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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Looks like this is the forum to be if you are a World Cup fan. Can I just say, GO USA!
  2. I'll add some constructive critcism since you asked for C&C I like the overall build and your work with snot techniques has a great effect. However, there are many places where it looks like the bricks and plates have not been pushed together all the way. The lowers the overall look of quality in the build. I would recommend putting pressure all around your builds before photographing them next time.
  3. Love the gardener (his expression is perfect for this scene) and I love the variety in your plant-life! Incredible!
  4. Maybe I missed it, but has the gold count for each guild be updated since Book 2 started?
  5. I loved seeing this at Brickworld. As I am currently playing through Arkham Asylum for the first time when I saw this I immediately started geeking out. Great job on an incredible build!
  6. All you imperials, overconfident as usual.
  7. The technique for the ruined building I did indeed learn from GoH, however, I think it is a perfectly viable Star Wars technique as well. If there are sandstorms on a regular basis it only makes sense to me that buildings would erode over time. And if you don't have enough money to keep it up the erosion would only get worse. I think we have to be careful about putting ourselves in the "it-wasn't-in-the-movies" box when we are building Star Wars MOCs. That's just my 2 cents. As for the color choices, I think your suggestions are good. However I have a limited collection when it comes to the newer Lego colors. I wouldn't have been able to make the awnings the way I wanted to with those colors. Thank you again for your detailed input. Praise is praise, whatever level of English it's in , thank you! If I had time I would reply back to your whole comment, however I do not. So I'll just have to limit it to "thank you." Your comments on the building layering, baseplate, and tiles is very helpful. I will just have to keep improving! Onward and upward!
  8. That's a good suggestion. I hadn't thought of the mini-turrets before. As for the Fondorians, they are a species from the EU. So who knows if they will ever become "canon." They show up in a number of books and video games, especially their shipyards. Thank you! Thank you Markus! It's always been my goal to keep improving, I'm glad that it's working I didn't add more figs because I wanted these particular ones to be remembered since they are going to show up in some of my latter builds. The orange lasers are there because I ran out of trans-red I don't have enough Sith lightsabers I guess The trans-clear parts are because I wanted them to look like they were floating. I'm not sure how to fix that apart from using different trans-clear parts in a different way. I do like your suggestion for the wall. As always, thanks for the detailed critique. And finally, I really like your new uniform. Way to always keep your character fresh
  9. Thanks Marcus, that's high praise from one of the fastest people to ever achieve the "MOC expert" tag that I've seen! Thank you for looking past your Lego prejudice The clips are supposed to be some greebling, however, I agree, they are kind of random. Thank you!
  10. Beautiful start to SoNE! I love the speeder bike and the Tatooine plant.
  11. Welcome to the stars Vladivus! I'm glad you are on our side
  12. rogueang, you're going to need to share some pictures with me of the tool you were using to work on the build when I came up to the table. It looked like a skewer with a Lego piece on one end and a q-tip on the other. How does it work and how does it help?
  13. Had a great time today meeting rogueang and some other Eurobrickers at Brickworld today. Saw Gideon's tower in person though I didn't meet him. It is as impressive as it looks in pictures!
  14. Wow! Love the forced perspective! And those clouds in the background are icing on the cake!
  15. I love that you found a "legal" way to have the troopers carry their helmets And the design of your transports is perfect!
  16. Wow, I love the absolute polar ends of the Imperial spectrum this contest has brought out. Everything from weeping over Ewoks to throwing them into a grinder. I love how much depth you've added through your story. I'm also glad your character has found some moral ground to stand on. Keep fighting and maybe one day you'll see that the Rebels are the ones who had it right the whole time
  17. I know that the rights-to-planets rule is in flux right now.
  18. Just curious, are the black bandannas the old, or new version of the piece?
  19. OoC: See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Welcome to Fondor The first thing I did was log into one of the public consoles and check one of the information drop points the Alliance had given me access to. They had received additional intel stating that a man named Kale might be able to help me locate the Bothan in question. They only clue I had to try to find this Kale was that he could be found in any of the bars in Fondor City that stayed open late. As this narrowed my search to just a few hundred places I rented a room since I knew I wasn’t likely to get lucky and find him on the first night. It was actually on the 2nd night that I found him. I was walking past a bar known as The Maw when a shape came flying out the door and landed in a heap on the sidewalk. “I see you don’t like my style of playing!” yelled the stranger as he righted himself and shook his fist at the door. “You wouldn’t happen to be Kale?” I asked. “Depends on whose asking,” he replied, “does he owe you money?” “No, my intel said he might be able to help me” I responded. “Oh no, not another rebel intel officer, look, I told you guys last time that just because I helped you fly some Bothans around once doesn’t mean you can keep looking me up and asking me for favors” he said in earnest. “How did you know I was with the Rebellion?” I asked. “If you had been hired help you would have pushed me up against the wall before asking questions, and if you had been Imperial I wouldn’t be talking right now, I’d be drugged and in the back of a transport. That just leaves you rebels, you’re too nice for your own good” was his answer. “Look, whatever you want, I’m not your guy, I’m not getting wrapped up in some political ideological mess.” And with that he turned and started walking away. I ran after him and implored, “Kale, all I need is to know where the Bothan is that you brought here. Tell me that and I’ll try to make sure the Rebel Alliance leaves you alone.” He stopped walking. “You promise?” “Yes, you tell me where to go, and as long as I find him we’ll stop asking you for help.” I didn’t know what kind of past he had with the Alliance, but I knew that finding this Bothan was worth leaving one down-and-out smuggler to his own devices. He told me how to get to a small shipping factory in a run-down part of Fondor City. Apparently our Bothan friend had been working there as a cover for his being on Fondor. Although Fondor was an Imperial controlled planet, alien species had no problems finding jobs because there were so many factories on the planets surface that needed workers. Kale also told me that he worked 2nd shift and could usually be found alone in the factory after all the other employees had gone. With the information in hand I turned in for the night, planning to seek out this Bothan tomorrow, and left Kale to try his luck at the next bar. OoC: Comments welcome!
