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Everything posted by Rick

  1. It was quite clear l'il Trumpetking was going to be lynched by the time li'l Danny voted, so the risk involved in voting for a scum team member was not that high. As I said earlier, Danny didn't make an unreasonable vig target, so he might have planned this in case he'd get killed. I am aligned with the Town. I don't think people are suspecting you because you got away yesterday. You're repeating it however, the first time you mentioned it today you even put it in quotes, and the rest of your statement is so cryptic, that I'm almost starting to think you're reaching out to the other scum team with your words. Vote: Li'l Scouty (Scouty)
  2. I agree that he sounds rather desperate and alone. Li'l Scouty being scum and being on the recruiting team is a far-fetched, but it would explain his behaviour at the start of the day, when he first seemed to suggest he's town because Danny turned out to be scum and then said it at least ensures he wasn't on li'l Danny's team. Maybe Danny thought he'd be a potential vig target (as he might have indeed been) after gathering a couple of votes yesterday and that's why he cast his vote for Scouty at the end of the day, in an attempt to clear him should he be kiled. And maybe it's Scouty struggling between signaling he's scum and defending himself at the same time that explains his rather erratic behaviour today. So, your opinion on him has changed from yesterday when you "didn't get a scummy vibe off him"?
  3. Welcome to EB. This is an English language forum. Please use the PM system if you'd like to have a chat in your own language. Thanks.
  4. I've moved this to Special Themes, the home of military MOCs.
  5. That it's really unlikely that li'l Trumpet knew the identity of the vig yesterday (unless he was the vig himself and that explains that there was only one kill last night) and that you're mightily interested in what happened surrounding that sting as li'l Foog already pointed out yesterday evening. I didn't raise multiple points, I simply said that what you said this morning could easily be read as you trying to suggest you're town just because li'l Danny turned out to be scum. Instead of shrugging it off and simply saying "of course it doesn't clear me", you get defensive and - as li'l Pie already pointed out - even suggest that it ensures you're not on Danny's team. After reading everything you said today, I get the impression you're constantly switching between staying calm and answering others and getting really defensive.
  6. I was replying to li'l Scouty who seemed to suggest he's town because li'l Danny was scum. But, as we all seem to have acknowledged from the start of the day, Danny might have been killed by the scum killers. In that scenario he would of course be part of the recruiting team.
  7. One townie for a scum is a pretty good result at this stage of the game. Let's hope li'l Trumpet was able to accomplish something with his little sting. I think it has been established already that we can't draw any definitive conclusions from last night's kill. Uhm... This game isn't conventional at all, but I still think it'd be a single scum performing the kill, which means the scum killer has the exact same probability of getting blocked as the vig. If the failed kill is due to a successful block and if the blocked player is scum and if the blocker is town, it'd still be a risky move to come forward for the blocker, even in private. If the scum know we're lynching someone based on strong night actions results, the other scum team would also be handed someone to contact on a silver platter. I'm sure li'l Cam could tell you all about it if his big behind hadn't exploded yesterday morning. So, you're implying you're the towniest of town now? As li'l Zeph has just pointed out, with two scum teams it means nothing at all. And, now that I think about it, if li'l Danny was a member of the recruiters, you'd make an excellent conversion target after having been accused by him.
  8. Then I might have misread your statement. I've explained how I read it in private.
  9. Since you've confessed to being scum it might not add a lot to the discussion, but I don't think anyone was saying you didn't get your point across. It just wasn't a very convincing explanation for your behaviour. Most people seemed to think Mr. def's clarification made li'l Zeph look less suspicious, except you. As I said before, your wishy-washy behaviour could just as well be explained by you being a little too eager to unite the scum teams when you saw li'l Zeph's post and then when Mr. def clarified, you thought you could get away with an easy lynch on a townie. Not a very smart statement to make if you're a townie. I thought you were asked to come forward with your suspicions, which you haven't as far as I can see. The way this class is set up makes it very hard to make a credible claim. But, if he's scum, I hope it's enough to at least make the other scum team wary of contacting Li'l Trumpet. Can you explain why you think his claim is stupid if he's town?
