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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. A great way to start off our contest Vlad!
  2. Great color scheme! And I'm very jealous of your cows I think the mound of blocks the farmer is pitchfork-ing should be a little smaller or less blocky, but everything else looks amazing!
  3. I like the overall idea. If you come up with something concrete you can count me in!
  4. Clean and nice. However, it might be too clean. You might want to think about some greebles. The snot work is great (and highly favored by many builders here) but it lacks much else. You might want to work on your lighting a little bit too. There are a lot of shadows. Maybe re-position your light? But, overall this is a great freebuild!
  5. Thanks for the fast reply!
  6. Nice job with the SNOT work for the Avalonian flag colors on the back!
  7. Sorry to ask the same question twice on the same page, but does anyone know if we are allowed to combine 2 different AoM entries into 1 build? Like can I have Wall Phase 1 and Watchtower Phase 1 in the same build and get credit for it?
  8. Does anyone know if we are allowed to combine 2 different AoM entries into 1 build? Like can I have Wall Phase 1 and Watchtower Phase 1 in the same build and get credit for it?
  9. Both builds are good. But I have to agree that the 2nd one takes the cake! I love the colors, the angles, and that door!
  10. I like your build and there are a lot of things going for it, so please don't get me wrong when I say it seems a little less amazing than your usual builds. It's just little things like the solid orange brink in the red colored, mostly plate, wall and the way the minifigs mostly look like LotR figs with yellow heads and hands thrown on. But overall I love the foliage and I love the texturing on the tower!
  11. I love that cart And I'm happy to hear Grimmson is still alive! It's the stand from the Toy Story Army Soldiers.
  12. Wow. I have to stop there because I have no other words to express how awesome this is.
  13. Another build I missed the first time around! This is a great MOC. I especially love the Chima parts for the figurehead.
  14. [After a long silence at his table Natolyth speaks up] Natolyth: I'm sorry if I appear rude, I did not mean to shock you both into silence. I am a man more of actions than of words and I think it is time I take my leave. Heinsen, Morgan, I hope you find many allies and answers to your own questions. Perhaps we will meet again sometime. [Natolyth rises from his table and heads to his room. He hopes to find more answers another day. He thinks back to all the patrons who have been in the Tavern tonight and wonders if perhaps the vampire he saw might have more answers to his questions.]
  15. It was because of both of those things.
  16. Thanks DM! I have a small collection of greenery so I try to use it well. I'm glad you like it and the cross! I see where the confusion came from, sorry for that! The "stables" were mentioned because I envisioned them right outside the range of the build and it just seemed to fit story-wise. I guess it was kind of confusing!
  17. Great! We are very glad to have you join our ranks!
  18. MKJoshA from Mitgarida, voting for Avalonia. Nocturnus had some amazing entries, but I appreciate how many more Avalonians took part (and their ships aren't too shabby either!) so they get my vote
  19. Very nice. I really like seeing this actuallized in Lego.
  20. I love the way you've made good use of what pieces you do have. Like using the bottom half of the boulder piece as a food container. It shows good ingenuity. The things you need to improve on have already been mentioned so I'll just say that I like the way you are starting out here. Way to go!
  21. Well, thank you. But what do you mean by "stable"? I don't really have a stable in this build.
  22. I don't know how I missed this build earlier, but now that I've seen it I'm in love with it Lighter pictures would have helped, but at least everything is still clearly visible. I actually really like the 2x2 tiles. It's not common to see and you've used them well I think. Your story is also great and I love how it fits within the story line right now.
  23. Wow! The dragon, the rock base, and the Orc fig, everything is top-notch!
  24. I love how this story is continuing and with such a fantastic build!
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