  20. The snot work! It's amazing! Great job with this build and it's fun to see some old characters popping up.
  21. OoC: See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Since my credits were starting to run low I had to land the Rough Edges in one of the mass, orbital parking garages and take a public shuttle to the surface. There I had to go through Fondor’s customs checkpoint. Since they were one of the Empire’s main ship building yards security had to be high, especially since there were so many transient workers between the shipyards in space and the factories on the planet. I waited in line for hours before it was my turn to get scanned and proceed through the checkpoint. The waiting gave me time to get used to all the bald Fondorians. They weren’t actually bald, all Fondorians are born without hair. Their DNA is almost the same as the average human, but somewhere along the way their DNA reacted to the different levels of radiation on the planet leaving them mostly hairless. I also got used to hearing Mandalorian swear-words as I was waiting in line between a group of bounty hunters who knew the language. I couldn’t tell if they were all from Mandalor, but they had the manners and the beskar'gam armor to go with it so I figured they probably were. After I got through the scanner I overheard one of the bounty hunters yelling at the Fondorian Security Officer (FSO). “What do you mean I can’t kriff’n bring the crate through until after the floor plating is replaced!” The droid had been working on some of the wiring for the past 10 minutes or so which interrupted the flow of traffic a little if you weren’t bringing anything through, and a lot if you were. I didn’t want to get involved in any disputes involving bounty hunters in general and Mandalorians specifically. So I slipped past them and out onto Fondor’s surface. OoC: Comments welcome!
  22. Bring it on. Flag pole, tomorrow after lunch.
  23. Thanks everyone! I'm glad you all like it. However, Goatm, I DO NOT USE FLESHIES. I am a Lego purist in using Yellow minifigures they way they were intended for use, thank you very much.
  24. Heinsen: Before I tell you about the eagle-men, Morgan, please tell us more about these two locations where you found evidence of the Drow. Was this recently? Natolyth: Ah, more questions. But will we get any answers? I am still seeking someone who can teach me how the drow fight this way. Heinsen, Morgan, have either of you heard of such a person?
  25. OoC: See the rest of the story: Season 1 Shortly after leaving the asteroid’s surface I received a message from Rebellion message drop-point that detailed the need to get in touch with some Bothan spies who had some information for the Rebel Alliance. Being an intelligence officer, I also received the tip that there was someone on Tatooine who might know their whereabouts. I managed to muddle my way through the controls and set a course following the Rimma Trade Route further away from the core until I got to Eriadu where I headed coreward on the Hydian Way. That brought me to Darkknell where I followed my nav-charts along one of the back-water routes till I got to the planet that was furthest from the bright center of the universe, as Rebel hero Luke Skywalker used to say before he went missing after the battle of Hoth. I had never met the man, but Yeoman had before he was stationed on Corellia and he had told me all about him. I landed in Mos Eisley and followed my lead to a small junk dealer on the edge of town. As soon as it was obvious that I wanted something from him he gave me two eye’s worth of attention while the third watched the rest of the foot-traffic past his shop for other potential customers. I slipped him a small sum of credits and said, “I hear you are the one to talk to about information.” He glanced at the sum of the credit chip with one eye and very quickly I only had the attention of one of his eyes as now two were dedicated to the other lifeforms around us. “It depends on what kind of information,” he responded. I slipped him a much larger sum of credits. “I’m looking for a Bothan. One who has managed to escape Imperial entanglements with some special information.” Now one eye was on me, one was on the credits, and the last was looking for any nearby stormtroopers. “This is certainly enough to get you the information on finding a Bothan, but for the specific Bothan you seek, it’ll cost you a little more.” I knew this junker’s price would only escalate, so I had kept the bulk of my payment in reserve. I handed it over and said, “Yes, I’ve heard it’s the specifics that can be the hardest to accommodate. This should be enough though I think.” The credits got all three eyes for a moment and the next thing I knew I was being handed a piece of flimsiplast with coordinates and an address. “You’ll want to head to Fondor,” the junker said, “Then just follow the directions. Oh, and you never got any of this from me, you hear?” “Fondor!” I couldn’t believe it. I had just traveled half-way across the galaxy just to find that I needed to go right back to where I had come from. And if I was going to go to Fondor then I needed grab that would blend in a little better. “How much for that body armor there?” I asked. Moments later we had haggled out a price and I was on my way back to the Rough Edges. OoC: Please feel free to comment and of course, I want this judged
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