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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Do you actually read? As some have found in one of Zed's old boring books, a vampire may return back to life as a werewolf (or perhaps some other evil faction in our case) after being killed. I hope you just don't read what others bring up, because another option would be that you're trying to steer us away from the existence of vampires, more werewolves or whatever there's still out there...
  2. You bring the applesauce?
  3. I understand the 'megabluckn' play. It's just that you mention two seers and one of them being a fool. But I understand you trust 'Gary Coleman' is an insane investigator for now. So Sebastien is the fool? Or are you not talking about the role here? Anyway, as some have been saying already we don't have any new leads, but at least it appears that a lot has been confirmed. So, I'd like to thank Harriet for at least partly 'solving' the mess we seemed to be in yesterday. I agree we should now be looking for 'new' suspects and as we apparently have no night action results to base our suspicions on, we will have to form opinions on what people have been saying during the past days. I agree forming an opinion on the relatively silent ones is probably a good idea, but as Samuel pointed out, let's not forget our suspicions about Charles from day 1.
  4. Despite loosing two villagers, it looks like a moderately successful night. If I understand Harriet and Sebastien correctly based on Gary Coleman's findings, Benjamin was shot and Gary was confirmed as an insane ('reverse') investigator. Thanks to the 'resurrector' we now seem to have two investigators on our side. Although the bit about one being a 'fool' in Harriet's play still confuses me a bit. Are they both useful investigators or not? I'm glad the tone has settled down somewhat between Sebastien and Harriet, maybe we can finally get to work to rid us of vampires, rogues, and what else may be out there... And oh my, a love baby on the way?
  5. Excellent review Rufus. I got this last week together with 3661 (the bank and money transport set). It's definitely a nice van with the storage compartment really standing out. The overall design and color scheme really makes the difference with its predecessor. And no, the 'police' stickers do not differ internationally.
  6. A day that last until a majority is reached... aaah, the torture. We'd still be playing Imperial Soldiers' Mafia that way. I liked 48 hours as in 'Bloodbrick', but I do agree that 72 hours is a bit more relaxing and provides some opportunity for reflection. But you're doing a good job in keeping the nights short JimB.
  7. ... and perhaps without a sane investigator. It is always tricky to make decisions on just two nights of investigation results. Sebastien being scum is but one of a few explanations for the findings (there are the issues of sanity of the investigators, the validity of the returned alignments, and someone could be blatantly lying to Harriet of course) . However, the fact that Sebastien hasn't contacted the Baron as he claimed adds some more evidence against him. Let's hope we made the right decision. I agree, we'll know more come nightfall. Now Barron, how is dinner coming along?
  8. Happy Birthday Quarryman! Hope you're feeling better.
  9. Well, there seem to be multiple protectors out there (even though that still has me slightly confused), so it's not like Sebastien couldn't be protected. It still looks like nothing really new has surfaced besides more villagers supporting Harriet. Who's to say we don't have two investigators on the village's side? If Gary Coleman is an insane investigator (i.e., finds reverse allegiances) and Sebastien is sane that would provide an alternative explanation for the results. I am surprised Sebastien hasn't raised this possibility himself though! Even though it's been a while since he has come under scrutiny now... This doesn't make him look any more innocent in my view.
  10. No, but in conjunction with the plays it's not so difficult to make the connection. I think Harriet is right. Maybe not in outing Sebastien so early, but I do like to hear the opinions of more people on the evidence presented. Sebastien and Harriet calling each other moron, idiot, and noob isn't going to get us any further at this point. I think their positions are perfectly clear by now.
  11. You're in the best position to judge how credible each of the investigators' findings are and you seem to trust 'Gary' more than 'Evil' by the way they report their findings to you. But from my experience with all kind of strange investigation results in Mr. Philips' books, I am perhaps being overly skeptical. Bottom line is, we have to trust one of these investigators' results... and the simplest explanation is probably the most likely to be true.
  12. That's quite a story yet again Harriet. However it's not conclusive evidence at all, so ultimately it's up to which of the two investigator you believe. As you point out, the choice of targets of 'Evil'/Sebastien hasn't been exactly logical. But it is kind of striking that he was seen targeting Bambi though. So he has to have a night action. But if there is indeed another faction, an investigative ability on their behalf is likely. I hope you correctly assess these other indications you have that Gary Coleman ( ) is telling you the truth. I'd say it is worth a shot conviction.
  13. 1. What are we still fighting then? I haven't heard anyone announce the conclusion of this yet. 2. As pointed out, blocking doesn't cure one of their evil intentions. Except this was said about the Rogue that Mr. Swordkillah killed last night: "Last night, we had two deaths. Fortunately, someone had killed Daniel O'Donnell, who was the pickax killer who took our beloved Dacius Nathans. He was a Rogue, a villain, selfish and killing for his own survival". This, I think we can all agree, means he was acting alone.
  14. Svelte? Hmm, sure sounds familiar... Ah, right, ostrich this way please. Happy Birthday! Hope to see you back soon.
  15. There were some rumors that it would be a summer release (June, if I recall correctly?), which might also be why we don't have any confirmation or pictures yet.
  16. That you're not telling any news there. But perhaps Harriet can shed some light on the possibilities.
  17. Oh my, that's a lot of action on one night. The sword killer certainly did this village a huge favor by taking out 'self-interested' Daniel. Not such a good call by the shotgun killer. Harriet seems to assume he's the vigilante? If that's true, what does that make the sword killer? Another enemy faction? So the good guy kills a good guy and the bad guy kills another bad guy? But then again, if both the Rogue and the Werewolf were both working independently, we haven't really 'seen' an enemy faction yet, so it's possible. The wording when Zed was lynched didn't make reference to him acting in his own self-interest like Daniel, which either means there's more werewolves out there or he was able to recruit to build a faction. Two killers in one faction? Be careful not to loose your mind again today like you did on day 1. The one who Harriet seems to think is a villager? I have my doubts as well, but she seems convinced the musket killer is a villager... Person 1 him/herself considers the possibility that he/she'd come up a 'werewolf' when investigated, so that would hardly prove anything. Drastic measures, convicting, like Baron Poopshispants suggest give the only conclusive evidence. But whether we should go that far when Harriet trusts these people to some extent. I'm waiting for the complete story when Harriet has pieced together everything her network learned during the night. I wonder how she managed to build up an entire network of people so quickly. Could the applesauce have something to do with it?
  18. Congratulations to the whole family. Enjoy your first days together.
  19. Happy Birthday Scouts!
  20. I've been saying it's bizarre all along slutty. I have even called it a disgrace the way this village treats a retired admiral who has served this country so long. And I thought you'd have taken note of it by now Mr. Peers.
  21. Oh my... is that applesauce on your cleavage? You dirty slut. And it indeed seems Mr. Lyons is the one who hasn't voted yet.
  22. Rick

    MOC: Showers

    Great scene Etzel. Using the 'maiden' headgear as a towel is brilliant.
  23. It's basically what I meant to say... and as there's no other way to distinguish werewolf from stupid, a conviction seems like the way to go. Reginald Greyson endorses this conviction.
  24. I'm not entirely convinced we're doing the right thing by convicting you Stokern. We might as well have gone after Charles Synclair. But both of you have made yourself look suspicious by defending the late Zed Philips yesterday, although Charles explicitly mentioned he wasn't defending him. You going against each other today may very well be a diversion to make us think only one of you is a werewolf. But I doubt you're off the hook Mr. Synclair, even if Stokern is found to be a werewolf.
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