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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Location: F10 Arium Major Tags: Land Vehicle Last time, in Ender's story: A Space Saga Begins Is it Mine Mine? Okami Bike Kawashita Hummer Where Was I Supposed to Be? Spaceman Spiff Black Hair, the Pirate Merry Men Adventures (Where There's Lava There's Water) Car On A Plate Ender followed the coordinates given to him by the Shinra executive and found himself in orbit above Arium Major. He transfered to the Kawashita capitol ship and made his way to deck 10, room 105. Inside were a number of desks and at the end of the room an office. He saw the executive who had given him the orders in the office and made his way to it. When he got to the secretary she said, "Commander Tifa is ready see you now Sir." Ender entered the room and was greeted with, Congratulations 2nd Branch Executive Ender. Wait, what?! Didn't you hear? You're now the 3rd highest ranking official in Kawashita. We needed someone working for Shinra higher up in the organization. This Emboian problem is getting out of hand and we need you to put a stop to it now. This is your office, here in these filing cabinets is everything you need to know about your new job and the Emboians. Isn't the office a little sparse on furniture? Yes well, the original plan was to make you CEO, but Raven wouldn't have it. So we are still working on the furniture. So we are still working on the furniture. Your secretary will be able to fill you in on the rest of the details. Speaking of, doesn't she need a computer or something? And why isn't she in regulation uniform? She's an android. She is the computer. And Kawashita hasn't gotten around to writing the rules on Android uniforms yet so she gets to wear whatever she wants. Well with this nice cushy desk job, I can log more hours in the holodeck! Not a chance. I need you in the field as soon as you get up to speed. The Emboian we captured has given us a lot of valuable intel. I need you to meet up with Rose in the Mech chamber. Well, if I can't be on the holodeck, at least I get to play around with manly Mechs! *eye-roll* Just get moving. We didn't pull all these strings for nothing. A little while later, Ender found Rose. "What's this!" Ender shouted. "What have you done to the paint job on this mech!" "It's my mech" answered Rose. "I can paint it whatever color I want! Now we need to get to work. You are woefully behind on your mech training." "I'll hit the simulator with you," said Ender. "But I can't train in That! It's too girly." "Whatever," replied Rose, "But you're going to need a mech if the intel on the Emboians is accurate."
  2. I look forward to your humor every "week"
  3. I resent that statement. Regarding the builds, they are great! I especially love the "planet" pod.
  4. Actually, the loser gets two PIPs, not DBs. So it would still be more valuable to lose here, just not in DBs.
  5. Welcome aboard! If you provide a 100x100 picture of your trooper I'll add you to the index!
  6. I really like the color scheme and details on this boat! I think it looks little top heavy for the length, but overall still a good look!
  7. Very nice little building!
  8. Love this one! Great obscure reference!
  9. Here are the rules for those too lazy to click on the link And rules for gambling: And where to post transactions! That said, I would like to bet 5DBs in favor of BLACKDEATHGR winning. Anyone want to take me up on that bet?
  10. Please transfer 33 credits to EpsilonEta.
  11. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 -What Has Past- Chapter 3 The Green Dragon Inn Bustle at Treacleheim At the Gates of Budd-apest Rothgar and Constance made their way through the under-levels of Treacleheim. Constance was impressed with how much progress the dwarves had already made in clearing the rubble away and rebuilding the old city. Constance lost track of how many turns they made, but Rothgar seemed to know the route like the back of his hand, dwarven intuition it would seem. They finally ended up in front of a small monument where the dragon forged blade was being displayed. “This was built in remembrance of Dwalion, the first dwarf of Treacleheim to forge a bond with the dragons to enlist their assistance in forging weapons” explained Rothgar. “As you know, it has been many decades since the last dragon was willing to help forge blades. This may be the last in the city, and you are welcome to it. If we happen across any more I will be sure to inform the council at Dalig Ulv.” “One blade!” thought Constance, “What’s one blade going to do against the armies of the Algus!”
  12. I'm loving this collab! Great work with the build and I'm excited to see where the story is going!
  13. Can't thank you enough for all the effort you put into this Bob!
  14. Oh yeah! Sea Rats just won this war with humor! Welcome Pombe!
  15. Please transfer 110 credits to EpsilonEta.
  16. Location: F10 Arium Major Tags: Land Vehicle Last time, in Ender's story: A Space Saga Begins Is it Mine Mine? Okami Bike Kawashita Hummer Where Was I Supposed to Be? Spaceman Spiff Black Hair, the Pirate Merry Men Adventures (Where There's Lava There's Water) "Ender, we've captured one of the Emboians whom we believe to be behind the recent attacks." "Excellent! What's our next step?" "Interrogation is almost over. The alien is being quite responsive. Proceed to these coordinates." "On my way!"
  17. Beautiful bot, but an even more impressive room! I love the slight feeling of abandonment, yet it still evokes a sense of cleanness that seems appropriate.
  18. This made me laugh so much!
  19. Welcome aboard! I love your back story and your photography!
  20. Do I sense some resentment against the rightful ruler, the Desert King?
  21. I updated your info and counted your first freebuild as being under your new name.
  22. This is an incredible build, but technically you're not eligible to go after Clawdite's until you reach at least an XP of 200. This was a little confusion on those rules so I'm sorry if that came into play with your decision to build this. Build in one more contest and you'll probably be there. So for now I'll hold off on sending this on for judging.
  23. What he said! You can find it here.
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