  10. Those two lines are in the same quote. I noticed that you think quite a few people are scummy, but I don't think you've explained any of your suspicions yet. First you think "you two" are scum. I asked you to clarify who you were referring to, but you didn't reply. Now you're accusing li'l Wonderboy of being scummy, again without an explanation. I didn't read it that way. I think Zepher was reinterpreting his role PM. I think the recruiting scum would rather try to convert someone not in the spotlight on day one. Li'l Hinck mentioned the possibility of li'l Zepher being watched for example. I could offer an alternative explanation for your wishy-washy behaviour. When you initially read Zepher's post, you thought you had found a scummy partner from the other team, because he didn't seem to be aware of the fact that townies don't know if they can be converted. Then, when he explained how he apparently misinterpreted his role PM and you got confirmation from Mr. def about the structure of the town role PMs, you realised he is most likely a townie and wanted to get rid of him. You had to come up with a reason to vote for him and the best you could do was because the scum would try to convert him now that he outed himself as convertible. However, he wasn't outing himself as convertible and he hasn't been outed as being convertible! We knew before the game started that townies would not know if they're convertible or not and it has been confirmed by the Mr. def again today. Vote: Li'l TrumpetKing (TrumpetKing)
  11. I think Zepher's confusion was about the wording (and let's not argue about the exact wording, because - even though the scum already know the wording - it can only help them). This is what Zepher said about it himself. Anyway, it's information that everyone had at the start of this class. Mr. def said that scum convertible townies don't know they are convertible.
  12. I thought popular opinion was that he went from a werewolfey PM claim to a slightly more townie one. But I think everyone should have been aware of the way Mr. def set up this class and li'l Zeph didn't address li'l Cecilie's points at all in his first reply. The only true town block that can form is the masonry, which I doubt can be forming on day one as the mason recruitment likely is a night action. ... or converted later on. I think one of the points of this class is that you can't positively confirm anyone as scum or town, with the exception of recruiting townies into the masonry. And remember that one of the reasons for having the masons is that the town can form their own little "scum team" and claim to one of the scum teams down the road. So, trying to be the towniest of town during the days isn't going to be a good strategy either. I guess we'll have to leave the town block formation to the masons behind the scenes. Who are you referring to by "you two"? I think Mr. def said the setup would be the same, not necessarily the roles. I think there was some opposition to roles that positively identified the scum in EB Mafia I. So, I too doubt there's a lie detector in the game, but I guess it doesn't hurt to say that I'm aligned with the town.
  13. I was referring to Li'l Cecilie's point... which you didn't address just now.
  14. Know he'd be safe because the scum won't target the mayor or because he's scum himself? Given what you say next, I assume you mean the latter. So, you vote for someone you're suspicious of? "Wonder" if he's scum, you mean? In your next sentence you seem to suggest you think he's town, because you assume "the scum probably won't touch him".
  15. I see a lot more loopholes. As others have indicated, you're ignoring the possibility of a scum recruitment or the scum blocking the mason recruitment. I seem to remember Mr. def saying that he'd give the recruitment to the scum if someone was targeted for both scum and mason recruitment on the same night. Moreover, he said the recruitment block would work on the target not on the recruiter, so a scum recruitment blocker would have an ideal target tonight. All of this assumes that li'l Corny is actually recruitable in the first place. Assuming we can safely get the mason's result out in the open (and that's a really big assumption, because I don't think there's a way to confirm them), are we going to lynch him for not being recruitable? If he's not recruitable, he can be scum, not recruitable, or blocked from recruitment by the masons. Indeed, especially early in the game, I think a scum mayor would think twice before saving a fellow scum. So, it's probably not a position they want, and not only because it makes them a night action magnet. I think the most important function of the mayoral election isn't who gets the role, but rather to see who's willing to step forward for the position. Corny might be bluffing and it by no means clears him from being scum, but I'd say the chances of him being scum are a bit smaller. Mayor: Li'l Cornelius Murdock
  16. Poor li'l Cam. I wonder who's going to clean up that mess. I doubt it's the food (or, given the variety in meals, we'd all blow up), I'd be more worried about someone trying to stick something up your...
  17. Rick

    MOC - Supercar

    Nice modification. Could you please reduce the size of your images though? The maximum allowed size for embedded images on EB is 800 x 600 pixels. Thanks. I have changed them to (linked) thumbnails for now.
  18. Rick


    If you're referring to the server time, there's a topic about that here. Please continue the discussion about the server time there. (Bottom line is, pick a timezone in your settings - even if it's not your actual timezone - so that the forum time matches your local time.)
  19. At least he capitalised the F.
  20. I'm all for smaller/shorter games, but I can see it not being so rewarding in terms of hosting.
  21. Question is why hou decided to have it in there in the first place.
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