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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Day Notes, our commentary on events during the Days (and Nights), are now posted.
  2. You have certainly justified your targets and, even though they might not have been my targets, your reasoning makes sense. What's worrying though is that you claim to have been blocked (or at least, that seems like the most likely explanation, and if Hervi knew your role it would make sense to block you), but Dragmall claims that someone else got blocked by the scum blocker on Night Three. I'm torn between whether that means someone is lying or if it could simply be explained by, for example, a one-shot roleblock action. I think we came to the conclusion that the wooziness was explained by the framer/prankster targeting Petrus on Night One, which would make sense considering Bergulf's investigation plans (comparing Hervi to Petrus). But then again, they also seemed to have blocked Bergulf on Night Two. Do you think they'd risk trying to convert Petrus on the same night as framing/pranking him? That's assuming they have a dedicated killer, which is more likely if the Role Cop is Einherjar, which I still doubt somehow. But that also brings us to the result on my wife Snotra. If the Role Cop is scum, why would the scum also 'frame' (or whatever causes the wooziness) Snotra the same night and come up the protector result on her?
  3. I agree with you that Role Cop is a suspicious claim, and more typically a scum role, but I'm surprised that you have given no justification for the choice of your targets at night. Also, if Dragmall is sure that someone else was blocked by the scum blocker on Night 3, he or you could be lying, or we have three blockers (which doesn't sound very likely), a jailkeeper, or someone with a one-shot blocker action (e.g., a jack-of-all-trades). To my understanding we've seen the same two killers every night. But it's not unheard of for the scum to have a limited-shot dedicated converter. If Dragmall's Role Cop is telling the truth that seems to be the case here. Let's hope they didn't get a chance to use their conversion, but given their losses by Day Two (the scum knew they lynched one of their own), I doubt they didn't use it before Hervi got lynched. According to Cranebeinn "Hephastus" trusted Hervi, so wouldn't it have made more sense to give him an invention on Night One?
  4. So, we were wrong about Stemid and would have been wrong about Erik as well. I'm surprised Finn was killed last night as he seemed to have reverted to being a simple Einherjar who sleeps soundly at night. I also wonder why Erik was killed. Was the Serial Killer trying to do us a favour by taking out who he thought to be another Servant of Loki or was he just looking for a target that was unlikely to be protected? Surely you're not asking people who were up and about last night to speak up publicly. You're making suspicious statements again and just because Erik didn't get lynched yesterday doesn't mean you don't have to explain the odd statement you made while voting for him yesterday. Did you know Erik was Einherjar and were you ready to accuse Dragmall for being wrong about him? Also, I wonder if Wary can be bothered to speak up today and respond to some of the suspicions that were raised against him yesterday.
  5. Day notes and player analysis will be posted the coming days, but we have now put up a list of Night Actions.
  6. As BigCam already indicated, we don't allow new members to sell on EB as we're not, and don't want to become, primarily a forum for buying/selling LEGO. You could try the BeLUG or LowLUG forums.
  7. Player Appraisal Note that we only gave a Pass/Fail to those playing their first Mafia School game here on Eurobricks. Adam (badboytje88), Town, Vanilla Townie Where did the 'pee in a cup' come from on Day One? You're a motorcycle cop, they don't ask people to pee in cups! Your voting behaviour on Day Two was very scummy. Just like two members of the Mafia, you vote for zakura, only to unvote him when he's getting himself lynched by not following the role playing rule. On Day Four, Stormblessed finally presents an analysis of the voting behaviour of the previous days. Surprisingly, he doesn't vote for you because of your scummy Day Two voting behaviour, but for voting for a Townie on Days One and Two, which was hardly conclusive, and for being unhelpful. You probably should have stayed calm and explained where his reasoning was off instead of going berserk and calling him scum. We were really glad you signed up for our game, so we had a nice mix of new and relatively experienced players. Even though you were active enough on most days, we really did expect a bit more contribution and analysis from you, given the number of games you've played. Amelia (TheBoyWonder), Mafia, Goon You only lasted two days before you were killed by the Vigilante. Looking at your posts on those two days I can imagine why the Vigilante targeted you. There wasn't a lot of substance to your votes. On Day One, you voted for TrumpetKing67, unvoted him after "thinking some things through", and voted for