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Everything posted by Rick

  1. As I said earlier today, Dave informed me that I could not be recruited on night 4. I think you're confusing being roleblocked with being blocked for recruitment though.
  2. Well, no real surprises there. His role claim and lack of a defence made it pretty clear li'l Wonderboy was scum and li'l Dave painted a big target on his back yesterday and the day before. Best-case scenario would actually be 6-2, but I agree that's unlikely as it would mean the scum never managed to recruit successfully. If no new information about him surfaces, I agree about li'l Walter. We have to follow up on the masons' suspicions. So you trusted me enough to break a tie yesterday, when - as today - the numbers may very well have been equal, but are now going to use that I'm not killed last night against me? I understand the masons didn't want one of their own as mayor yesterday (nominating Endgame or Dave would have given the scum a choice for last night, but would have also given them a very clear target for the coming night), but they still trusted me with the position though. I knew the masons failed to recruit me on night 4. Li'l Dave told me right away. As I also told Dave, I probably was metagamed and blocked for recruitment. Looking back, it's likely the scum teams united on day 4, so by night 4 they probably knew I was town.
  3. It's not clear to me who you're addressing with your post and what your question exactly is but, above all, it's off-topic in the 2013 City Sets topic. Please keep the discussion on-topic. Thanks.
  4. Well, there's 6390 Main Street (and 10041), which has, what seems to be, a car showroom.
  5. Vote: Li'l Boy Wonder (TheBoyWonder) I think we all came to the conclusion that the chances of a successul kill are higher than the chances of a successful conversion, especially at this point. We're unlikely to stop either scum team though, because it's very likely that their main actions will be passed on to their remaining teammate(s). So, we'd only have a clear course of action if we could be sure to stop one of the teams by today's lynch. I'd fully agree with your analysis if we could be sure to get rid of the final killer by lynching li'l Walter. What makes you think li'l Walter may be the final killer though? How can you know? Weren't there two teams of three scum at the start there? I don't think you have to convince anyone that li'l Walter could very well be scum. The point is that you seem to be steering the lynch away from li'l Wonderboy.
  6. I don't think so. Please read the Site Guidelines again.
  7. Happy birthday Mr. Ambassador.
  8. Check out snaillaid's Cocoa Hotel in art-deco style in the Town forum.
  9. You also have to consider that the chances of a successful conversion are much lower than the chances of a successful kill, because the number of recruitable townies is limited, whereas any townie can be killed. Furthermore, it's unlikely we'll stop the conversions by killing one of the converters because I guess their action will be passed on. The same holds for the killers though. So, if we want to play it safe we'll lynch the suspected converter. I doubt it'll stop the conversion attempts though. If we elect Dave to be the mayor, we're sure to lose him tonight as I don't think there is any way to protect him (unless you really are the town blocker and manage to block the killer). If we elect someone else as mayor, the scum have to chose between a mason and the mayor. You're narrowing down the suspect list rather quickly there. Let's not forget that you (based on your day 1 behaviour) or Kiel would make ideal conversion targets. How exactly was li'l Hinck distancing himself from Endgame in private conversations?
  10. Well, that certainly confirms a lot of things in the most ultimate way. We're still in the same precarious situation though, because in the best case scenario there are only four scum left. Did you miss that Dave was outed as a mason yesterday? Even though he may not really be one (who knows if it was said just to megabluck with the scum's minds), li'l Pie trusted him, so I think I'd rather let li'l Dave speak for the masons. I would have voted you for mayor, so your vote came as quite a surprise to me. I spent some time wondering why you wouldn't just nominate yourself, but it's clear to me now. The scum can only kill one of us at night and this way they have to chose between the mayor and a more-or-less confirmed mason. Mayor: Li'l Rick (Rick) I agree that the killers probably have a higher chance of being successful than the recruiters at this point. Three scum of course. They started with five after all. However, it's unlikely that the recruiters recruited nobody, so I still think it's likely we're up against four or five scum at the moment.
  11. It might have been ok in a current topic, but even then we'd like members to stay on-topic, but it certainly wasn't a reason to bump an old topic.
