeeze111 - Stolen Kyber - 7. LucasLaughing - The Serpent and the Bird - 8. Commander Beltar - Insurrection on Sullust - 9. Oky - The Route to Victory - 10. Kim-Kwang-Seok - How 2 Catch a Ghost - 11. Umbra-Manis - Deception is But a Delay - 12. Auron_Shale - A Sense of Integrity - 13. naugem - The Hidden Enemy
  11. MKJoshA


    From the album: Other

  12. MKJoshA


    From the album: Other

  13. MKJoshA


    From the album: Other

  14. MKJoshA


    From the album: Other

  15. We are working to come up with a better method for 2018. Discussion is allowed. Speculation, false rumors, and tempers are not. If in doubt, post here instead.
  16. Great work everyone! Give me a day or two and I'll get a judging thread up.
  17. Do your best! Just don't break the rules!
  18. As Lobot said, if you see someone posting fake info, just report it. But please stop talking about it here. Alternatively, another options is to do as follows: Hey @Stash2Sixx, this member just admitted to breaking the rules.
  19. I've got some great updates to announce for you all! First, the Player Index has been updated with the most recent scores. Second, I've updated the Map! I'm still looking for some improved write ups on the newer planets, so if anyone wants to volunteer feel free to post in the Map thread.
  20. Hmmm, I thought I had already unpinned them. My mistake! As for a deadline extension. No, I'm sorry! The deadline stays!
  21. Other digital software should be fine. The quality of the render is what will bring you more votes. Just make sure to only use parts in existing colors.
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