zakura, a fellow Mafia member. This was a bold move and one that could have benefited you as the game progressed. On Day Two, you start a vote against TrumpetKing67 again. A scummy vote, as you call him out on what seems an honest mistake. You signed up because you felt you could brush up on your mafia skills. Despite voting for one of your own, your behaviour on Days One and Two apparently gave you away as scummy and perhaps you should add some more thoughts when you're placing a vote. Andrea (PsyKater), Town, Doctor You were the Night One night action magnet. You were investigated, roleblocked, and killed by the Vigilante, all on Night One! And on top of that, you died protecting your killer. We were really sad to see you go so early in the game as you really took on your role and took role playing seriously. You even edited the quotes to show the characters' names (in addition to the players' usernames). But more importantly, you were one of a few players actually playing the game on Day One. You analysed posts and called out players for suspicious behaviour. Your lists of suspects included three members of the Mafia and you even voted for TheBoyWonder (and unvoted him again). You enthusiastically signed up for our game and we were really sad when we got the PM with your name in it from the Vigilante. As he was the last to send in his Night Action, we kept hoping the Town Roleblocker would block the Vigilante. You have to be careful that you don't lose focus by accusing almost everyone and, when you have an important Night Action, it's probably not such a good idea to attract so much attention in the Day threads. On the other hand, it did cause the Cop to investigate you. Imagine what a powerful Town block you could have formed if you had lived past Night One. We were impressed by your performance on Day One and we're happy to give you a Pass. We look forward to playing with you in Advanced Games. Christine (konze), Town, Cop We liked you posting pictures of cake and coffee on Day One so much that your cake was featured a couple of times in the pictures on later days. You were repeatedly called out for flying under the radar though. Attracting attention to yourself this way when you're the Cop probably isn't a good idea, but neither is being so quiet that you appear suspicious; it's all about balance. When you became one of the lynch candidates on Day Four, you didn't defend yourself really well. Your vote for zakura, a member of the Mafia, helped the other Townies clear you though. On Day Five, you finally shared your results with the players you investigated, but you, nor any other Townie, seemed to consider that there could be a Godfather in the game. Your revelation did not only lead to your own death, but also gave DarthPotato a way to plan his victory. We don't know what you did exactly behind the scenes, but you should definitely contribute more to the Day threads to avoid suspicion, especially if you're the Cop. Nevertheless, you chose your investigation targets wisely and you Pass. Gary (Adam), Town, Vanilla Townie Gary, together with Little Gary, was one of our favourite characters and you played him really well. You were active and analysed other peoples' posts and votes. Unfortunately, the Mafia also picked up on this and chose you as their kill on Night One. We were glad you selected our game to get back into mafia and we were sad to see you, and Gary, die so early. We hope you'll be playing Advanced Games again soon. On Day One, you certainly showed you still got it. Henrietta (Masked Builder), Town, Roleblocker Despite playing in several Advanced Games already, you signed up for our game because you felt you could use a refresher. Unfortunately, your lack of engagement with the game seemed to be history repeating itself. You didn't add any original thoughts and simply hopped on the bandwagon on Days One and Two. You tend to do this in Advanced Games as well and perhaps you should reconsider if Mafia really is a game for you, as you seem to have difficulty contributing. We do not intend to be harsh here, and we don't want you to be offended by this, but we feel it is fair to raise this issue. Disappointingly, you dropped out of the game on Day Three. Not only did you prevent another player from playing our game this way, you also disadvantaged the Town as they lost their Roleblocker in you. Ian (TazManiac), Town, Vanilla Townie You were personally responsible for the Day One lynch. Whereas we were wondering what the hell you were doing voting (well, the vote didn't even count as it wasn't properly formatted) for Endgame for no reason whatsoever, his jumpy reaction made him look scummy and eventually got him lynched. You were right with your analysis and vote for TheBoyWonder towards the end of the Day though. Your behaviour was a little erratic sometimes, but you played actively and were clearly analysing behaviour, and eventually got killed by the Mafia. We were happy see one of the few Fellows who isn't playing mafia yet sign up for our game and we hope you enjoyed it enough to continue your mafia career on EB. Pass! Isaac (TrumpetKing67), Town, Vanilla Townie You were