  12. Great to see so many fantastic entries. Thanks to LegoCityMann for hosting and sponsoring this contest. Thanks. Considering LCM is offline currently, I fixed that.
  13. Please stay on-topic and don't bump old topics if you have nothing to add but nonsense. We'd appreciate it if you used the 'Report' button next to every post to report posts like this. Thanks.
  14. He was aware there was a tracker (he knew about the result on li'l Wonderboy after all), so he was naive enough to think he wouldn't be tracked last night.
  15. Well, it's a risky move to lay the cards on the table like that and it's sure to unite the scum teams (if they hadn't already), but so far there's been no split in vote for Hinckley, suggesting we still outnumber the combined scum or - less likely - he's town. I understand, from what's been said here today, that li'l Hinckley trusted you and li'l Dave and then "conveniently" claimed watcher when he was seen targeting li'l Pandora. Shouldn't he have brought that up much earlier if he was trying to help the town? We were in a precarious enough situation already yesterday. Talking to you must have put him in the perfect position to subtly steer your decisions. The defeatist attitude at the start of the day wasn't the li'l Hinck I know. It seemed like he was already trying to cover his own big behind and wanted to scare you into not revealing what you know (although I don't know if he already knew the result on him from last night at that point). Looks like they screwed up that plan pretty badly then. I already said this in private to Dave, but li'l Wonderboy's claim is ridiculous indeed and now that we know li'l Hinck is most likely scum, I agree that it's likely they had already merged. The advantage is that this has probably turned into a regular class situation now. I think we all feared it was an all-or-nothing situation at the start of the day already. At least, depending on the number of successful conversions, we have a chance this way. Vote: Li'l Hinckley (Hinckley)
  16. Please continue the discussion in the topic Brickdoctor linked to. Thanks.
  17. For the tenth(!) time in a row already, Eurobricks moderator WhiteFang brings us a thorough and detailed review of the Collectible Minifigures. Check out the full Collectible Minifigures Series 10 in the Special Themes forum.
  18. You're not taking yourself very seriously if you believe I have been "subtly" leading you. I honestly don't see how. You have even been "leading" the lynch on li'l Pala. Should we go after you because of that? All lynches so far have mainly been based on public information and behavioural analysis, out of fear of sharing night action results or other information obtained in private that would potentially allow the scum teams to connect. We've all made our own decisions based on the information presented. I thought you were "leaning towards town" on Peanuts yesterday. And how does being suspicious of someone the night before they die make someone look suspicious in your eyes? You've been asked a couple of things yesterday evening, which you never addressed, and now you seem to be bringing up the same unsubstantiated suspicions again. I agree a successful scum conversion every night seems unlikely, but the scum started with five, so chances are actually worse.
  19. You "don't like" that we've lynched another townie? I think most of us felt that it was absolutely essential to lynch a scum yesterday and I was pretty confident we were doing just that. We might very well be here because the scum teams haven't united yet. So, what do you suggest we do? Are you trying to discourage private conversation now?
  20. Great build Kristel. You really managed to keep it "simple", but with great attention to detail nonetheless. I really like how you combined all the basic colours, they really contrast nicely. Excellent work on the custom sticker too.
  21. This is really amazing. It's so wonderfully detailed, both inside and outside. You managed to pack so much on just two baseplates. I like all the "edgy" little details on the top floor and outside. The landscaping outside looks excellent. I especially like the vibrant colours of the flowers. The brick-built sunflowers fit Fabuland scale really well. I especially like the bridge across the stream and the little waterfall beneath it. The outhouse is a great addition... filthy walrus. We seem to be enjoying our drinks and snacks outside. I wonder what Gibson Goat is playing for our entertainment.
  22. Next to this, in your statement earlier today (which li'l Hinck highlighted) you also mention that li'l Nightshroud was suspicious of li'l Cecilie and that this "perhaps should be looked into". When I read it, I wondered what you meant by that. Have you looked into that by now?
  23. Didn't you disregard the points li'l Hinck brought against you earlier today?
  24. Then what exactly are you trying to do? Vote: Li'l Chromeknight (Chromeknight)
  25. Very impressive work. This must have taken ages. I really like how you used the Fabuland trash cans.
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