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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I've been doing some experimenting with GIMP. Let me know what you think.
  2. Oh the fond memories of riding these around the overworld maps of FF. Good times. You have captured the look perfectly in Lego. Incredible job!
  3. I like the decaying pirate the best, good job!
  4. I really like your construction droid and the way you built this just like TLG would! Good job!
  5. This is great! As for blockiness I think the front looks good, it's just the back that could use some more sleekness to it.
  6. I'm glad someone got the reference!
  7. I love your candles, your forced perspective stairs, and your floor! This was one of my favorite out of the colab. Great job!
  8. This is a beautiful ship! Great job with the colors, you seem to strike just the right balance!
  9. Just saw the video and I'm drooling all over the place Can't wait to pick up one of these!
  10. I'm not a fan of this creature's diet, but I love the creature itself! Amazing work! Are those Mixel ball-joints in the middle section or some other piece I'm just not identifying right away?
  11. With the announcement that Lego is going to release some new pirate sets next year this could be the prefect time for something like this. I don't know if I'd join since I'm active in GoH and SoNE, but I'd love to see what MOCs would come out of it!
  12. Great start! I like your use of the clip pieces to form the top of the prow. Though, I'm not sure those Islanders would have chains to tie their stuff down. Maybe they traded the Pirates for them?
  13. We will hang with you, or we will all hang separately! Happy 4th of July all you Americans!
  14. That's a good point. Who knows what the new movies will bring in the way of architecture and design to the SW universe?
  15. Tell that to Greenpeace
  16. Wow! I love your greebling and I am sooooo jealous of your Bith. We still don't have the Mos Eisley here yet. Fantastic job on your pictures and story too!
  17. Yep, not surprised that that's your first suggestion Nom, while there are a few things that could be changed (already mentioned by others) I think this is an incredible freebuild overall! I like the different architecture and the colors you chose. I also really like your pillars.
  18. Wow, for your first attempt at microscale you have done an incredible job! I'm very impressed with the simplicity of the building that still manages to capture just the right feel as well as your micro ships. Instantly recognizable as Star Wars!
  19. Can't wait to see this 7 foot tall soldier and what happens to him! Also, I too love your wait staff. Amazing!
  20. Wow, it's a good thing the Rebellion has won every episode so far! Look what even thinking you won has done to the Empire's ego. They can't get their heads through the doors they've gotten so big!
  21. I just won some S3 elves and Fantasy Era dwarves off ebay. I'm quite excited to use them in upcoming builds
  22. I wish I could have made the tree bigger, but this build used every single "leaf" piece I have. I'm glad you like it overall though! Thank you!
  23. I'm glad everyone likes the angled towers!
  24. Thank you Markus! I agree. The build lacks color overall. I was trying to balance realism of a factory setting (I've worked in a few production assembly-line places and there is surprisingly very little color) and aesthetic appeal. As for fire extinguishers, I wouldn't want to get a letter from Lego and Marvel saying I stole their superhero trademark.
  25. I like that you've tied your characters into the on-going Nocturnus plot!
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