certainly discussed a lot during the game and you seemed scummy to a lot of players. These suspicions were probably the reason the Mafia didn't kill you and made you the last remaining Townie. You weren't always suspected for the right reasons though. However, make sure you don't have to blame auto-correct. Lesson: Don't post in mafia games from your phone or you run the risk of getting lunched. Your analysis on Day Five - clearing Ferrik because he helped lynch zakura on Day Two and pointing out that DartPotato and Superficial Username withdrew their votes as konze was getting himself lynched - was absolutely spot on, but unfortunately you didn't act on it. You took the game seriously and you posted a lot on most days. Also, you were the one who finally analysed the crucial information in the Day Two. Too bad you didn't follow up on it on Day Six. Still, you have definitely earned your Pass. Good luck playing in the Advanced Games! Jared (Ferrik), Town, Vanilla Townie You were one of the two players not confirmed by the Cop. You probably should have realised on Day Five that you'd be voted out on Day Six and that should have gotten you thinking about what was going on. You only defended yourself though, rather than offering alternative possibilities, and left it up to the other players to figure out who the remaining Mafioso was. Unfortunately, they were convinced it was you. Had you looked at the voting patterns and pointed out where the others were wrong, or followed up on TrumpetKing67's analysis, you may have been able to turn the game around, however that would have been tough against people determined to vote you out. We hoped to see a little more input and analysis from you during the Days, but we also hope you enjoyed your first mafia game. You Pass. Jean (Endgame), Town, Vanilla Townie Someone has to be the first to get lynched and, unfortunately, it was you. You responded to an unfounded accusation by TazManiac by voting for him. This jumpy reaction was considered scummy by the rest of the players and, no matter how hard you tried to change their mind, you got lynched for it. The lesson to be learnt here is that you have to stay calm when you get accused and certainly don't assume the other player knows you're Town. It's very hard to defend yourself on Day One though, because you have no posts or voting behaviour to refer back to, and we don't think you could have avoided the lynch. We were sad to see Jean (and you ) go so quickly, but based on the way you played on Day One you get a Pass. Kendra (Stormblessed), Town, Vanilla Townie You weren't very active for a large part of the game and that made you suspicious to a lot of players. However, it also caused to Cop to investigate and clear you. On Day Four you led the lynch against badboytje88. Even though his vote on Day Two was scummy, you accuse him for voting for a Townie twice, which wasn't very conclusive evidence. Nevertheless, the remaining members of the Mafia were afraid you would uncover them and decided to kill you on Night Four, and you should take that as a compliment. Even though you could have been more active on the earlier Days, we're convinced you got the hang of the game and are happy to give you a Pass. Mark (JaseTJ), Town, Vigilante 'Nooooooo!' was our reaction when you sent in your action for Night One. How could you kill one of the most pro-town players on Day One? Also, sending out a request for protection to a group of random players on Night One probably isn't a good idea as there is good chance you're contacting a member of the Mafia and they'll just assume you have a Night Action and kill you. That's exactly what the scum did on Night Two. For some reason they even had you pegged as the Vigilante. Nevertheless, you also got your revenge on Night Two and killed a member of the Mafia. You contributed to the Day threads and except for two rather big mistakes, which hopefully you learned from, we think you played well and chose your second target wisely. Phil (Scorpiox), Town, Vanilla Townie After PsyKater and Adam got killed on Night One, we figured you'd be next, as you were one of the more analytical players on Days One and Two. However, when we had to restart Day Three, you forgot post all day, which earned you penalty votes on Day Four. On Day Four you waited until the final minutes of the Day to cast the final vote for badboytje88. You're convinced he's scum, but your reasoning is mainly based on the tone of his reaction to Stormblessed's accusations. We were hoping you'd be the one to look back at the voting records and figure it out on Day Six, but instead you relied fully on the Cop's investigation results and, like the other remaining Townies, seemed to refute any other options. We were happy to have you in our game and, except for Day Three, you were very active and did a good job at both role playing and analysing behaviour. Phyllis (Superficial Username), Mafia, Goon We were somewhat surprised to see you successfully fly under the radar for so long. After your failure to hammer the vote and get TrumpetKing67 lynched on Day Two (and making the same mistake in the vote against badboytje88 on Day Four ), we were expecting you to attract some more attention, either in the Day threads or from the Cop. You were one of two players not investigated by Day Five and DarthPotato decided to bus you. The alternative would be to try and get Ferrik lynched on Day Five. It was a risky move, but you accepted your fate, and in the end it worked out well for your team. We would have liked to see a bit more participation from you, but then again, you were a member of the Mafia and avoided suspicion for long enough, which can be seen as an accomplishment. You had no problems sacrificing yourself for the team, which is important when playing mafia. Samantha (DarthPotato), Mafia, Godfather Sole survivor in your first game! Obviously you were helped a lot by the fact that you got the Godfather role, but, aside from the scummy Day Two vote/unvote for zakura, you didn't make any major mistakes. You were active enough in the Day threads to avoid any serious suspicion and, with hindsight, you made the right choice by busing Superficial Username on Day Five. You weren't really forced to strategise, but we nevertheless would have liked to see the scum team strategise a bit more. Whenever decisions had to be made, you were the one making them. One thing that stood out to us was that, when selecting your target, you never seemed to consider the possibility that they'd be protected. Killing konze on Night Five was necessary, because he'd investigate Ferrik that Night and have everyone confirmed as a Townie, and the Town would have probably have realised that there was a Godfather hiding among them. Given that you didn't know the Doctor was dead since Night One, killing konze was a riskier move than you perhaps realised. If he wasn't dead, he surely would have protected konze, because he was basically outed as the Cop on Day Five, and you would have had a much harder time proving yourself as a Townie on Day Six. You played really well and you had a clear strategy once the Cop came forward to you. Congratulations on your well-earned victory and your Pass! Zachary (zakura), Mafia, Roleblocker You attracted a lot of attention in the Day threads by not contributing a lot and making unsubstantiated votes. We never expected someone to get lynched for violation of the role playing rule and we merely included it to illustrate the importance of reading the rules. More importantly, you could have gotten your team members in a lot of trouble as they had to pull their votes from you when you were essentially getting yourself lynched. As the most experienced member of the Mafia we expected you to take the lead, but instead you largely decided who to roleblock on your own and didn't coordinate with your team a lot. You probably don't need us to tell you what went wrong and what you could improve, but we hope you enjoyed the game nonetheless.
  8. Lesson Eight: (Over-)Reliance on Night Action Results Results from Night Actions cannot always be taken at face value. For example, if a Cop investigates a player and learns they are affiliated with the Town, there is a chance that their target is actually the Mafia Godfather. Conversely, a Mafia reading can also mean the Cop's target is a Miller. Also, a Cop is not always sane. Cops can be insane (which means they always get opposite results), naive (which means they always get Town results), or paranoid (which mean they always get Mafia results). Furthermore, in Advanced Games, the Mafia can have a Framer, which makes their target appear to be affiliated with the Mafia, or a Tailor, which makes one of the Mafia members appear Town in investigations. Results from Night Actions can help in finding the Mafia, but should never take the place of analysis of voting patterns and players' behaviour.
  9. Expect the Conclusion to be posted in about 15 minutes... ... and the Conclusion is posted.
  10. ... and not just from the two main lynch candidates at this point. Wary also has yet to respond to the suspicions that were raised against him. Out of Erik and Stemid, I'm most suspicious of Stemid. So far, he hasn't been helpful at all and his comments today are just odd. Blindly following a leader and not adding your own thoughts is never a good idea. On Day Two, he seemed to know more about the Dragmall-Hervi argument, something I also asked him to explain at the time. In the end, his answer was that he didn't know what he was trying to say anymore. It may not be much, but it makes Stemid the most suspicious of the two to me. Vote: Stemid the Pale (Sandy) This is a very odd statement. Can you explain how this is a test of Dragmall? The way I see it, Dragmall brought the case against Erik forward for our consideration because there is no solid evidence against anyone. Are you going to push for Dragmall's lynch tomorrow if Erik comes up as Einherjar? And what if Erik is a Servant of Loki. Does that clear Dragmall, just like Hervi was 'cleared' after voting for Gerrid?
  11. Final Vote Tally Jared (Ferrik): 3 votes (DarthPotato, Scorpiox, TrumpetKing67) A conviction has been reached. With 3 votes Jared (Ferrik) will be lynched. Please get in your Night Actions within 24 hours of this post.
  12. Yet, you were very explicit that there was one last scum to be found. You seemed to discount any other possibilities. I always get wary of people who seem to know too much about what we're up against. I for one am surprised we already managed to catch four scum on Day Four. It's almost to good to be true and it makes me wonder if the situation we're in is comparable to 'past experiences'. Except that claim would have been suspicious after I pointed out that Hervi could be covering for Juno. Or you're using reverse psychology, but I agree it'd be a risky scum move. Let's hope that Dragmall is telling the truth and that Hervi didn't actually know about the watcher as I think they're an important weapon we still have against the scum. I was hoping the watcher would have been clever enough to watch Bergulf last night, as it was becoming clear he was Artemis and very likely Einherjar towards the end of Day Three. And even then, the late Gofraid told me privately that Hervi was pretty reluctant to vote for Gerrid, and only did so after taking a nap (after unvoting Dragmall) and seeing Gofraid himself had voted for Gerrid. If this was an elaborate setup by the Servants of Loki that you were involved in, I would have expected things to be presented a lot smoother. This leads me to believe you're probably telling the truth for now. Are you even thinking for yourself here? The way I see it, Dragmall doesn't have any more information surrounding this than you have, so how can you be willing to blindly follow Dragmall if you think Finn has "made a pretty good case for himself just now". I know we've been talking about this in private as well, but I still don't see how you getting framed on Night One or Bergulf getting framed on Night Two gives woozy results to actions that are not investigations. However, Finn's claim makes me think that the, what we thought was a framing action, actually messes with actions in other ways. Perhaps making all/some actions targeting the 'framed' target fail. This would explain why Finn didn't inherit the investigator action. Could it be the Prankster action we're looking for? Are you trying to say that you got the result from your night action before Ragnar knew Bergulf was getting 'framed' (or whatever it may be), or that Ragnar just made a mistake initially? I think the wording and timing of the results could be important here. Like you, I don't have much to go on either, but least I'm trying to formulate my own thoughts on the matter. As is hopefully clear by now, I'm far from convinced about the 'case' against Finn. I don't know what to think of Erik, but I agree with questioning him, because his behaviour certainly has been odd. I raised my suspicions about Wary at the start of the day, which he doesn't seem too interested to respond to. So far, he hasn't exactly reassured me with what he has said today. He has been quick to agree with Dragmall's case against Finn, even after Finn's convincing reply, and he's quick to agree with Dragmall again after he presents his case against Erik.
  13. Wrong, I couldn't help myself.
  14. The conclusion to Day Five has been posted. You can expect Day Six in about 5 hours.
  15. Did we somehow establish yet that Hephaestus is Einherjar? You seem to suggest he is. I can see how you can read that sentence like that in retrospect, but at the start of Day Three no one knew of the protector feeling woozy after protecting you on Night One and Bergulf feeling woozy after investigating Hervi (by comparing him to himself) on Night Two. I made that statement, expecting Hervi would come forward and tell us that Artemis had been unsuccessful again. Besides, when I spoke first on Day Three, I also replied to Stemid and suggested the meatshield theory, and I replied to Canute and suggested Hervi knew or feared what Gofraid was up to and decided to block and kill him. So, I don't see how I was trying to establish Hervi as Einherjar with that post. Indeed, I'm sorry for not crediting you with it. I somehow thought the framing theory was already out in the open. I also shared my theory about Juno possibly being a scum framer with you in private after Hervi spoke his last words yesterday. I was just trying to say that Hervi might well have been trying to protect Juno by providing him with an alibi for targeting Bergulf on Night Two.
  16. I'm glad to see we were right about Hervi. It's nice to see a dead scummy Sigmund too, but it's too bad that we had to lose our investigator. I'm confident we can defeat the Servants of Loki the good old way, by wrapping them up in their own web of lies, though. If this is the same Hephaestus Hervi was talking about and if it's true that he hands out ascetic modifiers(?) at night and Hervi knew about this, what were the Servants of Loki afraid of? How could Hephaestus thwart their plans for last night by making someone unblockable (assuming that that's what the ascetic does)? While you weren't lurking in the shadows yesterday morning, you were quick to point out we should look at Day Two's voting record. Even after I suggested that the meatshield theory, which Dragmall brought forward more explicitly later, could hold some weight, you insist on looking at the Day Two votes. Moreover you seem to credit Hervi with getting Gerrid lynched even though it were Finn and the late Gofraid who led the vote against Gerrid. Hervi didn't vote for Gerrid right away after unvoting Dragmall. However, when he woke up from his nap, he realised it would either be Artemis or Gerrid. You said yesterday that you didn't understand why Hervi, if he were scum - which we now know he was - would keep Artemis (the investigator) alive over Gofraid (the vigilante). As I already said yesterday, Gofraid is a smart warrior and would figure Hervi out eventually. But why would Hervi want to keep Artemis alive on Day Two then? The events of Night Two suggest that he was trying to get Artemis to confirm him as Einherjar. Coupled with helping to lynch Gerrid, he had hoped Day Two and Night Two would establish him as the Einherjariest of Einherjar. That he initially didn't come forward with his suspicions about who the Servants of Loki were that were 'setting him up' led me to believe we were right by lynching him yesterday. He's probably just trying to confuse us with his final breath, but there it's likely there is some truth in the information Hervi brought forward, as Cranebeinn seems to confirms the existence of Hephaestus. One thing that stood out to me was that Hervi was pretty concrete about what Juno was doing on Night Two and even told us that he thought Juno was a protector. He also claims knowing about a watcher. I think Hervi might be worried that Juno was seen targeting Artemis on Night Two. It's entirely possible Juno was not protecting Artemis but rather was framing him. That way, when Artemis would compare himself to Hervi, they'd both show up as Servants of Loki and Artemis would be led to think Hervi was Einherjar. I think there's a good chance Juno is the Servants' framer. Just one remaining, huh? Do you know something we don't?
  17. Peeron also has set inventories. The same goes for Bricklink.
  18. Final Vote Tally Phyllis (Superficial Username): 4 votes (TrumpetKing67, DarthPotato, konze, Scorpiox) A conviction has been reached. With 4 votes Phyllis (Superficial Username) will be lynched. Please get in your Night Actions within 24 hours of this post.
  19. Vote Tally Phyllis (Superficial Username): 2 votes (TrumpetKing67, DarthPotato) A maximum of 36 hours remain in Day Four. With 6 players remaining, 4 votes are needed for a conviction.
  20. That's not like his usual Einherjar-Hervi indeed. If he's Einherjar he must have some idea of who the Servants of Loki are that are setting him up. Instead, all we get is his suspicions about the SK. Hmmm, we only have two confirmed Servants of Loki. Or are you already counting Hervi?
  21. I was wondering why there was a delay between you unvoting Dragmall and voting for Gerrid. Finn had already voted for Gerrid at the time. Besides, while you were asleep, I presented my suspicions against Bergulf, which you didn't even consider when placing your vote after your nap. So, you woke up to a situation where Bergulf and Gerrid had two votes against them each. If you're indeed a Servant of Loki, I can imagine you thought the best way to protect Bergulf was to sacrifice Gerrid, with the added bonus of establishing you as the towniest of town. Maybe you didn't expect Gofraid to vote for Gerrid while you were asleep and you were afraid to go against the opinion of one of your closest allies because you knew he was right?
  22. Day Four Conclusion As has become customary by now, at the end of the day the remaining Stationers have all gathered in the general office space on the second floor. “After your indecisiveness yesterday, I hope you managed to arrive at a decision about who should be interrogated tonight” Poppy addresses the crowd. “We were, uhm, still discussing that when you came in”, someone replies nervously. “We did spend a bit of time pointing out to each other how quiet we all are”, says someone else. Randy interrupts them “Did you manage to reach a conclusion today or not?” “We’re pretty sure Adam is a scummy scumster”, someone mumbles from the crowd. “What?!” Adam reacts surprised “I haven’t been quiet at all and I listened to everything you said. At least twice!” Realising what happened to the people who were selected for interrogation on previous days, Adam decides to make a break for it and runs towards the elevator. “You’re all so lazy you couldn’t even be bothered to fricking vote yesterday!” Adam shouts at the others as he is frantically hitting the elevator button “I’m getting out of here.” “Ping!” is the sound Randy’s phone makes to indicate the arrival of a text message. Adam, thinking it’s the sound of the elevator arriving, opens the elevator door, leaps inside, … … and plunges down the elevator shaft. “Ping!” This time it is the sound of the elevator as it delivers Adam’s mangled remains to the second floor. The crowd stares at the body of yet another dead Stationer. “Well, that was… unexpected” Poppy concludes as the inhabitants prepare for the fourth night in the locked down Police Station.
  23. I actually thought it was important to get the sequence of events surrounding your decision to vote for Gerrid yesterday clear, yet you decide not to comment on that. I've stated the reasons for my suspicions repeatedly and quite a few people seem to share the same thoughts. I kind of understand your decision to call it a day (have fun in the mythical lands), but I also hope you truly understand that we'll likely learn the most from lynching you today. Vote: Hervi Pudding-Head (Hinckley)
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